Desmond Cassidy
Hi Urs,
Many thanks for a lengthy, qualified and most helpful reply.
You have almost hit the nail on the head I suppose.
I have a Pentium IV 768 Mb with Norton Anti Virus prot and I work from
home with a network share (VPN ADSL) of the project.
I have Norton Internet Security Professional but don;t seem to be able to
disable it for certain directories...I must be missing something in the
documentation. ??
I will now download FileMON and have a look at the activity....I havn't seen
one of these programs since the early days on RSTS/E and VMS (The best one
was a utility for RSTS/E by a comapany knowns as Software techniques of
Gloucestershire. I love these utilities.....it basically takes away a lot of
the guesswork....
I have an opportunity in the next few weeks to migrate to Winserver2003 and
VS.Net 2003 so that certainly looks like a viable option.
I'll let you know my findings....
Again, many thanks,
Many thanks for a lengthy, qualified and most helpful reply.
You have almost hit the nail on the head I suppose.
I have a Pentium IV 768 Mb with Norton Anti Virus prot and I work from
home with a network share (VPN ADSL) of the project.
I have Norton Internet Security Professional but don;t seem to be able to
disable it for certain directories...I must be missing something in the
documentation. ??
I will now download FileMON and have a look at the activity....I havn't seen
one of these programs since the early days on RSTS/E and VMS (The best one
was a utility for RSTS/E by a comapany knowns as Software techniques of
Gloucestershire. I love these utilities.....it basically takes away a lot of
the guesswork....
I have an opportunity in the next few weeks to migrate to Winserver2003 and
VS.Net 2003 so that certainly looks like a viable option.
I'll let you know my findings....
Again, many thanks,