Adam Albright said:
What Jay wanted of course was pancakes, known as flapjacks or griddle
cakes in the UK.
Hmm, sounds a bit apocryphal, to me. In Australia we have been eating
"pancakes" on Pancake Tuesday since at least the mid 1950s to my personal
knowledge; and I believe for decades or centuries before that. Mind you the
term "Shrove Tuesday" or even "Pancake Tuesday", seems to get blank stares
in the US. Even "Good Friday" gets a few puzzled looks; and from a nation
which goes completely, absurdly ape-shit over the opposite end of the
liturgical calendar, Christmas.
My favourite cultural blooper was when I was in the US, a workmate asked me
why we didn't celebrate Thanksgiving in Australia! Hmmm.
Don't get me started on how the British maul the language. ;-)
That's fine ... you already have a US English version of Windows. What we
want is a UK/Autralian/Canadian/Commonwealth English version of Windows.
Anyway I'm one of those miserable lamer MVP Microsoft fan boys you hate so
much, so you should be flaming me about how I am supporting Microsoft by ...
criticising Microsoft ...???? uh, well, I dunno, but I'm sure you should be
flaming me.