"Burt" <
[email protected]>
You are welcome to your
morally superior stance and hours of dialing to attempt to find the help
you, as a consumer, deserve in a timely fashion. If I can't get into a
queue in a reasonable period of time I will do the dastardly thing - I
will circumvent their anti-consumer, penny-pinching approach to service
and do the next best thing to get the service I've paid for when buying
a product.
Edward, the liberal socialist will wait in a line/que, becuase he's too
stupid and lazy to figure a way around it.
Becuase he's stupid, lazy and ignorant, he'll want all new laws passed by
his socialist masters to make sure the quick, smart and eager won't get
ahead in lines ahead of him and his cohorts.
This will of course, lead to calls for government regulation and staffing
to check the lines/ques for malfactors and the smart and quick and fine and
imprison them for doing so.
This then will of course, lead to increased taxes to pay for this huge new
layer of government, laws, courts, prisons and lawyers to uphold these
onerous new unpopular laws.
This then will lead to more new taxes as the "war on pushy people" seems to
never end, and the government just can't stop smart, pushy people from
jumping ques no matter how many taxes they raise and prisons the build and
walls around the que points at every store in order to better ably herd the
masses into their proper lines according to their station in life.
Edward, of course, will voluteer to be block Que warden for his
neighborhood, and he'll turn in prettier, smarter, better educated
neighbors and especially that bitch down the street who thinks she's so
stuckup and pretty and sexy with big boobs and a nice car and healthy well-
behaved hard working children who save all their money and take wonderful
vacations! He'll get them. Oh boy will he get them.
Pretty soon, Edward will agitate his government to make new laws regarding
ques/lines because the "WAR ON PUSHY PEOPLE" doesn't seem to be working.
These new laws will increase the penalties to death for being pushy, smart,
saving and being prettier than Edward and his family of drooling lazy,
stupid mongoliods, but what the new law will entale is affirmative action
for stupid, lazy slow people.
This new law will put the lazy and stupid in front of all lines and make
the smart and able go to the back of the line.
This will extend to the workplace, hiring and firing, all aspects of
Pretty soon, Edward will have his dream utopian society...a whole nation
full of stupid, lazy, greedy people in lines and lots and lots of people
watching them to make sure they don't get ahead.
Edward will be very proud in his all grey jumper coveralls uniform with the
little red flag on the lapel denoting that Edward was a founding member of
the AntiPushy People Party.
He'll be very proud and when his children are starving to death and his
wife dies of pnuemonia because there is no vaccines left because the
leaders have stored it all away for themselves, he'll be a little bit
upset, but he'll accept it as the necessary price to pay to keep dirty
Pushy people down.
The end.
I'm listening!