Hey Todd,
Oh dear, that's never fun, especially as they can't understand a word
you are saying or have any technical experience on the products.
Yeah that's not good, of course you could blame the software developers
for that. I almost guarantee it's down to writing files in stupid places,
as opposed to creating per user/secure applications that don't litter your
machine with files in stupid places. Ultimately (I know it might not seem
like it now), but it will improve software in the long run.
That's a shame, again these are all 3rd party issues though, and not
Microsofts (technically speaking). In order to create a new operating
system, you can't maintain all backward compatability, otherwise it just be
the same sh1t but in a different box and with a different theme applied to
it. I know that doesn't help you and your clients, but get onto the case of
the devs creating the software you use and tell them to get it working in
the latest version of Windows *before* it is released. For companies to
wait it's just plain laziness and they deserve to lese business by not
keeping their finger on the pulse imo.
I don't deny that Vista has done Microsoft's reputation some damage, but
that whole layoff thing? Come on, Microsoft are renowned for doing that,
employ loads of staff, run a few projects, sack a load of staff, hire some
more staff and repeat. Big companies always do that. You've also got to
take in for account the current state of the economy, everyone has lost
money, including Microsoft.
lol! I wouldn't even say it's explicitly half the speed, benchmarks
don't show real world performance, neither do stress tests. But yeah, it is
"slower", mainly down to the higher demand for ram. Which Windows 7 seems
to be improving from what I've experienced of it so far, running in a VPC
it's allot faster than its predecessor, although still not prime candidate
for using in a VPC.
I'm sure it will be better, they do listen and have taken allot of the
critisism. Remember XP when it was released? It was a pile of sh1t, and
blue screened for me continually until I got a few updates. All software
has bugs, yup, that includes Linux and Mac software. I know it's not good
being the guinee pig at times with these things, but sometimes that's the
only way, real world users can find problems that professional testers never
Go on, grab yourself an account, you know you want to! lol!
The largest complaint I get is the application
incompatibility: buy a new version or spend hours
on the phone with some guy in India.
Oh dear, that's never fun, especially as they can't understand a word
you are saying or have any technical experience on the products.
I have had one customer write in 4 inch letters
on a paper across her new Vista computer's
screen: "I HATE VISTA". As it transpires,
UPS World Ship does not run on Vista and she
lives or dies by shipping product. (Which
was her fault for not asking me before she
bought her new computer.)
Yeah that's not good, of course you could blame the software developers
for that. I almost guarantee it's down to writing files in stupid places,
as opposed to creating per user/secure applications that don't litter your
machine with files in stupid places. Ultimately (I know it might not seem
like it now), but it will improve software in the long run.
I can not tell you the problems Vista has caused
with Quick Books, which you can fix by upgrading
to the latest version and downloading the latest
service packs (version 2008 - 2009 is suppose to
work out of the box).
My customer's experience with Vista has been nothing
but pain.

Microsofts (technically speaking). In order to create a new operating
system, you can't maintain all backward compatability, otherwise it just be
the same sh1t but in a different box and with a different theme applied to
it. I know that doesn't help you and your clients, but get onto the case of
the devs creating the software you use and tell them to get it working in
the latest version of Windows *before* it is released. For companies to
wait it's just plain laziness and they deserve to lese business by not
keeping their finger on the pulse imo.
And the public has noticed this too. Microsoft is
laying off and loosing money like crazy. And it is all
in the OS (Vista) division. See:
Note that Vista-ish Windows 2008 server is even
making a profit. It is just Vista that is getting
I don't deny that Vista has done Microsoft's reputation some damage, but
that whole layoff thing? Come on, Microsoft are renowned for doing that,
employ loads of staff, run a few projects, sack a load of staff, hire some
more staff and repeat. Big companies always do that. You've also got to
take in for account the current state of the economy, everyone has lost
money, including Microsoft.
As for your correct assumption that benchmarks can
be manipulated (I do not see this one as having been),
all I can say is that it is also my and my customer's
experience that Vista is a slow hog.
Vista does have some pretty new features and the
sound effects are nice. If your applications
work with it and you like all the new and exciting
eye candy (which drives me nuts) and your applications
run just fine at half speed, go for it.
lol! I wouldn't even say it's explicitly half the speed, benchmarks
don't show real world performance, neither do stress tests. But yeah, it is
"slower", mainly down to the higher demand for ram. Which Windows 7 seems
to be improving from what I've experienced of it so far, running in a VPC
it's allot faster than its predecessor, although still not prime candidate
for using in a VPC.
I really hope Microsoft pulling itself out of
the fire with W7. If Microsoft goes out of
business it will hurt us all. On the good
new front, I have heard it rumored that W7
has gotten a lot better. (Now if I could
only download the stinking beta without
have to sign up for that annoying One Live
thing ... I have a virtual machine ready
and awaiting -- be fun to compare it with
my virtual Vista, Edsel edition.)
I'm sure it will be better, they do listen and have taken allot of the
critisism. Remember XP when it was released? It was a pile of sh1t, and
blue screened for me continually until I got a few updates. All software
has bugs, yup, that includes Linux and Mac software. I know it's not good
being the guinee pig at times with these things, but sometimes that's the
only way, real world users can find problems that professional testers never

Go on, grab yourself an account, you know you want to! lol!