ANSWERS to your stupid comments in-line.
Joe cann said:
If you take into account the SPEED,
It's as fast as XP on my system. Faster with the beta of SP1
You lie. This is impossible according to thousands of people, and my own
What you THINK you see is only an illusion probably because you are stupid
and you are comparing an old install of xp with a new install of vista
or even worse, 2 different machines!
the non compatibility
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Vista should have not broken Driver compatibilty that much, they should have
made sure that 99.9% of all drivers that were for win2k and XP would work
with Vista.
This is a LAME excuse, that MS has upped the kernel from 5.1 to 6.. and they
take the whole hardware industry for a merry go round .. trying to catch
Vistas stupid
driver compatibility problems. Not to mention the poor folk who dont know
much about drivers, not to mention that for many hardware there will be no
more new drivers
available.. this means new purchases for hardware that SHOULD work. And what
about the SOFTWARE incompatibilities... oh vista is a nightmare!
the gliches
None that I've noticed on my system
Ok you play only solitaire...its impossible to use vista not run into
HUNDREDS of glitches. Next please....
the bugs
Only one yeatr old. XP was even worse at one year.
So MS has trained your brain to accept MEDIOCRE software with bugs, by
pointing out that the older versions had them too?
You are so naive? Well after 5 years and more money than it would take to
lauch a space program, all that time money and talent, I would say that
Vista should have been perfect, not sh1t.
Looks a lot like XP to me.
They took the XP interface and PERVERTED it into a HORRIBLE GUI.
Not on my system
The classic vista fanboy response... I am starting to dislike you by the
What lies?
That there was a WOW! Well there is a WOW but its more like WOW this is
Noticed that MS but its tail between its legs and removed every trace of
WOW! from its sites?
They did this because vista is being ridiculed GLOBALY!
It is bigger than XP but you get more.
You get more bloat. You dont get more that XP media center... I could agree
with 80% more not 800% more!
Not a problem on my system
Who cares about YOUR friken system. I am talking about the WORLD here.. most
people say that Vista is a bloated monster that gobbles up resources!
SP1 fixes this.
SP1 cannot fix vista though.. gee.. SP1 fixed a flaw I noticed after using
vista for 5 minutes.. GEEE... they realy tested it before shoving it off to
the world!
You can trun it off if you don't like it.
I can tame vista, by kicking it in its ORBS, but most people cant.
the Defender catch nothing
Same Defender as XP.
Yep and it stinks!
the fact that it secretly EATS UP YOUR HDD space
It's no secret. The files are all there if you look for them.
I know where they are... I have seen many many many people asking "WHERE DID
I would suggest that they should have some VISUAL FEED BACK of the space
that is used for system restore and old versions.
the DUMBED DOWN defragment with no visual feedback
You don't need visual feedback since it works without human intervention.
Well this is plain dumb. Why reduce a feature.. have both visual if you want
it and automatic, and PLEASE leave automatic OFF by default...
people hear their hard drives crunching off all night and dont know what the
fik Vista is doing!
the breaking of compatibility with older OS's restore points when dual
MS is guiding users to Vista and away from XP.
Thats NOT the way they should do it. SLAP, you are stupid.
the HUNDREDS of services and background dlls all loaded eating your cpu
Same as in XP.
NO WAY!!! not even near!
Ever hear of customization?
Has MS heard of it?? LOL
the STUPID WMP11 that cant play sh1t
It plays all my mp3s and wma files.
Good... now try viewing some videos...
the bad TOOLBARS of Windows Explorer that cannot be customized
I like 'em.
You dont have good taste.
It's a whole new paradigm. The up button is superfluous.
Not for people who want a DARN UP BUTTON because THEY WANT A DARN UP
The breadcrumb is the the most NON intuative thing of WE, and most simple
folk dont know what it does or how to use it.
the hiding of menus to reduce clutter, but at the same time other elements
INCREASE clutter
Which ones? Mine is no more or less cluttered than XP.
IE menus, and window explorer menus.
the hard disk thrasing all the time
Probably indexing. You can turn it off.
There is more to this, but you seem new to vista. I can assure you that more
stuff thrash the HD in vista,
and hunting them down is a chore for advanced users that have time, not
people who just want to PRODUCE using a computer.
the horrible START MENU that unfolds upon itself
Use a classic start menu if you'd rather.
Classic does not have the nice shortcuts to folders. XP's menu was the best
the SEARCH that does not work as it should
It finds everthing I want to find and faster, too.
Make a new file on your desktop and search for it immediatly
the stupid SPEECH to TEXT, where it uderstands totally incorrect stuff
It's much better than the one in XP on my system.
Its still stinks.. have you not seen the youtube videos? LOL its a JOKE!
the lack of proper themes (only classic and aero)
You can get more themes if you want.
I can patch Vista so it can get any theme I want, but if non geeks want
other themes they will have to buy windowblinds, that is $20.
the slowness of GUI drawing in CLASSIC mode
No problem on my system.
This is well documented... You are showing your vista illiteracy here.
the need of POWERFUL GPU just to get glass, where linux can do the same
effects with less powerfull GPU
You can turn off Glass if you don't have sufficient hardware. Or you can
your hardware to the 21st century.
see above problem with the drawing of the GUI. Its slower when using classic
themes than it was with XP...
do you want me to actually TEACH you why???
the FORCING of this DREADED OS on new computers
Can you still get new machines with Win 98 or ME?
Not a problem for me. I buy all my music, videos, etc.
Buy is one thing... other restrictions that DRM can impose is another.. for
example you may not be able to rip your CD
and move it to your portable MP3 player.. that sucks right? Well welcome to
and many many many more
all these make Vista the WORSE OS microsoft has ever made, and if you add
all this up, its about 1000 times worse that XP.
Vista isn't perfect but when Vista is as old as XP is now, it will be in
much better shape than XP.
Vista is the worse OS ever made.. I suggest you learn more about it...
only through understanding will you see how CRAP it is!
Tom Lake