I know what you are saying about the underlying mechanism....
and indeed this is an improvement...
but the real intention that Microsoft had for longhorn is dead.....
perhaps they will put it in the next version of windows or a service pack,
who knows...
but THAT would really change the desktop..
Again.. it would not create a "better" image in a static sense, but more
possibilities for animation and
a live 3d desktop that is not possible now.... scalable windows and letters
that would
go beyond the pixels, so that you could zoom in and have small increments of
I know this.. I have been wanting this for a long time.. and it was a
promise for vista that MS broke....
Now I don't know what 3rd party programmers will make of this advancements
in the vista display engine.. but for vista out of the box, its not much..
just a small wow for some.
I personally don't like the glass effect... it was worn off as a
novelty...really fast...
That is a problem when you make such designs.. they dont last forever, and
you need to make a very elegant design for it to become classic...