Trapezium said:
I can only speak from my own experience - two rests, no problems. I'll try
another rest if/when I have to and see what happens. After all, most people
would junk the machine given the high cost of foam pad replacement - so
what's to lose?
I also use third-party ink and my local Epson service centre (franchised)
has no problem accepting Epson's in for warranty work with non-Epson inks in
the machine. I haven't had to take mine in, but I mentioned that I was
keeping the originals just in case it ever needed to be seen in 'genuine'
condition - and they told me not to bother because it made no difference to
them what ink was in it.
I assume that they're very keen to perform warranty work - and aren't going
to turn it away by quibbling about the brand of ink.
Just a point to purchase waste pads in the UK for a 2100 is a little over
£20 and that includes shipping of £10 in the US the price is $20 for all six
pads. not an expensive item if you have a top end printer.
Let me share my experience with you, I called Epson UK while under warranty
and asked for the problem of wheel marks on glossy paper to be corrected, in
the conversation I was asked if I used Epson Ink. I been an honest person
said I did, I was told that my warranty was invalid for two reasons first
because I used third party ink and second because I used glossy paper.
Now if you look at the paper recomennded by Epson for a 2100/2200 you will
see the machine and Epson only support semigloss. So I took them to court
and lost my claim on those two points, Ink and paper. Ok I am lucky as I was
able to conduct my own litigation, but it proves a point that Epson in the
UK do not support warranty claims if you use third party ink, and that in
days when a 2100 cost over £500 not a cheapie machine but made no difference
I lost.