Ok, there seem to be a lot of people that are having problems with Vista Home
Premium and wireless internet connections...myself included. I have a new
laptop that was working perfectly (even finding XP networks and other
computers...SOMETIMES), for some reason all of a sudden, my laptop can't get
past my router to the web. I have tried going through all of the
troubleshooters (network diagnostics) and still nothing. I am having the
typical DNS server issue as everyone else, though the DNS is not the case, I
know this because I fixed the problem by turning off my firewall. Now I have
tried again but I am back to the same point (and no my firewall is not back
on). My wireless router is recognized though it does not recognize it as a
secure connection (which it is) and will not get past the router to the
outside world.
I have gone to a hotspot and still nothing, I have even tried to connect
with a hard wire still nothing...I am at a loss and ready to uninstall Vista
and go back to XP until MS has worked out these issues. Though obviously
spending a couple of hours to fix this is better than formatting my harddrive
and reinstalling everything. Does anyone have any suggestions? (Microsoft
People...you have a lot of people who need help with this, Vista still has
some serious bugs in it) I haven't actually seen any solutions to this
problem on any of the previous postings though have seen several people
complain about the same issue.
Premium and wireless internet connections...myself included. I have a new
laptop that was working perfectly (even finding XP networks and other
computers...SOMETIMES), for some reason all of a sudden, my laptop can't get
past my router to the web. I have tried going through all of the
troubleshooters (network diagnostics) and still nothing. I am having the
typical DNS server issue as everyone else, though the DNS is not the case, I
know this because I fixed the problem by turning off my firewall. Now I have
tried again but I am back to the same point (and no my firewall is not back
on). My wireless router is recognized though it does not recognize it as a
secure connection (which it is) and will not get past the router to the
outside world.
I have gone to a hotspot and still nothing, I have even tried to connect
with a hard wire still nothing...I am at a loss and ready to uninstall Vista
and go back to XP until MS has worked out these issues. Though obviously
spending a couple of hours to fix this is better than formatting my harddrive
and reinstalling everything. Does anyone have any suggestions? (Microsoft
People...you have a lot of people who need help with this, Vista still has
some serious bugs in it) I haven't actually seen any solutions to this
problem on any of the previous postings though have seen several people
complain about the same issue.