Vuescan Epson 4490 Nightmare

  • Thread starter Thread starter david.boreham
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The previous post by Don contained nothing but the sound of him digging

Rafe and Mal have covered this adequately, and I reiterate the
sentiments - examining disassembled code to try to determine
programming competence is an absolute joke.
Only a fraud and pretender would continue along this line - and Don
*is* a fraud and a pretender. And he doesn't even know when to stop.
This thread will haunt him from now on.

You are now completely discredited, Don. Enjoy!
Don said:
If "Mal" had 25-odd years of programming experience starting with IBM
mainframes (360-148) maybe "Mal" would understand. Or maybe not...

Ay! Don't go there, hombre...

When - in spite of this optimization (!) - these OS calls are all over
the place, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to deduce that the
underlying source code is a mess. And one doesn't need to recreate the
source code 100% to see this. Simple, unemotional, objective fact.

Again: don't go there. Completely unrelated stuff.
Executable code particularly after linked with
object code libraries will never resemble the structure
of the original programmed code, whatever the language.
You simply cannot relate one to the other. Period.
Umm, Don? With all (cough, cough) due respect:
you don't know what you're talking about.

Umm, Rafe? With all (cough, cough) due respect: you are clearly not a
"OS calls all over the place." The horror!

Keep an eye on the ball and pay attention to *context*!! Not "all over
the place" as in "many" but as in "out of sequence or superfluous".

When the same calls are made repeatedly (not to poll!) or specific
calls are out of *required* sequence, etc - that's a mess! The horror
indeed! No wonder the program falls over even if you just look at it.
Umm, Don. That's what happens. That's the way it's done.

Umm, Rafe. That's not what happens. That's not the way it's done e.g.
you don't read the file first and then open it! (That, BTW, is just a
simple abstract illustration, so don't get hung up on it literally.)
Now I grant you some folks over-use OS facilities,

On the contrary! Calling the OS when a feature is available is *the*
preferred way of doing things for a number of reasons e.g. why
re-invent the wheel and future-proofing - to name two.
but it would
be hard to prove that from the object code. It's hard enough
to do even if you *have the source.*

Now I *know* you're not a programmer. Looking at the source code you
may *think* the program is doing one thing, but only stepping through
the machine code will actually tell you what *really* happens. CS 101.

That's what bugs are! The programmer *thinks* the source is doing one
thing, but the actual code does something else. Debugging 101.
You can't claim to know anything of the structure of a modern
application (like NikonScan or Vuescan) from the object code.
There are layers of abstraction and hierarchy that would take
a lifetime to divine.

I don't know how many times I've repeated this but you folks just
never seem to learn. Perhaps you should laminate this:

When Don makes a statement it's based on fact. If the fact is not
included it's only because of space constrains and/or to make the
message easier to comprehend. Do not read into that! Don does *not*
bluff! So, when Don is challenged he calmly produces the goods.

Therefore, since you asked...

NOTE: You will need a hex editor for this. The hex digit in front is
the offset from *file* start!

I've partially disassembled two NikonScan TWAIN module versions (3010
& 3013). Specifically, LS5000.md3 because that's what drives my LS50
so the following applies *ONLY* to this module and version!!! <===!!!

*----------- version 3010 ------------------------------------------
* 100650A3 - change from 31 to 34 hex to turn on multiscanning

*----------- version 3013 ------------------------------------------
* 10065013 - change from 31 to 34 hex to turn on multiscanning

This will turn e.g.:
100650A1 83 C1 31 add ecx,31h * add 49 caps
100650A1 83 C1 34 add ecx,34h * add 52 caps

Actually, this doesn't really turn on multiscanning per se, but fools
TWAIN into thinking it's talking to an LS-5000. The 49/52 is the
number of capabilities (I call "caps" above) each scanner has.

So, turning on multiscanning for the LS-50 this way won't do you much
good because the firmware in the scanner will override it. However,
doing this will make NikonScan drop down the box (!) and let you set
multiscanning but that won't do anything due to the firmware override.

What's more useful is increasing maximum exposure for all channels
(Master, RGB & Gray). Having found where and how it's done I set it to
+16 (instead of the default +2). Don't bother asking, BTW... I will
tell you, however, that max EV values are stored as double precision
floating point.

Now, what were you saying, Rafe...?

"Noons" <[email protected]>
pretending to be Mal said:
The attempted Red Herring on the recent forged posts and the
ad hominem attack are irrelevant and ignored.

Well, Noons. Sorry, I mean, "Mal"! I've got a few minutes to kill so
let's have a quick look-see.

Mal's posting history:

So, last message posted by real Mal was in July 2005, over a year ago:
And then nothing for over 12 months. Odd!

The first message after that is in "alt.test" (well, you have to try
out the forgery first):

Followed by the rabid outbursts here and no messages anywhere else!

OK, so let's look at the headers! Real Mal was using Free Agent:
X-Newsreader: Forte Free Agent 2.0/32.646
and an Australian provider.

