Hi Cor,
In the message where I said I think it's not possible, I had a ROFL.
That's because I've written two long posts describing how Url Protocols
(including mailto

work I've also posted so many snippets that send mail
using mailto: that I've lost count.
So I was being very tongue-in-cheek when I said it couldn't be done.
The routine below will put a message into the email program but not do the
actual send. This is left to the User, after they've done any editing that
they might want to do.
'A reference to System.Web may be necessary
'in the Project for this Import to work.
Imports System.Web.HttpUtility
Public Sub StartDefaultMail (sTo As String, _
Optional sSubject As String = "", _
Optional sMessage As String = "")
sTo = UrlEncode (sTo)
sSubject = UrlEncode (sSubject)
sMessage = UrlEncode (sMessage)
Process.Start ("mailto:" & sTo & "?subject=" _
& sSubject & "&body=" & sMessage)
Catch e As Exception
MsgBox ("Couldn't start default email application" _
& vbCrLf & e.Message)
Throw New Exception ("Couldn't start default email app", e)
End Try
End Sub