Very simple backup bat created. Here is code. (If anyone knows of a program that does same, pls let

  • Thread starter Thread starter fitwell
  • Start date Start date
(at least as far as I can see).

Here's what I found in the help file under "FileCopy":

"Copies one or more files.

FileCopy ( "source", "dest" [, flag] )



FileCopy("C:\*.au3", "D:\mydir\*.*")"

Only a slightly different from a bat though I can see line
wrap issues might not be such an issue as in batch code as
commands encased in parantheses.

Yes, that is true, I looked into it, too. There is no way to use
just one command to group a set of user-specified files and with
different extension in a simple, beginner's, way.

BTW, did you see the code I sent you here:

No, I didn't see this. Did you post that messsage here, originally?
(I give you this link because the post there has a nicer format
than google and is easier to read)

I use Agent said:
I think a easier way to do it is to specify the filenames as
variable (e.g., define something like $n , $n+1...,) and also
use the same technique to instruct the script to read the
specific lines on the file (where you have entered the file
path,) e.g., something like filereadline then $l, $+1... and
then use some kind of looping to make recursive use of the

Your coding is absolutely super! The concept is ingenious. The
coding goes in one file, the AI one. Then the files to back up are
typed up in a separate file you've called "backupjob.txt", and it's
just a question of putting each pathname on a separate line. That's
it! So the text file is all that needs maintaining! Talk about easy!

It did take me a bit to get it to work because of one thing, though,
and I was wondering if you had the same problem if you tested this - I
had entered the pathnames in regular LFN format initially but AI
didn't seem to like that. But when I then just put them in DOS 8.3,
it worked fine. This is perfectly fine as is, _but_ if there's a way
to use LFNs with this AI file, it would be neat to know how. LFNs
allow one to actually know the file we're backing up in each line,
something that can be tough to figure out from the 8.3 format <g>.

p.s., the backups don't always go smoothly. Just wanted to report
that it "misfires" for some reason. It seems to miss files every once
in a while. But I'll be testing it fairly extensively and will see if
it does this consistently.

p.p.s., AutoIt v3 also came with AUT2EXE so I converted the au3 file
to an exe. It works as a standalone just fine.

p.p.p.s., with your permission, I'd like to include the code for this
backup file that you've given me. If you okay this, I'll post it

This is just so totally awesome. What I also found neat is how you
coded AI to detect if Outlook is running or not and that it prompts
for user to shut it down if it is. Kewl.
Yet since I am not fluent in Autoit yet, I did not try to do it
in the script I show you. But you might want to look into it.

You lost me here said:
Yes it is. BTW,I download the GUI beta version and have been
trying to make a GUI for the piece a wrote. It is really coming
a long. Autoit3 is really a powerful tool. I have not arrived a
public release yet, but you can see a screenshot for what it
might be looked like here, just to see how powerful autit3 can

And you see that it would not be difficult to create some kind
of GUI for a file backup program with autoit either.


Awesome. Can't wait till that comes out! Hopefully it'll still be
freeware though. <fingers crossed>

Thanks so much for this!
fitwell <[email protected]> says in
FileCopy ( "source", "dest" [, flag] )



FileCopy("C:\*.au3", "D:\mydir\*.*")"

Only a slightly different from a bat though I can see
line wrap issues might not be such an issue as in batch
code as commands encased in parantheses.
BTW, did you see the code I sent you here:
ssag es/322248.html

No, I didn't see this. Did you post that messsage here,

Yes, I did. Strange.
I use Agent, btw <g>.

I just mean when compared to google :) , because I suspected
you did not get that message.
I think a easier way to do it is to specify the filenames
as variable [snip] some kind of looping to make recursive
use of the function.
Your coding is absolutely super! The concept is ingenious.
The coding goes in one file, the AI one. Then the files
to back up are typed up in a separate file you've called
"backupjob.txt", and it's just a question of putting each
pathname on a separate line. That's it! So the text file
is all that needs maintaining! Talk about easy!

Yes, and the idea next is change that file into an *.ini file
and give a GUI to let the user to modify it. Having a
seperate file has gone a bit beyond simple scripting and a
step towards having a proper "program".
It did take me a bit to get it to work because of one
thing, though, and I was wondering if you had the same
problem if you tested this - I had entered the pathnames in
regular LFN format initially but AI didn't seem to like
that. But when I then just put them in DOS 8.3, it worked
fine. This is perfectly fine as is, _but_ if there's a way
to use LFNs with this AI file, it would be neat to know
how. LFNs allow one to actually know the file we're
backing up in each line, something that can be tough to
figure out from the 8.3 format <g>.

