Mike Hall - MS MVP Windows Shell/User
Fox News.. the televised 'National Enquirer'..
Mike Hall - MS MVP Windows Shell/User said:Fox News.. the televised 'National Enquirer'..
DCR said:But it certainly seem the favorite sport of Europeans to lambaste and
pompously sneer at Americans?
What has Europe done about Darfur?
DCR said:" Then again, in the USA, most people voted for Bush"
NOT so!
We have this out-dated thing called the Electoral College.
Whomever gets the most Electoral College votes gets the Presidency.
By first stealing Florida (actually the Supreme Court GAVE Florida to Bush)
and then stealing Ohio did Bush became President.
Actually, here in the US, I very rarely ever hear Americans, except Fox News
and the talk radio Bushanistas, deride Europeans.
But it certainly seem the favorite sport of Europeans to lambaste and pompously
sneer at Americans?
What has Europe done about Darfur?
MicroFox said:put your head in the scanner and scan yourself... the weight of the
digital image with the weight of your actual head is the same...
its the lighter than air content of the scull that nullifies the weight of
the rest of the head.