Vista Sucks!

  • Thread starter Thread starter Peter
  • Start date Start date
Microsoft MVP said:
I can't believe this operating system sucks so bad! Why are there so many
posts here? Why are people having so many problems? Why can 't Microsoft
make products that work the first time? Why have a beta program if all
these problems still happen?
Trolling is very immature.
I do not know any where near what most of you know about computers but I
know Vista works fine for myself and my friends....I spend a lot of time
going through these newsgroups hoping I can help somebody that has a problem
that maybe I can help with....I am really getting tired of MORON's who seem
to like nothing better than to piss people off enough so they stop helping
and making a difference !!..I have depended on these newsgroups for yrs when
I needed help but this is kind of detrimental don't you think...Get a life
and Grow up you frickin Baby !!!
You also don't have to activate your Hoover to get it to work properly and
call India every time you change the bag. That's a dumb example.
Maybe Best Buy has a special agreement with MS, since most companies won't
allow software to be returned due to the reasons I mentioned.
That is actually a useful link, thank you. The problem I have been running
into is the 4th line down in bold type.
Poor baby, your feelings hurt? Feeling a little grump? No nap?
Microsoft has to hire people to come here and advocate Microsoft products,
I'm offering my services for free.
Who knows, since MS claims to read these groups, I want to give them some
real input, not blow smoke up people's butts.
The other reason I am here is because I am sick of the path that MS is going
down. I can't believe they haven't figured out how to do this yet. They
are still making the same mistakes. That's amazing to me.
I want them to get their act together and fix this stuff. There is no
excuse anymore. I'm trying to start a dialog and get this stuff fixed.
Hardware and software companies have spent countless dollars and man hours
conforming to Microsoft's whims and demands and to think MS would still
force them to abandon their existing products and rewrite everything is mind
boggling to me. Additionally, consumers and companies can't continue to do
this. They can't afford keep upgrading shoddy products and they don't have
the time to spend countless hours fixing things and waiting for MS to get it
right anymore. People are sick of it. I see so many people stuggle with
this and it saddens me because in many instances it isn't their fault.
I fix and sell computers and I am so sick of having to explain why MS
products have so many problems. People want a real solution that works.
Period. Nowadays of course MS has such a monopoly that their choices are
very limited and they are tired of it. In the early days of computing,
people had choices and even though not everything was great, the market
would eventually right itself. Now MS dominates the market and THEY decide
what the market does. Problem is they aren't doing a good job anymore and
things are going downhill. If the slide continues, what then?
Right. So then your beef is with Best Buy for not taking it back. They can,
if they want, as Microsoft will credit their account for any returned

What do you suppose happened to the millions of copies of XP that
disappeared off the store shelves of the world - overnight? Do you think the
retailers just threw them out? They were returned for credit. Or, they got
credit and were told to destroy them.



Richard Urban MVP
Microsoft Windows Shell/User
Richard Urban said:
Right. So then your beef is with Best Buy for not taking it back. They can,
if they want, as Microsoft will credit their account for any returned

What do you suppose happened to the millions of copies of XP that
disappeared off the store shelves of the world - overnight? Do you think the
retailers just threw them out? They were returned for credit. Or, they got
credit and were told to destroy them.

XP disappeared overnight ?!?!?! I bought two more XP Home upgrades just
last week to compensate for the waylaid plans of installing VISTA upgrades...
one of which I will not be returning in the event that it becomes a real collectors
item. ;-)

According to web data, the local Fry's Electronics stores, Comp USA, etc., XP
will be on the shelves for a minimum of another full year. Personally, I expect it
to be a bit longer given what I'm seeing around here. At this point, I sadly foresee
another debacle along the lines of the Windows ME disaster. Now there's an
OS that came off of the shelves in a hurry....

