Rich said:
Rich said:
versions will be on par with Windows XP.
Thomas A. Horsley said:Actually the price for XP is already outrageous as well, so I'm not sure
that matters much .
Even scarier is the fact that Microsoft is entertaining the idea of offering
the OS on a subscription basis!
Actually the price for XP is already outrageous as well, so I'm not
sure that matters much .
Peter Strömberg said:(e-mail address removed) (Thomas A. Horsley) wrote in
If I would to go in a computer shop here and buy a full retail
version of XP Pro I would pay around $475 - $525 ...
(Of course, the low $ value doesn't help ;-) )
GuitarMan said:Windows XP Pro OEM costs about $140....
Boe said:WOW - I thought MS's goal was to reduce the amount of people who pirate
their software - raise the price and I'm sure that is a great way to do
this! Of course it will be more secure - if you make a package this
expensive about as small of a percentage of the population will use this OS
as do Linux, FreeBSD, or OSX. We'll all be stuck with Windows XP or will
start looking more towards Linux or OSXI to be our OS of choice
Guest said:You know, you people who always hate the #1's drive me crazy. Why waste
your time always bashing them? It is the same the way Microsoft loves to
bash Sony for having the #1 spot in videogames. It is the same the way the
US loves to hate NYC for being #1 and getting all of the attention. It is
the same as the rest of the world hating on the US for being #1 and wanting
to bring it down, including this country's buddies colonialism, the western
VanShania said:Unless linix becomes as versatile as Mac's OS X, it will only be used by
those who don't have much to do anyways
know code said:The only thing M$ is #1 at is including security flaws in its products....
oh, and crashing.... and ripping off customers with second rate products!
I have a very stable, very secure linux box here and the OS never cost a
penny. For those reasons, that makes linux #1 for me, not because I
dislike M$.
Now, if you want to continue using a second rate, highly expensive, very
insecure product, then go right ahead!
know code said:What are you talking about? I can do everything I need to do on my linux
box that I could do with Windoze, and what I need to do is probably a lot
more than the average Joe.
I have used the latest offerings from both camps, have you? IMO, the
latest linux is now way ahead of XP in performance, stability, security
etc (and it is free).
And, it is now much easier to install than XP (try installing XP on a
S-ATA drive if you're a newbie!).
know said:The only thing M$ is #1 at is including security flaws in its
products.... oh, and crashing.... and ripping off customers with second
rate products!
I have a very stable, very secure linux box here and the OS never cost a
penny. For those reasons, that makes linux #1 for me, not because I
dislike M$.
Now, if you want to continue using a second rate, highly expensive, very
insecure product, then go right ahead!