Norman L. DeForest said:
Is there any utility that you could recommend for backing up the MBR
after booting up from a (DOS) boot floppy before making any changes and
for restoring the MBR if those changes turn out to be a disaster (such as
could happen if he *was* using a boot manager installed by the store that
sold him the computer without telling him about it)?
RESQDISK will do that. It can back up and restore the MBR, boot sector, as well
as a boot overlay on track 0.
ResQdisk is self contained, there no need to make a boot floppy as the RESQ
setup will make the floppy bootable.
To backup or restore the MBR or boot sector, just position the ResQdisk view
window over the desired sector, and press B or R according to the action you
wish performing.
For the entire track 0 (which includes the MBR) press Alt+Z and select backup,
restore, or compare (the actual track 0 with the backup file) from the drop
menu. The "track 0" function of ResQdisk was especially made to handle boot
overlays (and certain boot managers) that other utilities failed to do properly
(Symantec's RESCUE, and DISKEDIT for example). Boot overlays and managers that
write code to track zero use stealth to protect their own code from being
accidentally overwritten. Ordinary utilities pick the apparent code, not the
true one stored on disk, and end up in disaster if used to recover the track
content. ResQdisk overcomes the problem by its SeeThru technique, developed to
fight stealthy boot infectors.
RESQ is available from
Regards, Zvi