I didn't. But it was not clear to me that you expected any speed gain
for the scanner, too. The main winner should be the external drive.
However, now that you mention it: Do you observe a significant speed
gain for your mouse? How did you notice? Scrolling now is 40 times
faster? ;-)
Sorry, can't say oin that as the computers that have USB 1.1 use a separate
plug in mouse (PS2). I've not seen a crying need to compare mice ... <G>
I -was- using the Epson on USB 1.1 until I got the native 2.0 ports on the
laptop - THAT was a big speedup. Scan, pause, scan, pause scan - done on
1.1, scan - done! on 2.0. Even 4x5 negatives scan without a pause - those at
1600 dpi. 35mm negs at 3200 dpi litterally 'zip'.
Neither USB 1.1 have firewire, so haven't hooked in that mode other than a
test on the laptop. About the same, though a stopwatch might show a second
or two on a 300 dpi full page.