Vista Registry Cleaner - As Every PC Deserves the Best!

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HeyBub said:
Yes, of course I checked them; Wouldn't have been much of a test,
otherwise. They weren't remnants of the OS installation; all (dozens,
I'd noticed the trend by then) of the ones I checked were legitimate

Legitimate keys to WHAT? Boy, you can't provide anything substantive at
all, can you?

I challenge you:
1. Let me pick a situation and we'll work out the problems.
2. Or you pick a situation and we'll work out hte problems.

We'll each accomplish the same set of tests, complete with timing
measurements and reasonalbe, meaningful levels of detail. We can even
collaborate on a registry screw if you wish. You've stated you're
pretty knowledgeable where the registry is concerned, so it should be
easy between the two of us to devise entries that will not compromise
the machine but will fill it with lots of data to simulate a couple
years worth of registry growth. Then we'll image, clean with a chose
cleaner, and report results.

Let's go: I'm ready. How do you want to get started?

Twayne said:
If they cause so many problems, how in the world can they be trusted as
a trouble-shooting tool? If you use it for TS, you're saying you accept
its output.

They can be of limited use in some circumstances when you don't have all
the history of the machine and no, I wouldn't blindly accept its outpt.
If you take it for granted that everything that they dish up are
unneeded entries that are safe to delete then you are asking for trouble
and you will get trouble. Otherwise these cleaners are utterly useless
and they do absolutely nothing to increase computer speed and
performance The indiscriminate use of these programs cause more harm
than good, running registry cleaners as part of a regular maintenance
routine is not a good idea at all.

Hah... well than you keep telling yourself all that. I have yet to see
reliable evidence to back up anything you said... and I know from personal
experience registry cleaners do more harm then good. If they do any good at

But hey, you keep doing these worthless scans and telling yourself it's
totally speeding your computer up.

Haha, and great article btw... "after 6 months HUNDREDS of registry errors
can develop"
Daddy said:
If you're really planning on erasing your hard disk and reinstalling Windows from scratch, here's a fun exercise to try:

Are you new to PC trouble shooting?
N. Miller said:
I don't need a registry cleaner to recommend changes which I then have to
approve. Unless I have some indication that there is a registry change
needed, I don't make changes. I've got a few "dead" keys. I don't see how
they make any difference.

Any tool which offers suggested changes is dangerous in the hands of those
who don't know what the tool does. Anybody who does know what the registry
cleaner is recommending, probably doesn't even need the cleaner.

I do know what the cleaners are recommending and I would not live without
their very valuable service.... but I could do without the registry
altogether... it's nothing more than an unwieldy headache as an attempt to
institute control over the o/s while doing nothing but adding an unnecessary
layer of time-wasting administration without providing any additional
security while just bogging everything down with a ridiculous amount of
system overhead...

okay... I've had my rant... I'm just here to find out what happened to
express' "block sender" feature in live mail... I would have thought it
would be easier to killfile idiots on usenut with more features, but if
"message rules" is supposed to be the "updated solution"... then this just
irks me that much more...

Why don't just try to use registry cleaner?
I use it on a regular basis and it never crashed my pc if I do
everything correctly.

Using one is a very bad idea. Using a registry cleaner doesn't
guarantee a problem, but it greatly increases the risk of getting a
problem. It's a very bad thing to do. Here's my standard message about

Registry cleaning programs are *all* snake oil. Cleaning of the
registry isn't needed and is dangerous. Leave the registry alone and
don't use any registry cleaner. Despite what many people think, and
what vendors of registry cleaning software try to convince you of,
having unused registry entries doesn't really hurt you.

The risk of a serious problem caused by a registry cleaner erroneously
removing an entry you need is far greater than any potential benefit
it may have.
Registry cleaners generally cause more problems than they cure. My
philosophy on the registry is quite simple: If you are not competent enough
to edit the registry manually, then leave well alone.


John Barnett MVP
Windows XP Associate Expert
Windows Desktop Experience


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