UPDATE: "Problem with Canon Pixma ip4000 printer"

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You've put the worst flaming spin on an attempt to get service, and I don't
appreciate it. This "yank" understands the "queue" and respects it. Please
read my message more carefully. I only do this when it is impossible to get
through to a support line.

There was nothing I read in your post to suggest you 'couldn't' get
through to the support line only that you were in a queuing system and
were not prepared to wait your turn. If I was incorrect in my reading
of your post I apologize.

The suggestion you made, and supported by others was a way to
circumvent the queuing system that we all find annoying but unless
there are limited resources queuing is the only fair way. Generally,
at least in my experience, calling back at less popular time of day
will often achieve a more rapid response.

On this subject what is simply maddening is when you are prepared to
wait in the queuing system and after a time the system automatically
disconnects you. Now that really makes my blood boil!
Edward W. Thompson said:

There was nothing I read in your post to suggest you 'couldn't' get
through to the support line only that you were in a queuing system and
were not prepared to wait your turn. If I was incorrect in my reading
of your post I apologize.

The suggestion you made, and supported by others was a way to
circumvent the queuing system that we all find annoying but unless
there are limited resources queuing is the only fair way. Generally,
at least in my experience, calling back at less popular time of day
will often achieve a more rapid response.

On this subject what is simply maddening is when you are prepared to
wait in the queuing system and after a time the system automatically
disconnects you. Now that really makes my blood boil!

Edward - apology accepted. I thought I was clear when I mentioned that "the
customer service or tech
support number is continuously busy." As a student of semantics, however, I
know that "the message delivered is not necessarily the message received!"
(quote professor S. I. Hiakawa) I agree about the maddening experience of
getting dumped out of a system after waiting. Equally annoying are 1) going
through a series of menu choices that dumps you or gets you to a place you
didn't want in the first place, and 2) some of the obnoxious advertisements
or music on hold.
Wow you have a Kirby vacume and no AC? Those vacumes cost a small fortune.
You must not live in Florida like me :-).. Living here without ac is very
hot during the summer.

- Mike
Wow you have a Kirby vacume and no AC? Those vacumes cost a small fortune.
You must not live in Florida like me :-).. Living here without ac is very
hot during the summer.

Those vacumes can be had used for much less... it's no big deal. But I
am in Washington. I don't know anyone with AC. There are only a few
days in the summer where it would be nice, but one could just install
an attic fan and be pretty much happy.
zakezuke said:
Those vacumes can be had used for much less... it's no big deal. But I
am in Washington. I don't know anyone with AC. There are only a few
days in the summer where it would be nice, but one could just install
an attic fan and be pretty much happy.
Sheesh, If responding, at least correct the spelling of vacuum. (The only
word in the English language with a double u in it.)

I'm kind of wondering about the cause myself. In the year I've had the
ip4000, I probably printed a total of 70 pages, mostly just b/w text,
and haven't used it in about three or four months. It's hooked up to an
Electricord six-prong surge protector, which it shares with my
computer, my computer speaker system (rarely turned on), a digital
alarm clock and...er, a large, old, and energy-sucking air conditioner.

Unplug your air-con from the surge protector! It's exactly the sort of
machine that your surge guard is trying to protect your electronic
stuff from! The back-EMF from the compressor will wear out MOV surge
guards very quickly, & will then start inflicting damage on the
delicate equipment. Jeez, no wonder your printer failed!

In general; anything with a mains-powered motor or a thermostat should
be run from a totally different outlet from anything electronic - even
better, a separate loop (ie; an outlet on a different fuse), if one is

PS: I'm glad to hear that you had a good outcome from your call to
So you've found a way to push yourself in front of everyone else. What
a smart Guy you are! I suppose you do the same trick when there is a
queue somewhere, just walk to the front or do you only practice this
'trick' when there is no fear of retribution from others?


Pussies, wussies, liberals, democrats, beta bitches, the slow, the stupid
and the lazy are in the back of all lines of the world. Always has been,
always will be.

Unless of course you get your liberal socialist paradise government you
want so badly.
And then, all the animals will be equal and stand in the numerous many long
lines for food, heat, gas and medical care and for tech suport.
Except of course, some animals are just a bit better than others and won't
have to stand in those same lines, you understand, right?
You won't mind having your socialist masters and government workers and
those who keep the socialist sytem running fine getting ahead in the line,
will you?


