Think I found the problem updating the definitions. If
you go to Help > About and click Diagnostics, you will
notice that the line labeled Definitions Increment
Version has a major error, at least it does on my
system. It says the increment is 82/78! Since 78
probably applies to 5725, 80 applies to 5727, and 82
applies to 5729, then in fact 5725 is installed, not 5729
as the Help dialog box displays.
When I checked the MSAS folder in c:\program files, I
noticed that the files associated with the definitions
were from June 9. The system thinks it has 5729, when in
fact it hasn't applied the new definitions at all. When
I checked the file sizes on Microsoft's web site, it said
that 5725's two files were 1397684 and 2513196 bytes in
length. When I checked on the Diagnostic dialog box, the
same two files were the exact same length as those for
5725. So, 5729's two files might have been downloaded,
but they aren't being applied.
Hopefully Microsoft can fix this bug so we all have the
most current definitions installed.
you go to Help > About and click Diagnostics, you will
notice that the line labeled Definitions Increment
Version has a major error, at least it does on my
system. It says the increment is 82/78! Since 78
probably applies to 5725, 80 applies to 5727, and 82
applies to 5729, then in fact 5725 is installed, not 5729
as the Help dialog box displays.
When I checked the MSAS folder in c:\program files, I
noticed that the files associated with the definitions
were from June 9. The system thinks it has 5729, when in
fact it hasn't applied the new definitions at all. When
I checked the file sizes on Microsoft's web site, it said
that 5725's two files were 1397684 and 2513196 bytes in
length. When I checked on the Diagnostic dialog box, the
same two files were the exact same length as those for
5725. So, 5729's two files might have been downloaded,
but they aren't being applied.
Hopefully Microsoft can fix this bug so we all have the
most current definitions installed.