Using DWT, Frontpage can't see folders and files

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Aha! Thank you, Stefan. Should have thought of that.


Stefan B Rusynko said:
FrontPage SE - FrontPage Server Extensions


SBR @ ENJOY (-: [ Microsoft MVP - FrontPage ]
"Warning - Using the F1 Key will not break anything!" (-;
To find the best Newsgroup for FrontPage support see:

| Stefan:
| Thanks very much for your prompt reply!! I was surprised to get help so
| quickly.
| Unfortunately, there is no improvement. In respect to your points:
| 1. I'm an acronym guy, but I'm not familiar with FrontPage SE?
| 2. Already ran Detect and Repair twice. Tried it again, no help.
| 3. Already tried this numerous times, but I tried it again just to be sure.
| No help.
| 4. I've already published the site down to a new back-up on another
| computer. Worked fine. However, I've put many hours into revising the
| pages, and really don't want to start all over again, especially without
| knowing what the problem is. Chances are that I might get to the same point,
| and have the same problem, thus having wasted all the time to re-do
| everything I've done, only to end up back where I started. Of course, if
| there is no solution, I'll have to do just that...however, something
| obviously went wrong, and i'd like to know what.
| Thanks for trying to help me. Much appreciated!!
| Any other ideas? I have tried rebuilding hyperlinks and text indices,
| thinking there was a fundamental break somewhere, but that was no help either.
| By the way, in the Publish screen, when I point the remote site to my hard
| disk back-up, the window is empty...however, at the bottom of the page, where
| it says to "View your remote site", when I click there, it opens a window
| showing me all my files and folders. It seems like FP is seeing stuff
| sometimes, but not when it counts.
| Thanks again,
| S.
| "Stefan B Rusynko" wrote:
| > 1) Don't use FTP or you will corrupt the FP SE
| > 2) Open FP and run a Help Detect & repair
| > (make sure your graphics driver is up todate - probable cause of your Access violation errors)
| > 3) Open your online site in FP (File open site ) and select Use Remote Web Site view to try to select
| > location of your PC based site (remote)
| > - if it still does not show publish the online site to a new PC location and start over
| >
| > --
| >
| > _____________________________________________
| > SBR @ ENJOY (-: [ Microsoft MVP - FrontPage ]
| > "Warning - Using the F1 Key will not break anything!" (-;
| > To find the best Newsgroup for FrontPage support see:
| >
| > _____________________________________________
| >
| >
| > |I had a perfectly good website using Frontpage, and utilizing shared borders.
| > | Worked fine for many months. It's an association site, and the boss wanted a
| > | "facelift". Doing so, I got rid of the SB and created a dynamic web
| > | template, then attached it to all my pages, while at the same time editing
| > | the font sizes, etc., on most of the pages (in the "Body" section). I did
| > | this on my hard disk "back-up" of the site, so as not to screw up the actual
| > | website with experimentation (rare foresight on my part).
| > |
| > | Initially, this worked fine on the first twenty pages or so. But after
| > | shutting down for the night, and restarting the next day I have a problem.
| > | Now, when I try to go to my hard disk back up and try to open the files in
| > | Frontpage, FP can't see any files or folders. I can open a file, i.e.
| > | index.htm, in Internet Explorer, then click on "Edit with Frontpage", and it
| > | will open for editing, but Folders view is empty, and FP tells me there are
| > | no files in the folder.
| > |
| > | So far, I have updated almost all the other pages in this way, but its a
| > | tedious, slow process. Open a page in IE, go to "Edit with FP", do my
| > | editing, attach the dwt, save it, then back to IE for the next page.
| > | Ble-e-a-a-h.
| > |
| > | If I go into FP, then try to open the back-up, FP sees nothing, as if there
| > | was an empty folder on the hard drive.
| > |
| > | FP seems to work fine when working with my website on-line, but I can't
| > | publish my revised files up to the site using FP, since FP can't see the
| > | files and folders. I could use WSFTP Pro, but I'm reluctant to do so until I
| > | figure out what's going on.
| > |
| > | I should also mention that when I'm working on the back-up pages in FP,
| > | occasionally I will get an Access violation, and FP will crash. This appears
| > | random, but does always happen when I try to right-click on a graphic or an
| > | icon in order to reset it's hyperlink. I suspect this has something to do
| > | with FP not being able to "see" the Images folder.
| > |
| > | It's clear to me that something has "broken" my FP installation, but I can't
| > | figure out what. I can find nothing in the KB or by Googling. Any help
| > | would be appreciated.
| > |
| > | I considered uploading the revised files using WSFTP Pro, then republishing
| > | a fresh back-up down to my HD to see if that would fix whatever's broken, but
| > | again, I'm reluctant to mess with the site blindly.
| > |
| > | I'm running FP 2003, and Win XP MCE SP2, with all updates applied for XP and
| > | Office. Multiple spyware and virus scans with various programs, both in Win
| > | and in Safe mode. Did an FP Detect and Repair twice. No joy. 2 gigs of RAM
| > | on a Dell Inspiron 9300 laptop, using a cable modem high speed connection, if
| > | that matters.
| > |
| > | Thanks.
| >
| >
| >
It sounds like you are working with loose page files and not a web site.