Nobody is forcing anybody to use Vista. Linux is free. Go for it. I am
one of most who are very happy with Vista.
My God you are an idiot !!!..Go pee on the porch with the rest of the
puppies and let the rest of us help those who both need and want our
help..!!! I personally do not have time to waste on morons who simply want
to bitch with no really valid points !!!..I do apologize for all others who
may read this but enough is enough...Can this idiot not be blocked ??
Drew said:
Just another EXTREMELY valid point !! How soon people forget what a
nightmare xp was the first few months at least...I highly doubt Vista will
need anywhere near the service packs that XP did and still does...I know
as I have been running it (xp)since it first came out and still have xp
pro sp2 on wife's laptop (will wait for it to die before replacing it with
a (Yes it will be Vista !!!) computer...If you are an MVP which I highly
doubt you would have the common sense and BRAINS to fix your computer
instead of trying to blame a company that is CLEARLY not all at fault !!!

Just say no to Trolls !!!

He's not an MVP, he's a troll. Otherwise posts under the name Scott Thomas
and switched to this troll posting name recently. He's not very good at
being a troll either. More than a bit stupid.
teknicol said:
It seems to qualify under the definition of 'Extorsion', when we are
to pay dearly for an unfinished and flawed product then have to pay them
advice to for advice to help us fix it. However I enterred this forum for
help in sorting out my brand new Vista computer problems on start up. I
to find out why I get a windowsaying:- "Power2Go Express has stopped
working. Windows will close the program and notify you if a solution is
available." I look foreward to any advice, but frankly did not expect or
desire to enter a 'Flame war'. As far as returning Vista, how can you do
from a new computer. Right now I feel I would gladly swap my new
pre-installed Vista for an XP Media Center disk if anyonecan tell me how
do that!!! And why would anyone other than the most desperate enter this
sadly argumentative situation, don't you all have anything better to do.
your computers are so wonderful on Vista what are you all doing here??

Umm, how can it be "Extortion" (note spelling) when you made a choice to buy
what you did? Good luck with your problem.

By the way why did you ask your question a reply to another thread,
especially one that bothers you? The standard thing to do is create a new
thread with your question.
Say it ain't so Rock. You've gone and done it now.

Funny how MVP's are the most abusive people here who love to attack others.
I haven't attacked you guys personally, but it seems you have to take the
low road and make it personal. Rather than attacking my advice, you have to
make it personal. That shows real lack of character. This isn't personal
Rock. Anyone who disagrees with you is simply a troll and cannot possibly
have any valid points. I have noticed several "MVP's" giving bad advice.
MVP's tend to be the most abusive people here.
Microsoft MVP said:
Say it ain't so Rock. You've gone and done it now.

Funny how MVP's are the most abusive people here who love to attack
I haven't attacked you guys personally, but it seems you have to take the
low road and make it personal. Rather than attacking my advice, you have
make it personal. That shows real lack of character. This isn't personal
Rock. Anyone who disagrees with you is simply a troll and cannot possibly
have any valid points. I have noticed several "MVP's" giving bad advice.
MVP's tend to be the most abusive people here.

Giving incorrect advice is one thing. Everyone makes mistakes, no one knows
everything. One of the good things about these newsgroups is the peer
review. When you blow it folks see it and call you on it. And yes some
make more mistakes than others.

Intentionally posting ridiculous, misleading, or unhelpful advice is another
issue altogether. Need I refer back to one of your first posts, to the OP
who had Firefox on their system where you replied to the OP that because of
it the MS police would be after him? And on top of which it was totally
unrelated to the problem he was posting about, namely Windows Explorer

Abusive? How about your post yesterday in windowsxp.general where your
clock was off. A person replied letting you know this, and your response
was to call him a dumb*ss. Your reaction was to ridicule him claiming it
was because you were in a different time zone, when in reality you were the
one with the misundstanding about how message times are displayed, and you
were, in fact, posting from the future.

He is one of the very helpful regular posters in that newsgroup. Did he
deserve that - just because he wanted to let you know of a problem of which
you might not be aware?

You are abusive to the poor soul who comes in here with a problem when you
ridicule their predicament by posting your garbage. They come here for
help, not to hear you spout a personal agenda. Why take it out on them?

It would be one thing if you simply kept to stating an opinion about Vista
and MS. There are plenty of folks in here who do that, and I respect their
right to it. But you don't. You take it out on the innocent folks posting
here for help. That is the height of abusiveness.

