Vista a dog, or what ????



FWIW, I have MatLab 7.0.1 running on Vista - it runs fine (in fact it's
32-bit MatLab on 64-bit Vista - still runs fine).

What specific problem are you seeing with MatLab 5.3? There may be an easy
workaround (although, unsupported by MathWorks).

MatLab 5.3 is getting pretty old ... what compiler are you using, to compile
your MEX files? If you want to use Visual Studio 2003 or 2005, I think you'd
need MatLab 7x anyway. But I know it's pretty expensive to upgrade MatLab.

I can't comment about your other apps, I am not familiar with them.

The Matlab problem is that when the program comes up it get a bunch of
registry errors, maybe 50 ..... I can click through them and then the
program runs, but that's a lot of clilcking. I figured I could live
with it but then the other progs failed altogether.


computers don't break. Parts in it do. Why on the moon would you buy a
new PC just because one part in it is messed up?



"What are we in time going by"-- Mountain ( For Yasgur's Farm)

Ya, you're right ... I took it in to the shop and a guy I trusted told
me the hard drive is dead and you'll need DriveSavers to get your data
(DriveSavers disassembles the unit, cost $1000.00 plus) ..... however,
another guy at another shop hooked it up as a slave without problem.
By then I was spooked, behaving irrationally. I've hunted around on
the web, and see that there are a lot of software options that should
have been tried, liked fixing the boot file, but the shop wants $160
to do this .... this still doesn't compute for me .... as I'd still be
vulnerable (this is the 3rd time XP has gone down). So I thought
$500.00 for a new machine was a good deal. Great machine too ...
Acer. But now I'm thinking I was happy with XP, now I've got a XP
system disc one shop left in my machine, so I"ll be ready the next
time it crashes. So, I'm getting another hard drive so I'll have 2,
will put XP on the new drive, use the old as a backup.

I"ve also looked at the dual boot option ... it looks like a big
headache for a non-pc-geek ....

And I'm thinking even if I install XP on this machine (tossing vista)
the RealTek audio hardware will thwart me, as none of my audio progs
are working now on the machine.

Also, upgrading progs like Matlab, Cooledit, and Cakewalk is an
expensive proposition and I"m perfectly happy with the old versions.
And I'm really a big Humongous fan.


Andrew McLaren

Slide said:
The Matlab problem is that when the program comes up it get a bunch of
registry errors, maybe 50 ..... I can click through them and then the
program runs, but that's a lot of clilcking. I figured I could live
with it but then the other progs failed altogether.

Ah, okay. That sounds like a pretty well-known problem, actually, which has
been cropping up since Windows 2000. See this MathWorks technical note:

I can think of two possible solutions for Vista:
- select the MATLAB icon in the Start menu (or else, highlight "C:\Program
Files\MATLAB\bin\win32\MATLAB.exe" in Explorer)
- right-click to bring up the context menu, Choose Properties
- click on the Compatibility tab
- Under Compatibility Mode, check the "Run this program in Compatibility
mode" checkbox (that's solution 1)
- and select a suitably old version of Windows; eg Windows 95
- In the "Privilege Level" box, check "Run this program as Administrator"
(that's solution 2)
- click OK to accept changes and exit.

They aren't mutually exclusive, ie you might as well try both at once.

The registry errors occur because Matlab 5.3 tries to register itself as a
COM application, every single time it starts up. So, you need administrative
provileges to write to the Windows Registry. In later releases of Matlab,
the COM Classes were registered just once; after the first initial
installation, only read accress is required to the Windows registry. But 5.3
wants to write to the Registry every time. By running the app as
Administrator, you are giving Matlab permission to write to the Registry
when it starts up.

Hope it helps,


Ya, you're right ... I took it in to the shop and a guy I trusted told
me the hard drive is dead and you'll need DriveSavers to get your data
(DriveSavers disassembles the unit, cost $1000.00 plus) ..... however,
another guy at another shop hooked it up as a slave without problem.
By then I was spooked, behaving irrationally. I've hunted around on
the web, and see that there are a lot of software options that should
have been tried, liked fixing the boot file, but the shop wants $160
to do this .... this still doesn't compute for me .... as I'd still be
vulnerable (this is the 3rd time XP has gone down). So I thought
$500.00 for a new machine was a good deal. Great machine too ...
Acer. But now I'm thinking I was happy with XP, now I've got a XP
system disc one shop left in my machine, so I"ll be ready the next
time it crashes. So, I'm getting another hard drive so I'll have 2,
will put XP on the new drive, use the old as a backup.

