P. Thompson
i'm sorry but that is not how you've been presenting things...
you've been posting articles that ask for the removal of content in a
group where no one has the authority or ability to remove that content...
It is more copies of email sent.
even now i still don't know what topic you wish to be addressed - you
may want to provoke thought, but so far you've done a poor job of doing
Considering that several of the posts were from two separate folks who
appear to be professional Usenet trolls (not you, really, but do a search
"Conor" and "Unhelpful ****wit") I think it was reasonably thought
provoking. Yes, no easy answers, yes could have been initiated better by
when then come in here and say things like "you all suck! you virus
writers should be put in jail"... and the reason it's the same is
because, like them, you're addressing the wrong people...
Hmm, but mine contained both facts and content.
But I agree, no helpful step by step process yet for end users tracking
where they get their viruses from. I won't advocate any end luser get
Ethereal and try to track it that way. But at least it was a
demonstration that viruses do not come out of the blue and their source
can be determined and hopefully convinced to correct the situation.
However poorly executed by me, I think that was accomplished.
Fewer viruses ultimately means less spam because the source of zombied
machines begins to dry up or at least become manageably smaller.