Vista reference in Newsweek's article

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Well said.

oscar :)

Steve Thackery said:
Wonderful! I can see that you don't know much about computing. Ever since
the concept of an operating system was invented, programs have been written
to run on a particular operating system, NOT the other way round.

The OS looks after all the hard work of interfacing with the hardware, and
hides it behind a common library of routines. This means that a program
(let's say, like Word) will run on Dell hardware, IBM hardware, or anything
else that runs Windows. And that hardware might have two, one or no hard
disks, any amount of RAM, vastly different graphics hardware, etc. It
doesn't matter, because the operating system hides all that complication
from the application.

Note that essential phrase: "a common library of routines". Instead of
writing a word processor to target all the different hardware out there,
which would be almost impossible and vastly wasteful of effort, the program
targets a particular operating system instead.

Yes, that's right: the OS necessarily sets the Application Programming
Interface, and applications must be written to comply with that. This is
the rule across the whole computing industry and every type of operating

So no, it is NOT the job of Vista to be compatible with every half-baked
piece of crap software out there. It is the job of the application
programmers to write programs which fully comply with the OS they claim to

XP let programmers get away with breaking various rules. One side effect of
that is that XP is inherently insecure. Vista is much stricter, which is
good for security but prevents some badly written software from running.

One last thing: the rules Vista implements are the same as those for XP. In
other words, if a program was PROPERLY written for XP it will run perfectly
under Vista. If it doesn't run under Vista then IT IS BADLY WRITTEN.

the said:
Cool, my very own stalker!

Who do you think you are Rat? Go on now find rat a trap, trip it while
you're in it and end your worthless life. You really are no body. You
think you are somebody, which is your problem. Can you be somebody real
in your real life, because you are worthless crap on unset.

The wharf rat? No that's more like wharf cockroach go on now and crawl
back under the floor board and check-in to the Roach Hotel. You
cockroach, you can check-in but you can't check-out.
the said:
This is like trying not to pick at a scab...

Do you mean the scab you keep pulling off your johnson when you try to
dill a cockroach on/in the floor? I don't think the wall or the celling
is going to be any better for you. You could spray some Raid on it and
execute a few, talk to the *executioner* for tips.
the said:
This is like trying not to pick at a scab...

Oh, it just came to me. ;-) You could be very good at something. You
could be very good at *Big floor pimping and spreading the Cheese*. <g>
the wharf rat said:
Sure. That's how Java works, right? And Perl, or PHP.

Funny, I seem to remember all KINDS of talk about application
portability but then your mind plays tricks on you after all those years.

Yeah, like Oracle, which targets VMS. And Windows. And Linux.
And AIX. And Solaris. And MacOS. And Z/OS. And... Ok, maybe that's
not such a good example. Look at Apache. It only runs on Linux. And
Windows. And AIX. And Z/OS. And... Well, gee, that's not such a good
example either I guess but it's easy to see that Steve's exactly 100%
when he says that programs always target one specific operating system and
it would be impossibly difficult to write something that runs everywhere
especially using a programming environment like Java which only runs on
Solaris. And Linux. And Aix. And Windows. And...

I mean, look, even the TOOLS you use to write progams target a
particular operating system. That's why when I want to compile a C
on Linux I use gcc, but when I'm on Solaris I use gcc, and when I'm on QNX
I use gcc, and when I'm on HP/UX.... Well, dammit, Steve, I just don't
to be able to explain this as well as you do.

