I just signed up to DSL Zone
Link and took their speed test, it was a little more encouraging than the earlier one I took with Speedtest so I wonder who is the more accurate?
Link to my speed test
I must admit it does seem fast, downloads nice and quick.
And looking at the top rated ISP's at that site I failed to see how FAST came top, their service doesn't look that good at all. Maybe just more people bothering to vote for them.
Zen (my one) is 11th.I pay £25.00 a month, 20Gb limit, I haven't used more than 12Gb a month yet. I know this as I can view all my stats at Zen's site.
After looking at lots of ISP's I figure I could probably get the same service - on paper anyway - for about £5.00 a month less, but with one exception - 2Gb of web space. if I take that into account together with five years of a truly fine service where I haven't been able to fault them at all then I don't mind paying the extra fiver.
And it's only a one month contract as well.
Now, looking at all the different specs, 02 looks like incredible value for money, no trimmings but for £12.50 a month you get 8mbs and unlimited usage. How can they do that? Well that's what it says on paper anyway. Only big drawback is 12 month contract but if you figure you're staying put for 12 months and their service is any good, it looks to be worth considering for that price.
Maybe I'll start a thread asking folk to list their ISP experiences. Figures and specs and charts are all well and good but they are not the complete picture.
A few other interesting chart placings out of a chart of 38:
26 Virgin Cable
30 Demon
36 BT
37 Virgin ADSL
Pip pip!