Michael C
Andy B. said:"I don't have 2008 here but this doesn't work on 2005. In 2008 don't you
have to type T and then down arrow followed by space?"
No. If you go to Options>project defaults>visual basic and turn the "code
prettier" on then all you have to do is:
if(x = 0) [hit enter here and the then...end if is automatically added]
Also if you are in that same dialog (visual basic project defaults) and
you turn on the automatically fix errors, then vs will reformat your code.
'I can type this in the code window
dim PersonsAge Integer
'And after hitting enter it will rewrite the line as...
dim PersonsAge as Integer
Basically if you have these 2 features in vs2008 turned on it minimizes
your typing and coding. You can go back and customize the autogenerated
code, but I would imagine for some code writers it would be a pain in the
neck having to rewrite autogenerated code. For me it works wonders because
when i use new features in vb like inherits or implements it helps out
when I don't know what I'm doing.
I didn't realise you could do that. I think there is a similar feature in C#
that will do the squigglies for you but I haven't looked into it yet. I
think I hit the right key combination once to get it to work but I could
only do it once.