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Jeez, that makes me feel unloved........I haven't had a single one!

Maybe I'll get a christmas card.........
I dont.t get these email viruses either. And maybe no Xmas cards for
me too...

Jari the most unpopular person in Finland
Jeffrey A. Setaro wrote:
You must have missed the ACAV "Miranda Warning"...

You have the right to remain silent. If you chose to give up that right
anything you say can and probably will be used to flame you until extra
crispy. :-)

that would make an awefully good sig...
Gigi said:
Unfortunately these things do not come with a label. Yours may just be
something similar. However if you had not received it earlier, it's
likely that you belong to an ISP group that has not been infected


False !

1- I dislike the way many of you have replied to TD. I'm working on the
assumtion that the only stupid questions are those which remain not asked...
2- Those who suggest Googling or looking at the Symantec' site should better
look at this :


Search through the news letters : there is an interesting article about the
way viruses propagate or not from one country to an other and the reason


Choose View by > Virus Name
Choose Top 10 > Worm_Swen.A

Viruses does not spread the same way nor the same speed all over the World.

This guy may be from an area where this virus spreads slower than in Yurope
or US.

It seems to me, sometimes, that many people around there never heard of a
World outside of the US (assuming they heard of a World outside their
county, which will be the minimum).



Jean-Luc Cavey
Paris, France
E-Mail : (e-mail address removed)
Bill said:
No, you're the only one...dumbass.

Well, glad to see that this ng doesn't need trolls, it has it's own zoo full
of them, just like last time I dipped in.
Kind of worrying on a subject as serious as viral protection; rather like
having a spammer in charge of your email account.
Nice to see the above exception to the general rule of "There are no stupid
questions, only stupid answers"


False !

1- I dislike the way many of you have replied to TD. I'm working on the
assumtion that the only stupid questions are those which remain not asked...
2- Those who suggest Googling or looking at the Symantec' site should better
look at this :


Search through the news letters : there is an interesting article about the
way viruses propagate or not from one country to an other and the reason


Choose View by > Virus Name
Choose Top 10 > Worm_Swen.A

Viruses does not spread the same way nor the same speed all over the World.

This guy may be from an area where this virus spreads slower than in Yurope
or US.

It seems to me, sometimes, that many people around there never heard of a
World outside of the US (assuming they heard of a World outside their
county, which will be the minimum).


I have some sympathy for your view on how the OP was treated,
and I take your point on the way virii propgate around the world.
However as Google collates posts to newsgroups from every part of the
world (incidently I'm in UK not US) then there is no excuse for not
doing some research before posting. I do find it hard to believe that
anyone from whatever country who has heard of newsgroups such as this
has not also heard of Swen, MS Blaster or whatever. IMHO the OP has
left him/herself wide open to the response they got...

Steven Cook said:
I have some sympathy for your view on how the OP was treated,
and I take your point on the way virii propgate around the world.
However as Google collates posts to newsgroups from every part of the
world (incidently I'm in UK not US) then there is no excuse for not
doing some research before posting. I do find it hard to believe that
anyone from whatever country who has heard of newsgroups such as this
has not also heard of Swen, MS Blaster or whatever. IMHO the OP has
left him/herself wide open to the response they got...


Steve I agree with you. You are right.

However, why has this poor guy been fired at will while, for example, a
Google search for "what's the best antivirus software ? " will return that
this is the question that comes every week as surely that The Sunday Time ?

I mean that it's the weakness of these news groups : people who discover
them never read the rules nor the FAQ. Seems to me that rules and FAQ are
finally not made for the newbies but for the accustomed of the place. Aren't
they ?

They are facing a dramatic issue (to their eyes). They jump on their
keyborad and post a mail as others throw a bottle in the sea ... It's
disagreable for the us but it's the rule.

Want googling ? Search for "cavey" (my actual name) in this news group. You
may also google for cavey+virus in the standard google (not the news groups
google) : you will find my posts or those of my brother : he is a doctor and
writes on biological viruses ;:-).

So goes the news group; so goes Internet...

And keep in mind that to go away from the Ngs for a while and have fresh air
is a good idea sometimes...


Jean-Luc Cavey
Paris, France
E-Mail : (e-mail address removed)
1- I dislike the way many of you have replied to TD. I'm working on the
assumtion that the only stupid questions are those which remain not asked...

