USB 2.0 is a goner

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This is a newsgroup, not some moderated forum. When you press send, you
effectively toss the message to the wind.
I'm having USB problems also. Copying about a bigabyte to a flash drive
on my laptop. Left it running when I went to bed. In the morning the
flash drive no longer worked. Unplugging and replugging only resulted
in "USB Device Not Recognized". I thought the USB device had failed.
bought another. Same problem with the new one. Both work fine on
another machine. Why did this work for a year then suddenly stop

I have tired all the USB fixes (delete devices, registry changes, etc.)
Nothing helps.
lomaca said:
Why don't you please take time and read the entire post, before passing
sanctimonius judgement.
He made it abunduntly clear that it effected several (that means more
then one) machines.

I *DID* read his entire post. His situation is unique and specific to
something he has done, either software or hardware. I have never seen the
problem he describes. He states he updated and then had the problem on
those machines he works with...those that he administrates, or controls. He
has the problem on all machines. The problem is mentioned nowhere else on
the internet (at least as far as Google and the Usenet groups are
concerned). Do the math. He has created a situation that causes the
problem he describes. He needs to do his own detective work. I would take a
single machine and start with a fresh OS install and device drivers, then
applications, and then updates, checking USB at each step. Eventually the
culprit will be discovered.

I haven't noticed any more posts than normal regarding USB here or in
other newsgroups. If it was a Windows update usually there would be a
flurry of posts immediately after the update. It could still be an
update but only in certain relatively uncommon situtations. The only
solution I can think of is take a broken machine and wipe it out.
Reinstall Windows. Start adding in drivers and updates one at a time
until it breaks again. Time consuming but probably necessary to find
the cause.

I believe a couple of patches from mid-December 2005 are the culprit, but I
don't have their numbers handy right now. Uninstalling those 2 patches
alleviates the problem a lot, but there seems to be some residual problem that
still causes Event 51 errors and the like. So never getting those two patches to
begin with may save you after a fresh re-install of Windows XP SP2, but once
those patches hit your machine, your USB 2.0 is screwed. I wonder if MCE 2005 is
any better in this regard?
You wouldn't happen to be using an extension cable or USB hub by chance
would you? I have the same exact issue on several machines. If I remove the
extension cable or add a powered USB hub, then the issue goes away.
I have the same problem as Lat47 describes, other than it was an ipod that I
left connected overnight (unintentionally). After that the computer throws up
the same message when I connect the new powered USB 2.0 hub I have bought. My
old powered 1.1 USB Hub is fine. Both are fine with my old computer. If I
connect the new 2.0 hub through the old one , the message that this device
can perform faster if connected to a USB 2.0 port appears. Yet as soon as I
connect it directly it becomes an unknown, malfunctioning device ???????

Ignore last paragraph please - I had not noticed my card reader was still
connected to another port.
I am running XP SP2 and when I plug a card reader, flash memory or a camera
into either of my 2 front USB ports I get exactly the symptoms described by
Numpty. I receive the message "USB Device Not Recognized" and then under USB
Controllers in Device Manager you see Unknown Device. However, these same
devices work fine with the USB ports at the back of the computer.

I have had to replace my hard disk within the last week so all the software
has been installed witin the last few days. I am in Australia and the Rgional
Settings are all set to English Australia. However, Power Management is not
set to the default.

Can anyone help? Tim
JoyB said:
Ignore last paragraph please - I had not noticed my card reader was still
connected to another port.

If all OPs comps are affected and nobody elses and it's v. sudden.
Maybe it's the power at his place.
I am managing hundreds of XP Workstation and 2003 Servers and can tell you:

There are strange problems with USB-Devices (most mass storage) since this

I also opened a call at MS but we didn't solve the problems yet.
It is not a problem of a specific chipset or machine type.

Cheers, Bernd
There are no problems - when you use enough workarounds to deinstall devices
via device manager or others presented in newsgroups and Technet. But I
wouldn't do this on a weekly basis. And my customers don't have the
permissions to do that.

Do you thell the CIO of a company with several hundreds of PCs: "Sorry,
before you use your Memory-Stick or your camera, you first have to run this
script to clean the device entrys?"
I wouldn't!

But I also know the methods of "Technical Support" of several manufacturers.
"Sorry, you must have installed some software, that killed your system.
Please use the Reinstall-Disk" .


There are strange problems with USB-Devices (most mass storage) since this

USB has ALWAYS BEEN A PITA. USB works when it wants to work, and it's
very unreliable.

I have a doctor with 3 IPaq devices, and I've made more money off his
USB related problems with those IPaq's that it would have cost him to
buy three computers.

Same with printers - terminal services with USB printers is almost
always a problem, not to mention that they almost always lockup the
spooler service.

Same with Cameras/removable drives - seen them actually BSOD a server
and workstations many times.