NoNoBadDog! said:
And yet another uneducated script kiddie joins the fray....
I have installed Windows on thousands of machines over the years, and very
few had any of the problems you describe, and most often problems were due
to third party software and not Windows.
Yes, linux is a very nice OS...but not for your average computer buyer.
Script kiddie? Hardly. I've been using Windoze for ~15 years (and DOS
for a number of years before that) and *nix type OS's for ~12 years!
And in that time, the OS that has had the most problems, and by a huge
margin too, has been Windoze. So, just basing my opinion on a total of
~27 years experience! Now, installing Windoze on thousands of computers
is fine... or course it will work well on a fresh install, but give it a
year or so with a clueless user who doesn't keep his virus definitions
up-to-date, doesn't defrag the disk regularly, doesn't remove spyware
regularly.... yes, I've worked on and fixed more computers like this
than I care to remember. By the same token, check a linux box after a
year and I think you'll find it will be running a lot smoother with a
lot less junkware.
As for linux not being for your average computer buyer? Have you tried
a recent version lately? It seems to be going down a storm in places
like China and Africa without many major issues!