Here is something really strange. I had that problem when I
start with the assumption to enter the entry with a pair of
quotes (e.g., "___"), but then the backup fail. Then, I
remove the "" mark for the entry and it works. I realize in
my system (NTF, XP), the PC sometimes automatically add the
"" but sometimes doesn't (I had no problem with 98, I always
use "_" ). May be you should try to enter with "" for LFN,
see if it would work and let me know. I would need to have at
least figure this one first before giving it a GUI.
p.s., the backups don't always go smoothly. Just wanted to
report that it "misfires" for some reason. It seems to
miss files every once in a while. But I'll be testing it
fairly extensively and will see if it does this

Are you of FAT or NTF file system?
p.p.s., AutoIt v3 also came with AUT2EXE so I converted the
au3 file to an exe. It works as a standalone just fine.
p.p.p.s., with your permission, I'd like to include the
code for this backup file that you've given me. If you
okay this, I'll post it here.

I have no problem with this :)
This is just so totally awesome. What I also found neat is
how you coded AI to detect if Outlook is running or not and
that it prompts for user to shut it down if it is. Kewl.

Thanks to autoit 3, it is more powerful now and can detect
process and window more reliably.
You lost me here <lol>!

Truely, I am just a beginner, never did any progrming before
and not a programmer proper, either. But of course, as a
freeware junky and a friend-and-family beloved tech-support
for a while, I have at least an elementry sense of what
features are nice in what kind of program :) Yet, in term of
coding, I think I still belong to the least efficient group
because I don't know all the neat tricks yet.

It certainly is, certainly. What is nice is that Autoit2 is
still supported. I know that although you have said that v.3
makes more sense for you then v.2, but for me, who was totally
"blank" about programing with no interferance from other
languages, v.2. was a real doorway. It is less complicated.
If there wasn't v.2, I would never have even tried the syntax
in v3, which is not really easy for outsider.

Awesome. Can't wait till that comes out! Hopefully it'll
still be freeware though. <fingers crossed>

Don't worry, my stuff will always be free. I have no
intention for earning money by selling software. At the most,
donation could be welcomed (not to me and not for now either,
perhaps after I wrote more and really have more
Thanks so much for this!

U're...well...come :)

p.s btw, if you have time, may be you could also see if you
find this one useful, I finally finished a test version of it:

One thing I am wondering is that if it has the same directory
reading problem on your system. If it does, it could be
autoit itself or something.
No, I didn't see this. Did you post that messsage here,

Yes, I did. Strange.

Very strange. Unless the subject line was modified slightly? That
would put it in another thread, if this was the case. And I'm not
always good at catching related messages outside of threads. <g>

I just mean when compared to google :) , because I suspected
you did not get that message.

Yes, and the idea next is change that file into an *.ini file
and give a GUI to let the user to modify it. Having a
seperate file has gone a bit beyond simple scripting and a
step towards having a proper "program".

Now THAT would be something.
Here is something really strange. I had that problem when I
start with the assumption to enter the entry with a pair of
quotes (e.g., "___"), but then the backup fail. Then, I
remove the "" mark for the entry and it works. I realize in
my system (NTF, XP), the PC sometimes automatically add the
"" but sometimes doesn't (I had no problem with 98, I always
use "_" ). May be you should try to enter with "" for LFN,
see if it would work and let me know. I would need to have at
least figure this one first before giving it a GUI.

Hmm, without quotes the backup failed for me. The only way that has
worked is 8.3. Very odd.
Are you of FAT or NTF file system?

I'm not sure. How would I know?

btw, today's test at the office failed with backing up a file, too.
I'm guessing it _might_ be a syntax irregularity so I'll check into
the au3 file itself at some point (hopefully later tonight).

I don't know if the file it's missing is the one that always falls
under a certain number. I think better what I'll do is re-arrange the
order sequence a few times of the files to back up and see what
results I get each time. If #4, no matter what file that happens to
be at any given moment, fails - then I know it's the syntax used for
line #4. I was discouraged all afternoon and even until just now.
But a few sentences ago it occurred to me to check out the coding,
just like I'd do if it were a bat.

I have no problem with this :)

Kewl. We'll put "R.L.'s Backup AI File" or something in the title!

Truely, I am just a beginner, never did any progrming before

Ah, okay. Me, too. I'm not a programmer but I have a TON of
experience in scripting for WordPerfect and Filemaker Pro. Only now
tentatively getting in VBA.
and not a programmer proper, either. But of course, as a
freeware junky and a friend-and-family beloved tech-support
for a while, I have at least an elementry sense of what
features are nice in what kind of program :) Yet, in term of
coding, I think I still belong to the least efficient group
because I don't know all the neat tricks yet.

Good for you!
It certainly is, certainly. What is nice is that Autoit2 is
still supported. I know that although you have said that v.3
makes more sense for you then v.2, but for me, who was totally

Actually, I'm sorry I misled you somehow. I don't prefer any version
over another as I don't know AI well enough to know its differences. I
found both versions look good. It's that the recent v2 and v3 I dl
over the weekend came much better packaged than before. The two other
times I dl AI, I couldn't figure anything out at all. All the example
files that came with both v2 and v3 are incredible and give one a
better sense of where to start. Also, the help file is very, very
comprehensive. I had nothing near as good to start off in this type
of scripting with PowerPro (which does very similar stuff, btw, it's
just that you have to have the program installed and running - not
do-able at all at the office). Still, I couldn't live without
PowerPro. I'm hoping that AI will take over it's keyboard scripting
role, though.
"blank" about programing with no interferance from other
languages, v.2. was a real doorway. It is less complicated.
If there wasn't v.2, I would never have even tried the syntax
in v3, which is not really easy for outsider.