And what does our "new Mal" use? Well, this:
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:
Gecko/20060808 Fedora/ Thunderbird/

Hmm...? Who else uses a similar setup here? Well, there's Per Inge but
he runs Suse. Others run Gecko on Red Hat! But wait! What about our
friend Noonsie?

X-HTTP-UserAgent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US;
rv: Gecko/20060728 Firefox/,gzip(gfe),gzip(gfe)

Close enough... Yeah, yeah, I know, NT, etc... But it doesn't matter.

Noonsie couldn't resist gloating and he's from "down under"!
As is "Mal"!
As is our friend "Mark"! Don't talk to me about our friend Mark!

Oh, look! Very close to Noonsie! Older version though! Nice touch!

X-HTTP-UserAgent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US;
rv:1.7.12) Gecko/20050915 Firefox/1.0.7,gzip(gfe),gzip(gfe)

Firefox is up to date! (I run the same version.)

Anyway, I have no need or wish to chase up the rest of the headers...
(The dinner's ready!)

So, who's posting these new forgeries viciously attacking Don?
Is it really the criminal gang from Austr-ay-lia? Someone else?
The perennial "Ed and Bart show" with a "down under" diversion?

W h o c a r e s...!

The point is they're all transparent forgeries and flame baits.

So, it's back to the drawing board for you boys! I know... I know...
But first you have to lash out some more to try to work off the
frustration of getting caught again with your pants down... OK, go
ahead. Resume raging abuse! And I'll ignore you as usual.

Don said:
[irrelevant bit snipped]
Keep an eye on the ball and pay attention to *context*!! Not "all over
the place" as in "many" but as in "out of sequence or superfluous".

When the same calls are made repeatedly (not to poll!) or specific
calls are out of *required* sequence, etc - that's a mess! The horror
indeed! No wonder the program falls over even if you just look at it.
[more Don rambling snipped]

Absolutely unbelievable; I have *never* *ever* read such a farrago
of non-sequiteurs, illogic and sheer failure to understand (let alone
address) the point in my life. The funniest bit was the totally
irrelevant "tutorial" on how to use a hex editor - something that the
average 16 year old script-kiddie can do in his sleep.

Thanks, Rafe, for provoking that from Don. I'm sure it wasn't
intentional but I haven't laughed so much for ages.
You haven't begun to answer the challenge.

To wit: show us a spurious or unnecessary system call in either NikonScan or
Vuescan, and explain how it is you know from the disassembly that the call
is in fact spurious or unnecessary.

Your post involving a hex editor and a NikonScan TWAIN module proves

So, answer the challenge, if you please. Or if you prefer, you can continue
trying to impress the newbies while demonstrating your ignorance to the rest
of us.

rafe b
Did you log the issues with Ed?

If the 4490 is a relatively new scanner, there may well be bugs in his
implementation. Way back when I got my copy of Vuescan in about 2000,
it was for a then new Acer film scanner. There were a few minor bugs,
but within a couple of weeks, Ed had fixed them. And since then the
program has improved beyond recognition. As far as I am concerned,
Vuescan was the best $49 (I think it was) I ever spent - it's certainly
the only one-man-show piece of software I have anywhere my computer -
You mean you do not have the Irfanview?

Pavel said:
You mean you do not have the Irfanview?


I actually meant a one-man-piece of software *I was willing to pay
for*..!! (O:
Seriously, I can't thank Ed enough for the advantages his software has
given me, the amazing amount of extra control, much simpler batch
scanning, etc.. Yes, it has had a few bugs, and a couple of them
returned at odd times for some users, but to expect otherwise from a
program that does so much and is compatible with a multitude of widely
different scanners/control routines, is the province of fools and
people who *pretend* they are programmers. Like Don - people who have
never created anything worthwhile in their entire lives and jealously
snipe at others..

For me, I salute Ed and his constant efforts. I remember the distant,
early versions of Vuescan - they were almost funny! But even then, it
was worthwhile enough for me to get out my wallet. And now, if I
upgrade my scanner... bingo - Vuescan just drives it seamlessly and
gives me all the extra features, no new interface...

Oh, and I do have Irfanview, but more often I use an old registered
copy of Thumbs Plus, which has a few features and an interface I
Off topic.
.. blah blah.. pretending to be Mal...
...blah blah... Mal's posting history...
...blah blah...OK, so let's look at the headers!...
...blah blah...Who else uses a similar setup...
...blah blah...Don't talk to me about our friend Mark!
...Anyway, I have no need or wish to chase up the rest of the headers...
Gee, thank heavens for that. You may have *eventually* found a
W h o c a r e s...!
Got that bit right. If we go back on *your* history, Don Maple - we
see your background is actually... Ataris. (big grin) But who
The point is they're all transparent forgeries and flame baits.
Nice try, pity about the 'almost' matches. But to a brain with your
precision, I guess 'near enough' is within 100km...
Resume raging abuse! And I'll ignore you as usual.
You'll note there is no raging abuse in this post, just calm facts.
And strangely, you *aren't* ignoring the posts. Why is that?

