Tim Weaver
REM said:Browse your Windows directory and look for the MICROSOFT.NET
directory. There are executables for wizards and for updating the
package in mine, but the main purpose is to have commonly used .dll
files all in one neat place on your drive, so that when you download
an app, like World Wind, almost everything you need is on your drive.
.NET is not a "service" that "runs," as I understand it anyway. It is
a collection of basic files used in programs written within the .NET
environment. It is not necessary to include these files in the
download, as you have them now, a one time download.
I suspect the World Wind file contains a small executable, DirectX 9x,
and a whole bunch of graphic files to get you started.
The rest of the program are various .dll files in your MICROSOFT.NET
directory that are used seamlessly. If you have a program to identify
.dll files in use you will see them in this directory when you run a
.NET app.
I have the developer and user .NET portions. You probably do not have
wizard executables in your setup. You might have update (.NET)
executables, I dunno. Otherwise, it should be neatly packed .dll files
and possibly .xml files for errors and such... maybe .config files.
Why is there an "ASP .NET State Service" service? The description says:
"Provides support for out-of-process session states for ASP.NET. If this
service is stopped, out-of-process requests will not be processed. If this
service is disabled, any services that explicitly depend of it will fail to
I assume "out-of-process" means in a database, instead of data being in
active memory. For this app, it would seem to be a necessity for the huge
amounts data involved. But... it runs.