You changed your posting name to misrepresent yourself as an MVP. That
shows a lack of integrity, and in my assessment isn't very smart. Why can't
you let your opinions stand on their own?

I find the proposition interesting that it's ok for a poster to lie,
intentionally mislead, misrepresent, and take it out on innocent third
parties, but when someone who happens to have an MVP designation stands up
against it, that gets labeled as abusive or rude.

What I wrote in this thread that has engendered this discussion was actually
in a reply to another party. It was not directed to you nor an attack on
you. I simply stated my opinion that "He's not very good at being a troll
either. More than a bit stupid." All this is in reference to your on going
behavior. You got called on what you do, and you don't like it. That's too

Compare the tenor in this newsgroup to windowsxp.general, for example, where
you have also done some trolling. It's much different there, in spite of
the occasional posts by you and a few others. The focus is much more on
users helping users In here there is so much more of the trolling, by the
Mac advocates, the Linux folks and those who just feel like they want to
mess with MS, much of it at the expense of the person who had the audacity
to ask for help.

Do the trolls care about them? They make little of their plight, make fun
of it. Why? Just because it's a new OS and some people have a personal
agenda against MS?

There is nothing wrong with advocating for a different approach; there is a
world of difference between that and some of the stuff you do. I will admit
you have on occasion answered a question reasonably, but that doesn't
justify all the other nonsense. Some of the trolls don't even do that much,
so I do have to hand that to you.
Giving incorrect advice is one thing. Everyone makes mistakes, no one
everything. One of the good things about these newsgroups is the peer
review. When you blow it folks see it and call you on it. And yes some
make more mistakes than others.

Intentionally posting ridiculous, misleading, or unhelpful advice is another
issue altogether. Need I refer back to one of your first posts, to the OP
who had Firefox on their system where you replied to the OP that because of
it the MS police would be after him? And on top of which it was totally
unrelated to the problem he was posting about, namely Windows Explorer
That was an obvious joke and he DID refer to Firefox. That was part of the

At the present moment you must admit that there is an awful lot of third
party things that don't work with Vista. You and people like you blame the
makers of the apps and hardware, but my angle is that those manufacturers
cannot be expected to keep upgrading their products every time Microsoft
tells them to. Some of these companies have to almost rewrite their whole
code base to accommodate Vista. And one of the main things that bugs me
about THAT is that CUSTOMERS have to buy new products every time that
happens. That is a disturbing trend for alot of people. Some people have
invested ALOT of money on apps and hardware. To think they would have to
abandon those and upgrade "just because" is worrisome at best. You are
probably also aware that MS has been in trouble with the law for "not
playing nice" with other companies. They have been sued and LOST in some
huge lawsuits, but now the same things are happening over again. As people
have pointed out, Vista is having similar problems to XP. Is this a
business model for them now?

Abusive? How about your post yesterday in windowsxp.general where your
clock was off. A person replied letting you know this, and your response
was to call him a dumb*ss. Your reaction was to ridicule him claiming it
was because you were in a different time zone, when in reality you were the
one with the misunderstanding about how message times are displayed, and you
were, in fact, posting from the future.

Which I promptly apologized for after realizing I made a mistake, even
BEFORE you chastised me. You obviously didn't read his abusive
condescending previous post, which prompted my remark. I was retaliating,
not initiating.

From my perspective there WAS no future posting. The date and time were
completely accurate. As you have doubtfully seen, there is a legitimate
problem with the time servers. The time servers have been having difficulty
due to the unusual time change this year. It certainly wasn't my fault that
the time changed differently this year and caused problems.

He falsely accused me of deliberately future posting (which came out of
nowhere by the way. There was absolutely no reason for it). He didn't
simply say "you are future posting" like you did, he attacked me first. He
was not merely pointing out the the time was wrong, he was accusing me of
doing it on purpose, which is ridiculous.
He is one of the very helpful regular posters in that newsgroup. Did he
deserve that - just because he wanted to let you know of a problem of which
you might not be aware?

