Ringmaster said:Classic example of STUPID Microsoft strong arm marketing to get prior
customers to "over" upgrade.
Classic example of you opening with an insult (as usual).
I was in the same situation, I also have XP Pro. I too wished to
upgrade to XP Home Premium. Why? Because it had features more useful
to me than the business version which I ended up switching to.
The point that always zooms over the goofy fanboy crowd is prior to
Vista then were only two choices, the more common home version and the
pro version.
"Fanboy's' didn't know that? You're that stupid?
Now with four choices you are forced to get what you
don't want.
Really? Another stupid ignorant statement from you. Keep it up...this is
getting good!
Worse, you end up losing features you did want. Business
version doesn't include the popular video features I actually wanted.
So you bought it anyway? OMG! Where you that drunk on that day?
What is further annoying is if the business version is a "higher" up
the totem pole version...
It's a "business version".
then why does it exclude features that the home
premium version has? Simple answer, to try to force you into the most
expensive Ultimate version. Well, I didn't bite.
Yeah! Brilliant! You got what you paid for and deserve cause you proly
didn't bother to read the label, or go to the MS website did you?
Oh, I forgot, it's all MS's fault.
There is something really wrong with you mr gotemeyer.
Get some help and stop whining.