I don't know how one would do that, but then I'm just looking into AI
now. Esp. if the kinks can be worked out. It was awesome to take the
EXE and txt file to work and watch it go after changing the pathnames.
Can't wait till I iron out the difficulties.

Don't worry, my stuff will always be free. I have no
intention for earning money by selling software. At the most,
donation could be welcomed (not to me and not for now either,
perhaps after I wrote more and really have more

Oh, <foot-in-mouth> this program is YOURS???!! <lol> I'm sorry. I
never realized! Pls, you'll have to blame the serious stress I'm
under. We're on Day, what, 13 tomorrow (? I don't even know how my
head had stayed on these days!! <g>) before a federal election! I'm
being pressured to produce database log systems in Excel that you
wouldn't believe! I really need Access but she won't give me the time
I need to do them in Access and I'm too slow as I don't have near as
much experience in Access as I do in FMP. So I have had to rig up a
dozen workbooks that incorporate database-like functionality. I have
no choice but to deliver. My supervisor has NO idea what she's asked
for <sigh>. But that's life, eh? That's why, though, this backup
process is soooo vital. I have too many tips/tricks in my toolbars
now in Excel, PowerPoint, Word and Outlook. I couldn't operate
without them and so they need backing up soon! <phew> So sorry I
missed out on that very important fact!

Congratulations on a neat app. I always knew it would be nifty if I
could just figure it out. It was packaged differently before,
somehow, the other two times I tried it. <g> Great job!

p.s btw, if you have time, may be you could also see if you
find this one useful, I finally finished a test version of it:

Will do. I have to go and run and errand at this point and hope to
get some laundry done when I get back but to relax, I hope to be able
to sit down to some fun computer time! said:
One thing I am wondering is that if it has the same directory
reading problem on your system. If it does, it could be
autoit itself or something.

I'll check that out.

Now I can really say cheers and ta for now! <g>
Hi, Fitwell, have been busy so the reply comes slow.
Hmm, without quotes the backup failed for me. The only way
that has worked is 8.3.

So you mean you got the script works with only the quotes?
I'm not sure. How would I know?

You mention you are using 2000, that should be NTF, but as for
XP, some can use FAT some can use NTF.
btw, today's test at the office failed with backing up a
file, too. I'm guessing it _might_ be a syntax irregularity
so I'll check into the au3 file itself at some point
(hopefully later tonight).

Yes, that is strange.
I don't know if the file it's missing is the one that
always falls under a certain number. I think better what
I'll do is re-arrange the order sequence a few times of the
files to back up and see what results I get each time. If
#4, no matter what file that happens to be at any given
moment, fails - then I know it's the syntax used for line
#4. I was discouraged all afternoon and even until just
now. But a few sentences ago it occurred to me to check out
the coding, just like I'd do if it were a bat.

Please keep me posted on this, if you would :)
I have no problem with this :)
Kewl. We'll put "R.L.'s Backup AI File" or something in
the title! <g>

:P ...embrassing...
PowerPro (which
does very similar stuff, btw, it's just that you have to
have the program installed and running - not do-able at all
at the office). Still, I couldn't live without PowerPro.
I'm hoping that AI will take over it's keyboard scripting
role, though.

I remember you one time actually posted your templete for me.
Gee, for me PowerPro is really hard to get a hand on. I tried
it more than one time but still can't quite get myself to like
it that much. I guess that is just me. But also because I was
using 98 and PowerPro seemed to be resourse-hungry on my box.
Now THAT would be something.
I don't know how one would do that, but then I'm just
looking into AI now. Esp. if the kinks can be worked out.

I am, in fact, just for the fun of it, working on it. I have
some initial success of making that interface. Will let you
know once I got it together.

BTW, after showing you that initial GUI of my little piece, I
went ahead and publish the test GUI version. Take a look at
here :)

I think in a few months, I will be able to also put out a piece
for backing up individual files :)
Like you I resorted to creating my own utility - various bits of .bat, some awk,
schtasks.exe and mirror.exe. Not strictly a backup, but mirrors the working
areas on my HDD to a networked server. Can run it every hour (takes about 2
mins) but I choose nightly (15 mins). You'd think the OS would provide this
wouldn't you? (nb, in linux, it is sooo easy)
(e-mail address removed) (The History Student) says in
Like you I resorted to creating my own utility - various
bits of .bat, some awk, schtasks.exe and mirror.exe. Not
strictly a backup, but mirrors the working areas on my HDD
to a networked server. Can run it every hour (takes about 2
mins) but I choose nightly (15 mins). You'd think the OS
would provide this wouldn't you? (nb, in linux, it is sooo

Finally finished one using AutoIt, may also be useful:

Here is the screenshot:

And, here is the downloading page:

(Note, I forgot to add this in the Readme file: you can use
command switch to do automatic backup of the list, just add
"auto" with no quotes to the end of the exe commandline.)