I love such counting! They simply estimate they have something around that
(yet I somehow don't belive that number)
It's not an estimate, it's a count of how many open tickets they have
in their bug tracking system. And 'bugs' can be VERY simple things,
like spelling mistakes, slight formatting errors, or even things that
don't have any effect on the code at all (ie source code not meeting
the set standard for formatting).
Yyeah, but now strip that distirbution down to the level which is provided
by MS (i.e. bare bones OS + minimal basic tools).
I AM talking about only the level which is provided by MS. Linux
distributions track FAR fewer bugs then MS does because they do not
generally track the bugs of their component applications, only bugs in
packaging those applications. For example, if there's a bug Konqueror
that causes some web pages to display incorrectly, it would only be
logged as a bug under the KDE group, not as a bug under Redhat or
SuSE. However for Microsoft a bug in IE would get logged as a bug in
Windows because it's all Microsoft stuff.
But there is nothing beyond that in Windows to begin with!
Right, I should have known that this GUI I'm looking at was just a
figment of my imagination, and that IE was not really integrated with
Windows. And that Windows Media Player, it must be a third party app,
There is a LOT more to Windows then just the kernel. A lot of it is
common in Linux, some of it is not. Comparing the two using absolute
metrics is never going to be possible. Even then it's fairly normal
for Linux distributions to be released with thousands of open bugs
(Redhat currently has 3,000+ open bugs for Enterprise Linux, Gentoo
has 1,000+ for release 2006.1). If one were to compare like software
to like software, and do the same level of software QA that Microsoft
does, those numbers would skyrocket.
Now, where Linux distributions tend to excel is in the design
decisions. Microsoft makes some really boneheaded design decisions,
and no amount of software quality will ever make up for bad design
decisions. Some of these designs are based off the desire to keep
media companies all happy (see DRM), but most are based off what
Microsoft thinks will make things "easier" for users. The result is
that often things are more difficult for users who really understand
what they are doing because Microsoft felt that they needed to hide
configuration options from end users so as to not confuse them.