imhotep said:
That post was based on the article "Blue Pill Leaves Vista Vulnerable" by
Techtree news staff. Listen, see how the text "has been compromised" is a
different color: that's a link. How long have you been surf'n the web????
If you had read my post, you would know that I saw the link, clicked on it,
and said it wasn't a very good article either. You know very well that not
everyone would follow a link in your link to read the original news source,
because we just had this same Slashdot argument with you last week.
But you're not responding. Why would you post a link to Slashdot instead of
posting a link to the original news source? The Slashdot post didn't do a
great job of summarizing the news source, and the news source itself was
terribly inaccurate. There are way better news stories discussing this
issue. I have to think you and Slashdot intentionally chose the worst
written article because it supported your anti-Microsoft preconceptions.
Vista is at least as well thought out as other OSes. With Solaris 10, it's
difficult or impossible to install the OS unless the computer is plugged into
the network during the install. But then your unpatched, unfirewalled OS is
potentially vulnerable to attacks, especially if you forget to unplug the
network cable before the last reboot. With the past two FreeBSD installs,
the installer can't predict whether you're going to run out of free space
when the install is 95% finished. It also doesn't tell you to insert the
Ports CD, instead it just gives you ambiguous error messages. There are some
good articles on the Internet about some poor practices in the way Firefox
installs and checks security on plugin files. These are things you would
think would be resolved years ago, but they haven't been. If Microsoft made
any of these kind of huge, easy to correct mistakes, you'd be all over them,
but somehow these things are forgivable in Solaris and BSD.
Yes, like you I'm hoping the final release of Vista will force users to
create a non-Admin account. I'm not sure that hasn't been their intention
all along. If it isn't their intention, I'm sure that complaints from users
(including you) about UAP being annoying has something to do with it.