Chad Harris said:
Arrogance, delusion and stupidity that amounted to death in Iraq; death to infants as the
new policy not to treat them takes over; death to thousands because of the mornic non-support
of embryonic stem cell research, Taliban control this morning in Afghanistan; and simply the
most incompetent presidency in history and a disastrous second term has resulted in some of
the most destructive arrogant Senators and House members who exherted no oversight, many of
them funnelling millions in campaign funds to their wives and in one case a daughter in sham
PR shops, many of them pending federal indictment.
The Democrats will test the waters, and Bush will rediscover
his veto pen. The Dems do not have the votes to overcome
a veto. Of course, the Dems may have to overcome some of
their own members, first. There are quite a few conservative
"blue dog" Democrats already.
They will also have to contend with the influx of a large number of conservative Democrats,
many of whom are pro-life, anti-tax and staunchly opposed to illegal immigrants. Recruited to
win in red districts, they are likely to clash with the decided liberal party leadership.
Many of the Democrats coming in are much more conservative than a lot
of the Democrats already there.
2006 was just a warm up for 2008. Not much legislatively
will happen before then.
Many of the races were very close, the House margin not that
wide. Dems do not have the discipline in sticking together like
the Republicans mostly did.
It's hard to have a mandate when:
About 40% of *registered* voters actually
vote during midterms.
About 60% of *registered* voters actually
vote during Presidential elections.
About 34% of the voting age population is
not registered.