Ron said:
In my opinion, a lot of this so-called progress in operating systems is
not progress at all but minor changes to entice more sales.
Obviously. That's why there are new model automobiles every year, new
styles of clothing, new model cell phones with more features (almost
none of which have anything to do with placing a phone call), new models
of toaster ovens, etc., etc., etc. Businesses cannot continue to
generate profits unless they continue to offer new and "improved"
products and/or services. Why should a software manufacturer be any
different? It's still primarily a business, with one purpose: making
And, let's face it, a lot of the "demand" for new software "features"
comes from the consumers, who always think they need to have the "newest
and shiniest," and who want their operating systems to do more and more
for them, without the need for any pesky additional applications.
Bruce Chambers
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