| Thank you all for trying to help with my issue.
| I am going to waste your time with a recap of this issue, because I have
| been trying to respond to each of your suggestions using your
| which I can now see has caused me to apparently be confusing. I really
| most of this confusion is due to helpful people not reading the entire
| before offering suggestions, but I guess I really can't expect everyone to
| waste their time doing that. And I certainly don't want to appear
| for the attempts at assistance I have received here. In over 20 years of
| computer experience (but much less than that as a Frontpage person), I've
| gotten much help from these forums, and have always enjoyed participating.
| So, if anyone is still interested in trying to help me figure this out:
| There is only one problem. I am working with a website (
| that has been in existence for about three years, and has always been
| with FP. I have always been the webmaster, and no one else has access to
| site or its files.
| I had a full back-up of the site on my hard drive. The Executive Director
| of our association asked me to do a "facelift" of the site, to make it
look a
| little more modern. I determined that the best way to do that was to get
| of the shared borders, and go to the new dynamic web templates used in FP
| 2003. I also decided that, rather than mess up the site while I was
| experimenting with the DWTs, I would do all the work on the set of back-up
| files on my hard drive -- then, when satisfied, I would publish all the
| revised files to the live site, where they would overwrite the old files.
| I began working on the files by deleting the shared borders. Then created
| DWT. Once that was done, I began going through each of the files,
| and editing content, getting rid of the wallpaper on each page, etc., and
| finally attaching the DWT, then saving the file to my hard drive, in its
| location.
| I did about 20 pages, working within FP, and all was well. I shut down
| the night. The next day, I opened FP, and navigated to the folder with
| back up files in it. FP showed an empty window in folder view, and told
| there were no files in the folder.
| That is the issue.
| I can see the files in Windows explorer. I can open each file in IE, then
| click on "Edit with Frontpage", and the file will open in FP. I can
| pages in FP and re-save them (sometimes, but not always, I get an access
| violation at this point -- generally when trying to edit or insert a
| hyperlink). I have completed my tweaking aof all the other pages in this
| laborious way (except for some hyperlinks).
| However, even when I have actually opened a page this way in FP, FP still
| can't see any of the other files or folders in the back-up on my hard
| I have tried opening the folder and publishing anyway, thinking maybe that
| would work, but it takes about a second for FP to tell me there are no
| there.
| I can open the live site on the web (, and see all the
| and folders in FP, just like always. There appears to be no problem with
| working on the existing site. FP just can't see the set of back-up files
| folders that are on my hard drive.
| I thought perhaps there was a problem with the DWT, but in that case, I
| should still be able to see some of the old back-up files that I didn't
| attach the DWT to, but that's not the case. I can't see them either.
| I tried creating a new web on the hard drive, and copying all the files
| folders into it, but still can't see them.
| I tried copying the back-up web folder and it's contents to a USB drive,
| then transferring it to a different computer. FP can't see the files on
| PC either (behaves exactly the same way as on my laptop).
| I tried opening FP in Safe Mode, thinking maybe one of my security
| was interfering (although they never have before). No help. FP can't see
| the files in Safe Mode, either.
| One suggestion was to start over from scratch, and I will if I have
| I'm reluctant to do that without understanding the problem, since I don't
| want to do two weeks work, only to end up right back where I started.
| And yes, Tina, I know how to open my site live. I suspect you were being
| sarcastic out of frustration.
| As I said at the start...I REALLY appreciate the efforts of those who have
| tried to help with this. I am only frustrated by the wierd nature of the
| problem, and the fact that I think I explained it several times along the
| thread. I guess my main problem with not being clear was my use of terms
| like "live" and "remote" and "server", but I was trying to respond to the
| language used by those who were trying to help.
| The original post of the problem was pretty clear, I thought.
| Anyway, thanks for the help and suggestions. If ANYONE has an idea that
| hasn't been suggested, thanks a lot for sending it along!! I figure if I
| can't get the answer here, it's not out there to be found!
| Regards,
| Steve
| "Tina Clarke" wrote:
| >
| > | > > The domain is, but if I understand you, I'm not sure you
| > > what
| > > I'm asking. I can open the site on the server, no problem. The
| > > is
| > > that I can't see any files or folders in my hard disk back up of the
| > >
| > > Thanks,
| > > S.
| >
| > You said...
| >
| > "I can't really do this, because I can't open the remote site in FP.
| > where my basic problem is. When I go to the folder, FP tells me there
| > no
| > files in it"
| >
| > You didn't say your hd you said remote site (ie your host server)
| >
| > Hence the confusion.
| >
| > Open your site live and publish to your hard drive.... that will fix
| > Do you know how to open your site live?
| >
| > Tina
| >
| > --
| >
| > Launching THIS WEEK - New EW Blog too.
| > Join Any Expression Ezine and be ready!
| >
| >
| >
| >
| >
And yes, Tina, I know how to open my site live. I suspect you were being
sarcastic out of frustration.

