Vista Defrag = Graphical and % frag, % complete display?

  • Thread starter Thread starter +Bob+
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Bill said:
Simply not true. Ubuntu and Linux have been FREE for a long time. Imagine
a FREE product that still has less than one percent of the desktops. If the
product was great, everybody would be installing it and dumping Microsoft
products. That simply isn't the case. Look it up. It is fact.

Since a FREE product still can't capture more than one precent of the
desktop, it is pure CRAP.

And longer ...

Bill said:
Yes, the longer Ubuntu is out the more people believe that Ubuntu is crap.

You can't even follow a conversation. No wonder you don't understand how
to use Ubuntu properly. To cover up your inadequacy, you lie and say
it's crap.

You're nose will be touching Frank's ass down south from you soon the
way you're going.

Alias said:
You can't even follow a conversation. No wonder you don't understand how
to use Ubuntu properly. To cover up your inadequacy, you lie and say it's

You're nose will be touching Frank's ass down south from you soon the way
you're going.


I can follow a conversation. I say that Ubuntu is crap and give a good
reason. Your reply is about my nose! No wonder you use Ubuntu but can't
help anyone in the Ubuntu forum. All you can do with Ubuntu is post
messages and write a one page letter and calculate a few numbers with their
Excel knockoff.
Bill said:
I can follow a conversation. I say that Ubuntu is crap and give a good
reason. Your reply is about my nose!

Never read Pinocchio?

No wonder you use Ubuntu but can't
help anyone in the Ubuntu forum. All you can do with Ubuntu is post
messages and write a one page letter and calculate a few numbers with their
Excel knockoff.

What I can do with Ubuntu:

Surf the web
Burn CDs.
Rip CDs.
Listen to music.
Watch vidoes/DVDs.
Scan and print.
HTML editing.
Games like Chess, Tetris, all kinds of solitaire, etc.
Make videos.
Download photos from a camera and organize them.
Use a dictionary
Learn how to touch type.
Edit images.
Send and receive a fax.
Take screen shots.
Create .PDF files.
Create and use a data base.
Instant messaging with over 10 different programs in one including
Windows Live Messenger.
Open RAR files

and much more!

What I can't do with Ubuntu:

Worry about:
WPA and WGA raising their ugly heads,
Root kits,

gerooky said:
I think this has started to become an escape goat for the lack of care
from the newbie microsoft programmers.

You moron, MS programmers did not write the defrag. The app was from I
believe, Executive software and a royalty was paid to them. Blame the
DOJ and MS's competitors for putting the clamp on possible MS app
Frank said:
You moron, MS programmers did not write the defrag. The app was from I
believe, Executive software and a royalty was paid to them. Blame the
DOJ and MS's competitors for putting the clamp on possible MS app

We know that MS buys most of "it's" software. Yawn. What you say, of
course, is bullshit because XP had a defrag program with no DOJ or
competitor problems so they could have developed one with a GUI for
Vista. Maybe they just don't know how and don't know where to buy one
any better than the lame one that comes with Vista.

Oh, and you're a hypocritical coward.

You moron, MS programmers did not write the defrag. The app was from I
believe, Executive software and a royalty was paid to them. Blame the
DOJ and MS's competitors for putting the clamp on possible MS app

Even the idiot Frank every once in awhile offers a bit of truth.
You're right Frank. Microsoft didn't write the code for the included
defrag application. The truth you neglect to mention is of course is
what's included is garbage and sub par and easily bettered by many
easily obtained FREE alternatives.

Somebody should put a clamp on your mouth so shit isn't always falling
Frank's Keeper said:
Even the idiot Frank every once in awhile offers a bit of truth.
You're right Frank. Microsoft didn't write the code for the included
defrag application. The truth you neglect to mention is of course is
what's included is garbage and sub par and easily bettered by many
easily obtained FREE alternatives.

Somebody should put a clamp on your mouth so shit isn't always falling

Same goes to you with your foul mouth. You just don't see it because of
your inflated EGO. Better get more bandwidth to hold it all! LOL
Paul Montgomery said:
What's an "escape goat"?

Main Entry: scape·goat
Pronunciation: \'skap-?got\
Function: noun
Etymology: scape; intended as translation of Hebrew ?azazel (probably name
of a demon), as if ?ez 'ozel goat that departs-Lev 16:8(Authorized Version)
Date: 1530
1: a goat upon whose head are symbolically placed the sins of the people
after which he is sent into the wilderness in the biblical ceremony for Yom
2 a: one that bears the blame for others b: one that is the object of
irrational hostility

An "Escape Goat" must be what he rode into town in the first place....
Alias said:
We know that MS buys most of "it's" software.

No, that's just not true.


Bigger yawn.

What you say, of
course, is bullshit because XP had a defrag program with no DOJ or
competitor problems so they could have developed one with a GUI for

That was before the anti-trust DOJ action you moron.

Maybe they just don't know how and don't know where to buy one
any better than the lame one that comes with Vista.

1) you don't have nor use Vista.
2) the defrag that comes with Vista is just fine.

Oh, and you're a hypocritical coward.

Sorry but that would be you, sheep-fukker.
gerooky said:

The Azazel goat (pronounced in Hebrew as aw-zah-zale), translated as
scapegoat in the King James Version, was one of two goats chosen for a
ceremony on the Day of Atonement. The first goat was sacrificed, while the
scapegoat was taken out into the wilderness and released.

The original meaning of scapegoat was escape goat, the goat that was
allowed to "escape" with its life. The accepted modern meaning of
scapegoat, someone who is punished for the wrongs of others, is not at all
accurate for Satan. He is as guilty as guilty can be, and he deserves
everything that's coming to him.

You are part right. Look at my previous post. The "escape goat" is the
goat that escaped Alias and his perverted ways when he slipped into the barn
late one night. Originally Alias was looking for Sheep, but he will take
whatever he finds. Remember, Alias uses Ubuntu so he isn't that smart!
gerooky said:

The Azazel goat (pronounced in Hebrew as aw-zah-zale), translated as
scapegoat in the King James Version, was one of two goats chosen for a
ceremony on the Day of Atonement. The first goat was sacrificed, while
the scapegoat was taken out into the wilderness and released.

The original meaning of scapegoat was escape goat, the goat that was
allowed to "escape" with its life. The accepted modern meaning of
scapegoat, someone who is punished for the wrongs of others, is not at
all accurate for Satan. He is as guilty as guilty can be, and he
deserves everything that's coming to him.
Damn! You are a google jockey!...LOL!
You are part right. Look at my previous post. The "escape goat" is the
goat that escaped Alias and his perverted ways when he slipped into the barn
late one night. Originally Alias was looking for Sheep, but he will take
whatever he finds. Remember, Alias uses Ubuntu so he isn't that smart!

Yanaire is unable to rise above bickering and insists on spewing foul
language and making stupid, usually sexual comments about others. A
sure sign of mental problems, a total lack of self-control and
repeated conduct unbecoming anyone supposedly of adult age. In other
words Yanaire proves he's nothing but a no class loser, just like his
hero Frank. Such things are self evident.