I"ve also looked at the dual boot option ... it looks like a big
headache for a non-pc-geek ....

And I'm thinking even if I install XP on this machine (tossing vista)
the RealTek audio hardware will thwart me, as none of my audio progs
are working now on the machine.

Also, upgrading progs like Matlab, Cooledit, and Cakewalk is an
expensive proposition and I"m perfectly happy with the old versions.
And I'm really a big Humongous fan. Hide quoted text -

- Show quoted text -

Note: My Wild Divine Healing Rhythm biofeedback USB sensor just
crashed Vista. Man, I can hear this dog barking !


Frank said:
And you just struck out!

You were busted for using steroids and running round the park like a
deranged orangutan screaming your fool head off.

Both Babe Ruth and Mickey Mantle were not only home run kings but strike
out kings so I am in good company.


Alias said:
You were busted for using steroids and running round the park like a
deranged orangutan screaming your fool head off.

Both Babe Ruth and Mickey Mantle were not only home run kings but strike
out kings so I am in good company.
uhhh...except you haven't hit any...not one...home run!

Mr. Arnold


Alias too is a troll that's baiting you. And every time you respond to it,
it brings you down to its level. You keep feeding them and it makes you look
foolish, showing that you don't have anymore control than it does.


Mr. Arnold said:

Alias too is a troll that's baiting you. And every time you respond to
it, it brings you down to its level. You keep feeding them and it makes
you look foolish, showing that you don't have anymore control than it does.

So, using your "logic", you're feeding Frank.

Adam Albright

On Mon, 30 Jul 2007 20:49:57 -0400, "Mr. Arnold" <MR.

Alias too is a troll that's baiting you. And every time you respond to it,
it brings you down to its level. You keep feeding them and it makes you look
foolish, showing that you don't have anymore control than it does.

I though you liked Frank.


Alias said:
You wish.
No, you wish. I've got the record book you stupid linux loser!
Get lost (you don't yet understand that expressions do you?)
Maybe in the next century...?

Charlie Tame

Neil said:
In what way is Vista not an improvement for you? In many ways it is but
it does come with a steep learning curve.

Are your users savvy enough to use Linux? Our users are such a bunch of
dim-wits who would run a mile if they saw Linux. Hand-holding all they
way with our bunch. Poor helpdesk :(

We've put just under 900 Vista boxes out so far with no problems at all
but I do feel sorry for our training department.



Just for fun,

Boston Consulting Group (BCG) once defined a product classification and
management system based on: (1) cash cow, (2) rising star, (3) question
mark, and (4) dog.

I think those names explain itself well, except why use "dog" for a bad
product? ;)

A product can be at any stage for the moment and move to any at a later
time; it's more like a portfolio management.

So you have more choices now :)

Charlie Tame

Neil said:
In what way is Vista not an improvement for you? In many ways it is but
it does come with a steep learning curve.

Are your users savvy enough to use Linux? Our users are such a bunch of
dim-wits who would run a mile if they saw Linux. Hand-holding all they
way with our bunch. Poor helpdesk :(

We've put just under 900 Vista boxes out so far with no problems at all
but I do feel sorry for our training department.

OOps, sent a blank message = user error.

If the users you have are that stupid they can't use a GUI, why would
Linux scare them any more than Vista? Presumably once set up they would
be happy, and since they would have no power to change things so would
you be? No?

900 reactivations for none existent hardware changes that nobody made
could be your next problem :)

Don't misunderstand, I like Vista but giving MS the power to close the
entire operation down at a whim seems like the wrong way to be heading.


Charlie Tame wrote:

Don't misunderstand, I like Vista but giving MS the power to close the
entire operation down at a whim seems like the wrong way to be heading.

And that has happened to you?

Charlie Tame

Frank said:
Charlie Tame wrote:

And that has happened to you?

Not yet, but even Microsoft encourage people to have backups, don't
they? Few hospitals catch fire but you won't fine a State Fire Marshall
who doesn't insist on a Fire Alarm system....


Charlie said:
Not yet, but even Microsoft encourage people to have backups, don't
they? Few hospitals catch fire but you won't fine a State Fire Marshall
who doesn't insist on a Fire Alarm system....

uhhh...well...I guess that is good garage logic, right?

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