I'm listening!

"Burt" <[email protected]>
You are welcome to your
morally superior stance and hours of dialing to attempt to find the help
you, as a consumer, deserve in a timely fashion. If I can't get into a
queue in a reasonable period of time I will do the dastardly thing - I
will circumvent their anti-consumer, penny-pinching approach to service
and do the next best thing to get the service I've paid for when buying
a product.

Edward, the liberal socialist will wait in a line/que, becuase he's too
stupid and lazy to figure a way around it.

Becuase he's stupid, lazy and ignorant, he'll want all new laws passed by
his socialist masters to make sure the quick, smart and eager won't get
ahead in lines ahead of him and his cohorts.

This will of course, lead to calls for government regulation and staffing
to check the lines/ques for malfactors and the smart and quick and fine and
imprison them for doing so.

This then will of course, lead to increased taxes to pay for this huge new
layer of government, laws, courts, prisons and lawyers to uphold these
onerous new unpopular laws.

This then will lead to more new taxes as the "war on pushy people" seems to
never end, and the government just can't stop smart, pushy people from
jumping ques no matter how many taxes they raise and prisons the build and
walls around the que points at every store in order to better ably herd the
masses into their proper lines according to their station in life.

Edward, of course, will voluteer to be block Que warden for his
neighborhood, and he'll turn in prettier, smarter, better educated
neighbors and especially that bitch down the street who thinks she's so
stuckup and pretty and sexy with big boobs and a nice car and healthy well-
behaved hard working children who save all their money and take wonderful
vacations! He'll get them. Oh boy will he get them.

Pretty soon, Edward will agitate his government to make new laws regarding
ques/lines because the "WAR ON PUSHY PEOPLE" doesn't seem to be working.

These new laws will increase the penalties to death for being pushy, smart,
saving and being prettier than Edward and his family of drooling lazy,
stupid mongoliods, but what the new law will entale is affirmative action
for stupid, lazy slow people.

This new law will put the lazy and stupid in front of all lines and make
the smart and able go to the back of the line.

This will extend to the workplace, hiring and firing, all aspects of

Pretty soon, Edward will have his dream utopian society...a whole nation
full of stupid, lazy, greedy people in lines and lots and lots of people
watching them to make sure they don't get ahead.

Edward will be very proud in his all grey jumper coveralls uniform with the
little red flag on the lapel denoting that Edward was a founding member of
the AntiPushy People Party.
He'll be very proud and when his children are starving to death and his
wife dies of pnuemonia because there is no vaccines left because the
leaders have stored it all away for themselves, he'll be a little bit
upset, but he'll accept it as the necessary price to pay to keep dirty
Pushy people down.

The end.


I'm listening!

Mapanari said:
"Burt" <[email protected]>
You are welcome to your

Edward, the liberal socialist will wait in a line/que, becuase he's too
stupid and lazy to figure a way around it.

Becuase he's stupid, lazy and ignorant, he'll want all new laws passed by
his socialist masters to make sure the quick, smart and eager won't get
ahead in lines ahead of him and his cohorts.
(snipped a bunch more of Mapani's rant)

Hey Map - I'm not sure how a suggestion on getting through to an always busy
service phone line feeds into a diatribe about lazy socialists! Just
because you would do the same in this circumstance, don't include me in your
rationale about Edward's comments. I rather agree with Edward on the issue
of waiting in line if there is one, and I don't expect that he or I would
insist on the farthest illogical conclusions you have reached about
government control, etc, to enforce the "queue." It's just good manners-
you know - a way of dealing with your fellow human beings in a kind and fair
Hey Map - I'm not sure how a suggestion on getting through to an always busy
service phone line feeds into a diatribe about lazy socialists!

Cause in Mapi's world there's only two kinds of people:
Mapi and lazy socialist liberals.
(snipped a bunch more of Mapani's rant)

Hey Map - I'm not sure how a suggestion on getting through to an always
busy service phone line feeds into a diatribe about lazy socialists!
Just because you would do the same in this circumstance, don't include
me in your rationale about Edward's comments. I rather agree with
Edward on the issue of waiting in line if there is one, and I don't
expect that he or I would insist on the farthest illogical conclusions
you have reached about government control, etc, to enforce the "queue."
It's just good manners- you know - a way of dealing with your fellow
human beings in a kind and fair way.
The only thing kind and fair about your normal human beings around you, is
that you can count on them to **** you in the ass, rape your wife, daughter
and dog, kill you and burn your house down if they could get a chance
without fear of getting caught.