I certainly haven't seen that. Before your tirade, I considered him to be
one of the more abusive posters. It can be very subtle, but is there
You are abusive to the poor soul who comes in here with a problem when you
ridicule their predicament by posting your garbage. They come here for
help, not to hear you spout a personal agenda. Why take it out on them?

Have you read between the lines of most of these posts? They are unhappy
wihth the performance of these products.

If you really want to help someone you must first sympathize.

It would be one thing if you simply kept to stating an opinion about Vista
and MS. There are plenty of folks in here who do that, and I respect their
right to it. But you don't. You take it out on the innocent folks posting
here for help. That is the height of abusiveness.

How so? How am I "taking it out" on "innocent folks"? I don't even see how
you think I am abusing people anymore than most of the people that post
here. I don't even really see how you think I am "abusing" people here.
How am I abusing them? I AM stating opinions about Vista and MS, not
personally attacking people.
You changed your posting name to misrepresent yourself as an MVP. That
shows a lack of integrity, and in my assessment isn't very smart. Why can't
you let your opinions stand on their own?

I'm demonstrating the absurdity of the "MVP". I actually did read through
these newgroups for awhile before posting and MOST of the "MVP's" here
either give bad advice (yes I've seen it, including you just today) and/or
are abusive to innocent people for no reason. One of the posters asked a
legitimate question about one of the "MVP's" posts regarding the time server
problem and you had to tear him a new one. That was not called for. Some
of the MVP's basically have the opinion the the person asking the question
is "dumb" and wonders why the person would even ask that question. I don't
track everyones posts, but I could easily find more examples.
I find the proposition interesting that it's ok for a poster to lie,
intentionally mislead, misrepresent, and take it out on innocent third
parties, but when someone who happens to have an MVP designation stands up
against it, that gets labeled as abusive or rude.

You or anyone else is welcome to "stand up against it". I'm not debating
that you have a right to correct things. You are putting words into my
mouth (or typing them, hehe). I'm not even really sure at what point you
thought I was against "peer review". As I said, prior to that ONE event, I
hadn't personally attacked others, yet in their wisdom many "MVP's" saw fit
to attack me PERSONALLY. It wasn't enough to simply call me a troll and
tell people not to listen. They could have siomply said the information was
false (if it actually was, but thats another story) and provided correct
info. I've joked about a few things that I would think any reasonable
person could see through. I guess Ill have to specify that I'm joking.
What I wrote in this thread that has engendered this discussion was actually
in a reply to another party. It was not directed to you nor an attack on
you. I simply stated my opinion that "He's not very good at being a troll
either. More than a bit stupid." All this is in reference to your on going
behavior. You got called on what you do, and you don't like it. That's too
"More than a bit stupid"? How is that not an attack? I haven't even
attacked YOU directly, yet you see fit to attack ME. Prior to this rant, I
was beginning to acknowledge that you may have been one of the people
"above" all of this. FYI I don't' recall anything I've said prior to now
has had anything to do with you personally or that you were giving bad
Compare the tenor in this newsgroup to windowsxp.general, for example, where
you have also done some trolling. It's much different there, in spite of
the occasional posts by you and a few others. The focus is much more on
users helping users In here there is so much more of the trolling, by the
Mac advocates, the Linux folks and those who just feel like they want to
mess with MS, much of it at the expense of the person who had the audacity
to ask for help.
Do the trolls care about them? They make little of their plight, make fun
of it. Why? Just because it's a new OS and some people have a personal
agenda against MS?
Hey, let's be honest, Microsoft IS to blame for alot of this. I'm sure you
know that they have HIRED people to come here and ADVOCATE Microsoft
products. That's amazing to me. People NEED to know that and there ought
to be a counter to that (people telling the truth that MS isn't perfect).

If MS HRIES people to come here, they must be monitoring these groups for
product ideas and problems. I've heard they even deliberately harass people
to see what matters most to them based on how they respond.