As for me, rather than troll madly around trying to find conspiracies
and checking headers for clues, I just go by what is *said* - if it's
bullshit, it should be treated as bullshit. And everyone here has
pointed out that your 'information' and opinions are.. bullshit. If
you wish to dream that we are all the same person, go ahead.

You should try an alternative approach sometime - attack the
information, not the poster/s. Trouble is, if you thought that way, you
would have to attack your own 'information' first... So keep living in
that fantasy world and try to deflect anyone from noticing the basic
problem with your 'disassembly' claims (=bullshit). If you really did
disassemble it back to source code (bwahahah), post a good chunk so we
can take a peek. There's only ONE reason why you wouldn't do that....

Anyway, I'm sure *someone* believes you... Just nobody around *here*.


By the way, if you are right, how is it that no-one has popped up to
offer you a little support? I guess there is a further conspiracy and
we are somehow stopping that...?
Don said:
When Don makes a statement
There we have it - he now talks about himself in the third person...
Any more evidence needed of his state of mind?
..when Don is challenged he calmly produces the goods.
No, he produces irrelevant tripe.
NOTE: You will need a hex editor for this. The hex digit in front is
the offset from *file* start!
Giggle. Why do we need a hex editor? - you have quoted the *entire two
lines* of code... (((((O:
I've partially disassembled two NikonScan...
So he's trying to prove Vuescan is bad by quoting an alleged error in
*Nikonscan*, and he quotes just two instructions, completely without
context.. Sheer genius.
Actually, this doesn't really turn on multiscanning per se, but fools
TWAIN into thinking it's talking to an LS-5000.
And without seeing the entire code, it is not possible to see why they
have done that. It could be for a very good reason, it could just be a
meaningless piece of harmless redundant code. It shows nothing, proves
nothing, and is just a lame attempt by someone without a clue. This is
just embarrassing. Don - you are not bluffing *anyone* here.
The 49/52 is the
number of capabilities (I call "caps" above) each scanner has.
Ooh, how cool, he abbreviates... Lamer, and lamer..
So, turning on multiscanning for the LS-50 this way..
But you just said it was an identifying instruction.. make up your
..because the firmware in the scanner will override it.
Without seeing the complete firmware, and the *source* code, this is
just the speculation of a proven liar.
What's more useful is increasing maximum exposure for all channels
(Master, RGB & Gray). Having found where and how it's done I set it to
+16 (instead of the default +2). Don't bother asking, BTW...
No, we won't ask, it would be clearly beyond us... (O; You're funny,
Don, I'll give you that.
I will tell you, however, that max EV values are stored as double precision
floating point.
Gosh, what a revelation that is! Do you have *any* idea how foolish
you sound, as you posture and pretend you know what you are doing, Don?
Now, what were you saying, Rafe...?

Rafe has credibility and supporters. You do not. Learn when to
gracefully disappear next time. This stuff is just digging you sooooo
deep it's not funny.

Well, actually.. it is pretty funny!
Don said:
Riiight... "Mal" has clearly missed the point. Several, actually...

If "Mal" had 25-odd years of programming experience starting with IBM
mainframes (360-148) maybe "Mal" would understand. Or maybe not...

Well, Mr Don Maple, for the edification of anyone who might be fooled
by your claims of "25 odd years programming experience", I suggest they
read your CV at

If you try and delete it, I have, of course, saved a copy anyway, which
I shall be delighted to publish here should anyone so wish.

The net result of your "25 odd years programming experience", seems to
be a proclaimed knowledge of Cobol and Visual Basic and that's it.

Laughable really, isn't it.

I actually meant a one-man-piece of software *I was willing to pay
for*..!! (O:
Seriously, I can't thank Ed enough for the advantages his software has
given me, the amazing amount of extra control, much simpler batch
scanning, etc.. Yes, it has had a few bugs, and a couple of them
returned at odd times for some users, but to expect otherwise from a
program that does so much and is compatible with a multitude of widely
different scanners/control routines, is the province of fools and
people who *pretend* they are programmers. Like Don - people who have
never created anything worthwhile in their entire lives and jealously
snipe at others..

For me, I salute Ed and his constant efforts. I remember the distant,
early versions of Vuescan - they were almost funny! But even then, it
was worthwhile enough for me to get out my wallet. And now, if I
upgrade my scanner... bingo - Vuescan just drives it seamlessly and
gives me all the extra features, no new interface...

I certainly share your opinion about Vuescan and Ed.

Well, Mr Don Maple, for the edification of anyone who might be fooled
by your claims of "25 odd years programming experience", I suggest they
read your CV at

An excellent post Mal. The CV certainly is a lousy effort from someone
who professes to be a HTML programmer.

Congratulations for a fine effort.