Wow! 24 Posts for what I'm just not sure.
1) Nice command Michael. Question to Synapse and Ron--**********Did this
command in the run box get you reupped for another 30 days of trial prior to
the Kill Switch or not?**********
slmgr -rearm would take about 3 seconds.
Did it work???
2) Why would so many MVPs who received a complementary RTM already have so
many different descriptions of reduced functionality mode in Vista? Are you
seeing it? LOL! Could it be MSFT wouldn't send you enough free RTM Vista
for all of your myriads of boxes? Here's MSFT's description of the kill
switch. They left off the fact they are defendants over it in the Eastern
District of Washington and many of the other 93 federal district courts in
the U.S. now.
The behavior of reduced functionality mode in Windows Vista (MSFT's
description of it)
MSFT's legal staff is setting a corporate ABA record that is unprecedented
for paying the opposing attorney's fees and loss after they litigate. LOL
Don't be a wussie--push MSFT back when they try to scre people. Yes they
have a right to defend against piracy; no they don't have the right to keep
phoning home to Redmond. If someone doesn't want to buy their software,
they hundreds of other OS's they could use. But MSFT does not have the
right to keep invading their privacy. Many of us give a ton of info to MSFT
but we ***choose to do it when we do it. And the EULA is at issue before
someone invokes it; it demands to be able to do things it shouldn't legally
be doing.
3) Ron your licensing lady is simply being incompetent and she lends a new
paradigm to quintissential futzing around. You should have had the
enterprise key a long time ago. Simply call 1-800-MICROSOFT and get a
licensing person and give them the name of your company. They have SQL
servers and virtual servers. They can get off their ass and find the info
you need to get the key.