People saying Ohhh, MS is so great, no problems! That isn't going to fix or
change anything. As I've mentioned Ive been in this industry over 12 years
and I have seen it progressively slide downhill because of dumb things that
could be fixed. People are astounded by the activation issue in my
experience (spare the lecture about piracy). MS got where it is due to
casual copying so people could try before they bought). I am astounded that
MS can't get it right after all their experience. There is no longer
justification for reinventing the wheel every few years and coming out with
a whole new product that doesn't work with the old stuff. People have too
much time and money invested now (not to mention large companies with
hundreds or thousands of PCs) to continually play the MS upgrade game.

I recently had to provide a driver for an older DVD drive just to install
Vista! That is absurd! One can't even GET older drivers for some hardware.
Previous versions of Windows didn't even NEED drivers for CD/DVD drives.
Can you please point out to me a current "desktop" operating system that is
not massively updated at least once every 3-4 years, if not more often.



Richard Urban MVP
Microsoft Windows Shell/User

Microsoft MVP said:
Giving incorrect advice is one thing. Everyone makes mistakes, no one knows
everything. One of the good things about these newsgroups is the peer
review. When you blow it folks see it and call you on it. And yes some
make more mistakes than others.

Intentionally posting ridiculous, misleading, or unhelpful advice is another
issue altogether. Need I refer back to one of your first posts, to the
who had Firefox on their system where you replied to the OP that because of
it the MS police would be after him? And on top of which it was totally
unrelated to the problem he was posting about, namely Windows Explorer
That was an obvious joke and he DID refer to Firefox. That was part of

At the present moment you must admit that there is an awful lot of third
party things that don't work with Vista. You and people like you blame
makers of the apps and hardware, but my angle is that those manufacturers
cannot be expected to keep upgrading their products every time Microsoft
tells them to. Some of these companies have to almost rewrite their whole
code base to accommodate Vista. And one of the main things that bugs me
about THAT is that CUSTOMERS have to buy new products every time that
happens. That is a disturbing trend for alot of people. Some people have
invested ALOT of money on apps and hardware. To think they would have to
abandon those and upgrade "just because" is worrisome at best. You are
probably also aware that MS has been in trouble with the law for "not
playing nice" with other companies. They have been sued and LOST in some
huge lawsuits, but now the same things are happening over again. As
have pointed out, Vista is having similar problems to XP. Is this a
business model for them now?

Abusive? How about your post yesterday in windowsxp.general where your
clock was off. A person replied letting you know this, and your response
was to call him a dumb*ss. Your reaction was to ridicule him claiming it
was because you were in a different time zone, when in reality you were the
one with the misunderstanding about how message times are displayed, and you
were, in fact, posting from the future.

Which I promptly apologized for after realizing I made a mistake, even
BEFORE you chastised me. You obviously didn't read his abusive
condescending previous post, which prompted my remark. I was retaliating,
not initiating.

From my perspective there WAS no future posting. The date and time were
completely accurate. As you have doubtfully seen, there is a legitimate
problem with the time servers. The time servers have been having
due to the unusual time change this year. It certainly wasn't my fault
the time changed differently this year and caused problems.

He falsely accused me of deliberately future posting (which came out of
nowhere by the way. There was absolutely no reason for it). He didn't
simply say "you are future posting" like you did, he attacked me first.
was not merely pointing out the the time was wrong, he was accusing me of
doing it on purpose, which is ridiculous.
He is one of the very helpful regular posters in that newsgroup. Did he
deserve that - just because he wanted to let you know of a problem of which
you might not be aware?

I certainly haven't seen that. Before your tirade, I considered him to be
one of the more abusive posters. It can be very subtle, but is there
You are abusive to the poor soul who comes in here with a problem when
ridicule their predicament by posting your garbage. They come here for
help, not to hear you spout a personal agenda. Why take it out on them?

Have you read between the lines of most of these posts? They are unhappy
wihth the performance of these products.

If you really want to help someone you must first sympathize.

It would be one thing if you simply kept to stating an opinion about
and MS. There are plenty of folks in here who do that, and I respect their
right to it. But you don't. You take it out on the innocent folks posting
here for help. That is the height of abusiveness.

How so? How am I "taking it out" on "innocent folks"? I don't even see
you think I am abusing people anymore than most of the people that post
here. I don't even really see how you think I am "abusing" people here.
How am I abusing them? I AM stating opinions about Vista and MS, not
personally attacking people.
You changed your posting name to misrepresent yourself as an MVP. That
shows a lack of integrity, and in my assessment isn't very smart. Why can't
you let your opinions stand on their own?

