Aha! Thank you, Stefan. Should have thought of that.
Stefan B Rusynko said:FrontPage SE - FrontPage Server Extensions
SBR @ ENJOY (-: [ Microsoft MVP - FrontPage ]
"Warning - Using the F1 Key will not break anything!" (-;
To find the best Newsgroup for FrontPage support see:
| Stefan:
| Thanks very much for your prompt reply!! I was surprised to get help so
| quickly.
| Unfortunately, there is no improvement. In respect to your points:
| 1. I'm an acronym guy, but I'm not familiar with FrontPage SE?
| 2. Already ran Detect and Repair twice. Tried it again, no help.
| 3. Already tried this numerous times, but I tried it again just to be sure.
| No help.
| 4. I've already published the site down to a new back-up on another
| computer. Worked fine. However, I've put many hours into revising the
| pages, and really don't want to start all over again, especially without
| knowing what the problem is. Chances are that I might get to the same point,
| and have the same problem, thus having wasted all the time to re-do
| everything I've done, only to end up back where I started. Of course, if
| there is no solution, I'll have to do just that...however, something
| obviously went wrong, and i'd like to know what.
| Thanks for trying to help me. Much appreciated!!
| Any other ideas? I have tried rebuilding hyperlinks and text indices,
| thinking there was a fundamental break somewhere, but that was no help either.
| By the way, in the Publish screen, when I point the remote site to my hard
| disk back-up, the window is empty...however, at the bottom of the page, where
| it says to "View your remote site", when I click there, it opens a window
| showing me all my files and folders. It seems like FP is seeing stuff
| sometimes, but not when it counts.
| Thanks again,
| S.
| "Stefan B Rusynko" wrote:
| > 1) Don't use FTP or you will corrupt the FP SE
| > 2) Open FP and run a Help Detect & repair
| > (make sure your graphics driver is up todate - probable cause of your Access violation errors)
| > 3) Open your online site in FP (File open site http://www.yoursite.com/ ) and select Use Remote Web Site view to try to select
| > location of your PC based site (remote)
| > - if it still does not show publish the online site to a new PC location and start over
| >
| > --
| >
| > _____________________________________________
| > SBR @ ENJOY (-: [ Microsoft MVP - FrontPage ]
| > "Warning - Using the F1 Key will not break anything!" (-;
| > To find the best Newsgroup for FrontPage support see:
| > http://www.frontpagemvps.com/FrontPageNewsGroups/tabid/53/Default.aspx
| > _____________________________________________
| >
| >
| > |I had a perfectly good website using Frontpage, and utilizing shared borders.
| > | Worked fine for many months. It's an association site, and the boss wanted a
| > | "facelift". Doing so, I got rid of the SB and created a dynamic web
| > | template, then attached it to all my pages, while at the same time editing
| > | the font sizes, etc., on most of the pages (in the "Body" section). I did
| > | this on my hard disk "back-up" of the site, so as not to screw up the actual
| > | website with experimentation (rare foresight on my part).
| > |
| > | Initially, this worked fine on the first twenty pages or so. But after
| > | shutting down for the night, and restarting the next day I have a problem.
| > | Now, when I try to go to my hard disk back up and try to open the files in
| > | Frontpage, FP can't see any files or folders. I can open a file, i.e.
| > | index.htm, in Internet Explorer, then click on "Edit with Frontpage", and it
| > | will open for editing, but Folders view is empty, and FP tells me there are
| > | no files in the folder.
| > |
| > | So far, I have updated almost all the other pages in this way, but its a
| > | tedious, slow process. Open a page in IE, go to "Edit with FP", do my
| > | editing, attach the dwt, save it, then back to IE for the next page.
| > | Ble-e-a-a-h.
| > |
| > | If I go into FP, then try to open the back-up, FP sees nothing, as if there
| > | was an empty folder on the hard drive.
| > |
| > | FP seems to work fine when working with my website on-line, but I can't
| > | publish my revised files up to the site using FP, since FP can't see the
| > | files and folders. I could use WSFTP Pro, but I'm reluctant to do so until I
| > | figure out what's going on.
| > |
| > | I should also mention that when I'm working on the back-up pages in FP,
| > | occasionally I will get an Access violation, and FP will crash. This appears
| > | random, but does always happen when I try to right-click on a graphic or an
| > | icon in order to reset it's hyperlink. I suspect this has something to do
| > | with FP not being able to "see" the Images folder.
| > |
| > | It's clear to me that something has "broken" my FP installation, but I can't
| > | figure out what. I can find nothing in the KB or by Googling. Any help
| > | would be appreciated.
| > |
| > | I considered uploading the revised files using WSFTP Pro, then republishing
| > | a fresh back-up down to my HD to see if that would fix whatever's broken, but
| > | again, I'm reluctant to mess with the site blindly.
| > |
| > | I'm running FP 2003, and Win XP MCE SP2, with all updates applied for XP and
| > | Office. Multiple spyware and virus scans with various programs, both in Win
| > | and in Safe mode. Did an FP Detect and Repair twice. No joy. 2 gigs of RAM
| > | on a Dell Inspiron 9300 laptop, using a cable modem high speed connection, if
| > | that matters.
| > |
| > | Thanks.
| >
| >
| >