Video card and CPU combination for an excellent gaming experience...

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No, its corrent.

But for many people, the 512K version with an extra few Mhz makes up
tor it.
The Athlon 64's aren't for normal home users yet.

The AMD64-XPs are for home use, with pricing starting at $180~500 for
home use. The AMD 64 3000 costs about $200 and is still faster than
the $1000 P4EE.
Thats the typical Intel price structure for you.

Paid $800 for a P3-800 many years ago.... My last CPU formyself was
a $100 AMD 2500. ;)

- - - - -
Remember: In the USA - it is dangeroud to draw or write about Heir Bush in a negative way. The police or SS are called, people threaten to kill you. (What country is this again?)

- 15yr old boy in Washington was disciplined for drawing such images.
- White House blows cover of an undercover agent because her husband said there were no WMD (before the USA started the war) - her job was finding terrorist. (This makes sense?)
God bless the land of the free. Where you can burn the Constitution... Ashcroft does it every day.
None of them until there is both OS and app code for
that hardware. And, not until then does it get debugged.

While the AMD64 isn't running at its best with Windows-32bit. Unix
and Linux has supported the AMD64s for over a year now. (wow - see how
"skilled" and cutting edge M$ is. But still the AMD64 is kicking ass
with the WIn32bit.
The best gaming system is still probably whatever hardware
runs 8-bit code best. I'm building and testing new systems

The simpler the code, less problems. But you're comparing a game
that fits on 64K of ROM rather than 600+MB for a modern game.
every week using 3DMark and Far Cry to "estimate"
performance quality. So far I've seen no real improvement
at all over my office AMD 2000+ on a Gigabyte 7ZXE
mobo with an ATI Radeon 9000 128. Any of the so-called
faster systems automatically add in the game extras, and
bog down to low frame rates. I've tested up through ATI
9600XT and Nvidia 5700 ( I think ) with both of those
on ASUS mobo. No real improvement at all over the 9000
except in Far Cry, I have better surf ... but lower frame

1 - ATI9000 is a very low end card, duh. Its based on a 3+ year old

2 - Then your comparing it with mid-range cards... considering your
trying to play a modern game on a low end card shows you know nothing
about gaming.

3 - The quality of the game is notcable between the 9800Pro and a 5900
(because the 5900 has lower settings for good frame rates).
solved .. about 3 weeks or so :-) And ... !!! ... so far
the fastest load time, and the fastest copy time to a zip
disk is still held ( all these years ) by an Intel 166mmx
running Win95B. 'Splain that ? .. and it is a good
4x faster than any of the P4s I have.

Doubt that... But then again... My guess you're comparing a small
file with a SCSI ZIP drive.... Maybe the reason its STILL #1 is with
today's 2000~3000Mhz systems with 48x speed CD-Burners - WHO CARES?!
Zip drives are dead. It takes about 2-3 minutes to burn burn 700mb
of data to a CDR. About 10 minutes to burn 4GB of data on a CD.

Lets race a pile of ZIPs to the opticals...

- - - - -
Remember: In the USA - it is dangeroud to draw or write about Heir Bush in a negative way. The police or SS are called, people threaten to kill you. (What country is this again?)

- 15yr old boy in Washington was disciplined for drawing such images.
- White House blows cover of an undercover agent because her husband said there were no WMD (before the USA started the war) - her job was finding terrorist. (This makes sense?)
God bless the land of the free. Where you can burn the Constitution... Ashcroft does it every day.
wrong! Amd's cpu's are much more effective per clock rate. Meaning their
A Duron 1.8 would still be as fast a the original P4 1.8...

According to Anandtech (if i remember correctly), P4 A 1,8GHz was out
performed in several apps and games by new Duron1600MHz. That's a cpu that
cost 1/4th of what original P4 1.8GHz cost at it's launch.
Duron1,8 is equal to P4A 2.0GHz or faster. Maybe something like 2,2GHz P4,if
there was any.
I don't agree. You can't compare the speed of 1 CPU to that of 2
CPUs. In a typical dual CPU system, it doesn't really double the
performance. An AMD 2500 would still be faster than x2 AMD 1600.

Not exactly what i intended to say. I meant "double the performance of P3
900MHz", not dual p3 900 in a system. My bad, should wrote more clearly.
A Celeron 2.4 is on par with a single P3-1000Mhz.
Agree.. perhaps P3-1200, but not any higher than that.
solved .. about 3 weeks or so :-) And ... !!! ... so far
Doubt that... But then again... My guess you're comparing a small
file with a SCSI ZIP drive.... Maybe the reason its STILL #1 is with
today's 2000~3000Mhz systems with 48x speed CD-Burners - WHO CARES?!
Zip drives are dead. It takes about 2-3 minutes to burn burn 700mb
of data to a CDR. About 10 minutes to burn 4GB of data on a CD.

He must have had REALLY, now I mean REALLY crapped up windows installasjons,
on a single partition, on a 5200rpm 512kb cache drive.
My old laptop with p4b 2,533GHz, 533 FSB, 512mb pc-2100 RAM, mobility radeon
9000 64mb running a 4300rpm 60Gb, hdd
had a record boot up time, from POST-screen disappear -> showing winxp
desktop icons , of only 9 seconds. (that was with auto entering
username/password with tweak ui).
I never ever have so fast boot times with MY pentium 166MMx system, 1,5GB
5200rpm, 128mb PC100 ram on win95!

Lets race a pile of ZIPs to the opticals...
Or more like let's see who can carry 4.3gb of data in 1 hand: 1 DVD+R or
100+Zip disks..
So lets see, I'm waiting for an A8? (PCI-X) socket 939 and a
X8?? PCI-X pro, with the Omega Drivers of course, and DDR3
Ram; 15,000rpm SATA Raptor drives, anything else?

make that SATA-2 with command queing (spelling???), and your set!!!
He must have had REALLY, now I mean REALLY crapped up windows installasjons,
on a single partition, on a 5200rpm 512kb cache drive.
My old laptop with p4b 2,533GHz, 533 FSB, 512mb pc-2100 RAM, mobility radeon
9000 64mb running a 4300rpm 60Gb, hdd
had a record boot up time, from POST-screen disappear -> showing winxp
desktop icons , of only 9 seconds. (that was with auto entering
username/password with tweak ui).
I never ever have so fast boot times with MY pentium 166MMx system, 1,5GB
5200rpm, 128mb PC100 ram on win95!

Yep.... my P3 system would boot up in 30 seconds or so... my AMD-2500
boots under 20secs (WinXP).

Or more like let's see who can carry 4.3gb of data in 1 hand: 1 DVD+R or
100+Zip disks..