I'm demonstrating the absurdity of the "MVP". I actually did read through
these newgroups for awhile before posting and MOST of the "MVP's" here
either give bad advice (yes I've seen it, including you just today) and/or
are abusive to innocent people for no reason. One of the posters asked a
legitimate question about one of the "MVP's" posts regarding the time
problem and you had to tear him a new one. That was not called for. Some
of the MVP's basically have the opinion the the person asking the question
is "dumb" and wonders why the person would even ask that question. I
track everyones posts, but I could easily find more examples.
I find the proposition interesting that it's ok for a poster to lie,
intentionally mislead, misrepresent, and take it out on innocent third
parties, but when someone who happens to have an MVP designation stands
against it, that gets labeled as abusive or rude.

You or anyone else is welcome to "stand up against it". I'm not debating
that you have a right to correct things. You are putting words into my
mouth (or typing them, hehe). I'm not even really sure at what point you
thought I was against "peer review". As I said, prior to that ONE event,
hadn't personally attacked others, yet in their wisdom many "MVP's" saw
to attack me PERSONALLY. It wasn't enough to simply call me a troll and
tell people not to listen. They could have siomply said the information
false (if it actually was, but thats another story) and provided correct
info. I've joked about a few things that I would think any reasonable
person could see through. I guess Ill have to specify that I'm joking.
What I wrote in this thread that has engendered this discussion was actually
in a reply to another party. It was not directed to you nor an attack on
you. I simply stated my opinion that "He's not very good at being a
either. More than a bit stupid." All this is in reference to your on going
behavior. You got called on what you do, and you don't like it. That's too
"More than a bit stupid"? How is that not an attack? I haven't even
attacked YOU directly, yet you see fit to attack ME. Prior to this rant,
was beginning to acknowledge that you may have been one of the people
"above" all of this. FYI I don't' recall anything I've said prior to now
has had anything to do with you personally or that you were giving bad
Compare the tenor in this newsgroup to windowsxp.general, for example, where
you have also done some trolling. It's much different there, in spite of
the occasional posts by you and a few others. The focus is much more on
users helping users In here there is so much more of the trolling, by
Mac advocates, the Linux folks and those who just feel like they want to
mess with MS, much of it at the expense of the person who had the
to ask for help.
Do the trolls care about them? They make little of their plight, make
of it. Why? Just because it's a new OS and some people have a personal
agenda against MS?
Hey, let's be honest, Microsoft IS to blame for alot of this. I'm sure
know that they have HIRED people to come here and ADVOCATE Microsoft
products. That's amazing to me. People NEED to know that and there ought
to be a counter to that (people telling the truth that MS isn't perfect).

If MS HRIES people to come here, they must be monitoring these groups for
product ideas and problems. I've heard they even deliberately harass
to see what matters most to them based on how they respond.

People saying Ohhh, MS is so great, no problems! That isn't going to fix
change anything. As I've mentioned Ive been in this industry over 12
and I have seen it progressively slide downhill because of dumb things
could be fixed. People are astounded by the activation issue in my
experience (spare the lecture about piracy). MS got where it is due to
casual copying so people could try before they bought). I am astounded
MS can't get it right after all their experience. There is no longer
justification for reinventing the wheel every few years and coming out
a whole new product that doesn't work with the old stuff. People have too
much time and money invested now (not to mention large companies with
hundreds or thousands of PCs) to continually play the MS upgrade game.

I recently had to provide a driver for an older DVD drive just to install
Vista! That is absurd! One can't even GET older drivers for some
Previous versions of Windows didn't even NEED drivers for CD/DVD drives.
Richard Urban said:
Can you please point out to me a current "desktop" operating system that is
not massively updated at least once every 3-4 years, if not more often.

The one that I leave alone once it's finally tweaked to my liking... and I have
a lot of those.


(see header)
Yep! That's about the only one.



Richard Urban MVP
Microsoft Windows Shell/User