There are no stupid questions. Howver, there are a lot of inquisitive
Bill said:
On Fri, 28 Nov 2003 00:48:01 +0100, "Why so many stars for so few

There are no stupid questions. Howver, there are a lot of inquisitive

And at least as many modest persons who can avoid to give lessons to the

Addiction ? Reply button locked depressed ?

Have you been recently appointed as cops on this news groups ? If so,
congratulations. We need one.


Jean-Luc Cavey
Paris, France
E-Mail : (e-mail address removed)
Abe Lincoln is purported to have said: "It is better to remain silent and thought a fool than to
speak up and remove all doubt."

Thanks for speaking up. Any doubt has been thusly removed.
Bill said:
There are no stupid questions. Howver, there are a lot of inquisitive

How about idiots who can't spell however? And "inquisitive idiots" is
an oxymoron. In your case; you can obviously remove oxy.
Yikes! I'm glad I didn't post a similar message here without my asbestos
suit on!

I started getting SwenA e-mail only about 3 months ago. I didn't realize it
was a virus, as I was deleting these messages at the server, until one
accidentally got through and set off NOD32.

I downloaded MMM3 and used the latest Swen A filter and the combination is
working nicely .



wayne said:
Yikes! I'm glad I didn't post a similar message here without my asbestos
suit on!

I started getting SwenA e-mail only about 3 months ago. I didn't realize it
was a virus, as I was deleting these messages at the server, until one
accidentally got through and set off NOD32.

I downloaded MMM3 and used the latest Swen A filter and the combination is
working nicely .



Thanks Wayne. You have proven that there are people out there capable
of a humane, intelligent, adult reponse and you have refortified my
faith in mankind.

This is the type of reponse I had hoped to elicit. It had nothing to do
with the fact that this virus has been propagated for months or my
ability to read, etc., etc.

Perhaps I should have included the word, currently, in my last
statement, i.e. Is anyone else currently experiencing this nuisance?,
but I doubt, judging by the the childish nature of most of the
responses, that would have made a difference.
Thanks Wayne. You have proven that there are people out there capable
of a humane, intelligent, adult reponse and you have refortified my
faith in mankind.

This is the type of reponse I had hoped to elicit. It had nothing to do
with the fact that this virus has been propagated for months or my
ability to read, etc., etc.

Perhaps I should have included the word, currently, in my last
statement, i.e. Is anyone else currently experiencing this nuisance?,
but I doubt, judging by the the childish nature of most of the
responses, that would have made a difference.

I can fully sympathize with you. The Usenet groups are becoming a very tough
room to play indeed. I find that a thick skin and courtesy works a lot
better than flaming. And keep the faith since there are a large number of
fine, eager to help users out there. And I agree that the Swen problem is
better than it has been but I still get more than my share of Email with the
virus attached. Norton 2003 detects all properly and a program such as
mentioned by Wayne or Mailwasher is a must.

John O.
Hash: SHA1

...The Usenet groups are becoming a very tough room
to play indeed.

"Becoming"??? Usenet has *always* been like this!
Where have *you* been? Oh, wait, I betcha I know --
AOL, right?

Version: PGP 8.0.2
Comment: http://www.queenofcyberspace.com/laura_fredericks.asc


Laura Fredericks
PGP key ID - DH/DSS 2048/1024: 0xC753039A


Remove CLOTHES to reply.
Want googling ? Search for "cavey" (my actual name) in this news group. You
may also google for cavey+virus in the standard google (not the news groups
google) : you will find my posts or those of my brother : he is a doctor and
writes on biological viruses ;:-).

I had never heard of W32.Swenn.A@mm before, and I rather doubt
that a google search would yield much useful information. Maybe the
OP should reduce the typematic rate or spend less time with the "n"
key depressed?

Swen.a has probably just recently found its way into the OP's
circle of friends and is doing its thing ~ I received a total of 4
swen e-mails (during its 'just slightly past peak' performance)
and know for a fact that my e-mail address wasn't harvested
from usenet (my *real* e-mail address that is - my fake one
was harvested for sure).

And keep in mind that to go away from the Ngs for a while and have fresh air
is a good idea sometimes...

.....ahhh ~ yes!!

....and it's nice to see that a simple question still gets so many <cough> helpful
responses from the group ~ it is very entertaining.