That's just the normal human condition.

Pretending otherwise means you like to sing Kumbayah, hold hands on sunny
hillsides while drinking your coke with all the other pleasant, handsome
young multiculturals and que up to pay your "fair share" of taxes.

The rest of the world of evil ****ers, preists, ministers, politicians and
businessmen depend upon the masses of sheeple of the world like that.


I'm listening!

Mapanari said:
"Burt" <[email protected]>

The only thing kind and fair about your normal human beings around you, is
that you can count on them to **** you in the ass, rape your wife, daughter
and dog, kill you and burn your house down if they could get a chance
without fear of getting caught.

That's just the normal human condition.

Pretending otherwise means you like to sing Kumbayah, hold hands on sunny
hillsides while drinking your coke with all the other pleasant, handsome
young multiculturals and que up to pay your "fair share" of taxes.

The rest of the world of evil ****ers, preists, ministers, politicians and
businessmen depend upon the masses of sheeple of the world like that.
Hopefully, you've not been able to reproduce. However, if that
unfortunate event did occur, we can only hope that you, in your
insanity, committed fratricide.
And that G_d may have mercy on their poor soul(s) and deliver His
justice to the miserable piece of shit you are.
Frank said:
Hopefully, you've not been able to reproduce. However, if that
unfortunate event did occur, we can only hope that you, in your
insanity, committed fratricide.
And that G_d may have mercy on their poor soul(s) and deliver His
justice to the miserable piece of shit you are.

"My miserable piece of shit offspring can **** your slow, lazy and happily
smiling offspring in the ass and take their money"

Mapi's Bumper Stickers R Us.


I'm listening!

Mapanari said:

"My miserable piece of shit offspring can **** your slow, lazy and happily
smiling offspring in the ass and take their money"

Ahhhh - the milk of human kindness flows! Back under the rocks slither Mapi
and Mapi Jr. to reunite with the slime that spawned them.
Ahhhh - the milk of human kindness flows! Back under the rocks slither
Mapi and Mapi Jr. to reunite with the slime that spawned them.

Yah, but they can still **** you and yours in the ass and take your money
away from you, and leaving you crying in the ditch like the little beta
bitch-assed punks you are.


I'm listening!

Gee, Mapi's off his meds again,

and things were so nice and "peaceful" after he left us last time.

To anyone who cares... ignore this fool. Place his email address in your
"garbage filter" since that's all he is able to spew from his foul mind.

He is. as he states he believes most others to be, a sad sack, and
beyond redemption.

He is a bigot, a racist, a "eugenics" promoter, and he claims he's been
pretty much everything from a rocket scientist to a rock musician. The
truth appears to be he has rocks for brains.

He posts in a number of usenet groups - after finding he is being
completely ignored and no longer has anyone reading his insipid muck he
goes to bother another usenet group. The sooner we all ignore him,
the sooner he'll go away again.

He only keeps on topic for as long as it gets people to read his
postings, then he's back off in left field (well, more like right field,

Gee, Mapi's off his meds again,

and things were so nice and "peaceful" after he left us last time.

To anyone who cares... ignore this fool. Place his email address in your
"garbage filter" since that's all he is able to spew from his foul mind.

He is. as he states he believes most others to be, a sad sack, and
beyond redemption.

He is a bigot, a racist, a "eugenics" promoter, and he claims he's been
pretty much everything from a rocket scientist to a rock musician. The
truth appears to be he has rocks for brains.

He posts in a number of usenet groups - after finding he is being
completely ignored and no longer has anyone reading his insipid muck he
goes to bother another usenet group. The sooner we all ignore him,
the sooner he'll go away again.

He only keeps on topic for as long as it gets people to read his
postings, then he's back off in left field (well, more like right field,


And yet, Fart, here you are again, responding to my post, crying
hysterically like a little young girl called Paula Revere, riding your toy
horsey through your abused-children-shelter, sceaming
"Oh god help us, the dreading child molesting warlock bigoted racist nose-
picking Mapanari is coming! