*VERY* Simple DbDataAdapter.Update - Incorrect MSDN Documentation????

  • Thread starter Thread starter Sahil Malik
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That will not work, if you have defined relationships between the tables,
and you do a bunch of inserts/updates/deletes that involve the
relationships. Write up a real example and find out why.
In my opinion has this not to do with the problem, about what you are now
doing are a lot of jokes made. One of those.

An old lady calls the police. Two of them come to here house and she says:
Sirs, from my window I can see often two people on the other side of the
street making sex openly in their window". The cop looks out here window and
says: "I see no window". And than the old lady says: "Sir here is a chair
when you are up that you can see that window".

From your motto, even if MS had written them and included in framework,
you would have mistakes :-)

Yeah but then atleast I can blame it on MS ;)

Well what I meant was, I have seen much to often, someone take a problem and
come up with a solution in a super twisted manner. The latest I saw was an
application's configuration file reading.

So it was done using reading an XML file.

The XML File would be something like this
<businesslayerclassname configclass="stronglytypedconfing">

So if you didn't specify the business layer correctly, it'll return you the
config for the base class. The config class not specified would return you
the config for defailt values or throw exception if the class specified was
invalid. You could nest as many of these elements to change the behavior.

... I looked at this .. and my first reaction was .. "So what's wrong with
Key value pairs". LOL :)

Some people just like to over complicate and over engineer simple issues. ..
And where you can get away with a single datatable, why have a dataset?

- Sahil Malik