Bob I
This is a newsgroup, not some moderated forum. When you press send, you
effectively toss the message to the wind.
effectively toss the message to the wind.
lomaca said:Why don't you please take time and read the entire post, before passing
sanctimonius judgement.
He made it abunduntly clear that it effected several (that means more
then one) machines.
I haven't noticed any more posts than normal regarding USB here or in
other newsgroups. If it was a Windows update usually there would be a
flurry of posts immediately after the update. It could still be an
update but only in certain relatively uncommon situtations. The only
solution I can think of is take a broken machine and wipe it out.
Reinstall Windows. Start adding in drivers and updates one at a time
until it breaks again. Time consuming but probably necessary to find
the cause.
JoyB said:Ignore last paragraph please - I had not noticed my card reader was still
connected to another port.
There are strange problems with USB-Devices (most mass storage) since this