No actually I wasn't and I wasn't flustrated, from what was said I thought
you didn't know.

Normally people get confused on the terms used, even making up new ones.
Part of the process of figuring out the problem is to ask questions to see
exactly what the 'asker' is asking.

People who answer can/will make assumptions based on what the 'asker'
asked.... I usually find asking a few pointed questions gets more
information out of the 'asker' ....

Indeed this is what happened in this case.

When your working on your web.... don't use edit with frontpage in the
browser... use frontpage that is the correct way and leads to less problems.

If you can see the files in windows explorer.

Try this...

copy the folder to a new location.

open fp and browse to that new location and open the folder within fp... fp
might come up with some dialog boxes to do with saying it wants to make it a
fp web (hopefully)

...... don't use edit with frontpage in the browser again..... use File |
open site | (if on the server use My Network Places) if on your hd .. look
at the my webs location where you should keep all your webs for ease sake.

After you have got the site working again don't open it via windows

If the folder has a globe it sounds like it's a web...

Have you tried fpcleaner?

empty your ie cache

run repair and detect

See if this works..

Tina - FrontPage Tutorials - - FrontPage Addons - Weekly FrontPage Tips - FrontPage News Blog - Original Abstract Pen and Ink Drawings
Thank you for the info, Tina, and I didn't mean anything negative...just
frustration on my part. It was nice of you to take the time to compose your

I have resolved the problem, although I still don't know what caused the
problem. What I ended up doing, simply because I could take no longer to get
the site going again, was to go to the site using ftp_Pro and delete the
entire site, then published a complete "last known good" set of files from my
back-up to the site. Lastly, I had the web host reinstall the fp extensions.
All seems okay now, but I am still faced with not understanding what the
problem was -- a state of affairs that I'm uncomfortable with.

In answer to your specific questions: I had stopped using the edit with fp
option in IE, had run fpcleaner, emptied the cache and run detect and repair
(twice). That was one of the reasons I was so frustrated...nothing that I
could think of seemed to work.

Anyway, thanks to you and all that tried to help. I have to re-do my work
in upgrading the site, and if I have additional problems, I'm sure I'll be
back <G>.

Thanks again!!

No, that didn't help. I tried again but I had done this before also. Also
when I try View, Folder List the status bar says loading and keeps flickering
but never completes loading.

Before opening FP try running the FP cleaner (to delete cache)


SBR @ ENJOY (-: [ Microsoft MVP - FrontPage ]
"Warning - Using the F1 Key will not break anything!" (-;

| No, that didn't help. I tried again but I had done this before also. Also
| when I try View, Folder List the status bar says loading and keeps flickering
| but never completes loading.
| Melanie
| "Steve Easton" wrote:
| > Open FrontPage, open your web and select Tools > Recalculate Hyperlinks.
| >
| > See if it helps.
| >
| >
| > --
| > Steve Easton
| > Microsoft MVP FrontPage
| > FP Cleaner
| >
| > Hit Me FP
| >
| >
| >
| > | > >I have a similar but hopefully more simple problem. I also have FP 2003 and
| > > everything was working perfectly until I all of a sudden my folder list
| > > showed no files. The files exist and the web site is still working the same,
| > > but I have to go to the navigation pane to retrieve files. Nothing I do makes
| > > them show up on the folder list. HELP!!!
| > >
| > > Melanie ([email protected])
| > >
| > > "Steve ashley" wrote:
| > >
| > >> Thank you for the info, Tina, and I didn't mean anything negative...just
| > >> frustration on my part. It was nice of you to take the time to compose your
| > >> reply.
| > >>
| > >> I have resolved the problem, although I still don't know what caused the
| > >> problem. What I ended up doing, simply because I could take no longer to get
| > >> the site going again, was to go to the site using ftp_Pro and delete the
| > >> entire site, then published a complete "last known good" set of files from my
| > >> back-up to the site. Lastly, I had the web host reinstall the fp extensions.
| > >> All seems okay now, but I am still faced with not understanding what the
| > >> problem was -- a state of affairs that I'm uncomfortable with.
| > >>
| > >> In answer to your specific questions: I had stopped using the edit with fp
| > >> option in IE, had run fpcleaner, emptied the cache and run detect and repair
| > >> (twice). That was one of the reasons I was so frustrated...nothing that I
| > >> could think of seemed to work.
| > >>
| > >> Anyway, thanks to you and all that tried to help. I have to re-do my work
| > >> in upgrading the site, and if I have additional problems, I'm sure I'll be
| > >> back <G>.
| > >>
| > >> Thanks again!!
| > >>
| > >> Steve
| > >>
| > >> "Tina Clarke" wrote:
| > >>
| > >> > > And yes, Tina, I know how to open my site live. I suspect you were being
| > >> > > sarcastic out of frustration.
| > >> >
| > >> > No actually I wasn't and I wasn't flustrated, from what was said I thought
| > >> > you didn't know.
| > >> >
| > >> > Normally people get confused on the terms used, even making up new ones.
| > >> > Part of the process of figuring out the problem is to ask questions to see
| > >> > exactly what the 'asker' is asking.
| > >> >
| > >> > People who answer can/will make assumptions based on what the 'asker'
| > >> > asked.... I usually find asking a few pointed questions gets more
| > >> > information out of the 'asker' ....
| > >> >
| > >> > Indeed this is what happened in this case.
| > >> >
| > >> > When your working on your web.... don't use edit with frontpage in the
| > >> > browser... use frontpage that is the correct way and leads to less problems.
| > >> >
| > >> > If you can see the files in windows explorer.
| > >> >
| > >> > Try this...
| > >> >
| > >> > copy the folder to a new location.
| > >> >
| > >> > open fp and browse to that new location and open the folder within fp... fp
| > >> > might come up with some dialog boxes to do with saying it wants to make it a
| > >> > fp web (hopefully)
| > >> >
| > >> > ...... don't use edit with frontpage in the browser again..... use File |
| > >> > open site | (if on the server use My Network Places) if on your hd .. look
| > >> > at the my webs location where you should keep all your webs for ease sake.
| > >> >
| > >> > After you have got the site working again don't open it via windows
| > >> > explorer...
| > >> >
| > >> > If the folder has a globe it sounds like it's a web...
| > >> >
| > >> > Have you tried fpcleaner?
| > >> >
| > >> >
| > >> > empty your ie cache
| > >> >
| > >> > run repair and detect
| > >> >
| > >> > See if this works..
| > >> >
| > >> > Tina
| > >> >
| > >> > - FrontPage Tutorials
| > >> > -
| > >> > - FrontPage Addons
| > >> > - Weekly FrontPage Tips
| > >> > - FrontPage News Blog
| > >> > - Original Abstract Pen and Ink Drawings
| > >> >
| > >> >
| > >> >
| >
| >
| >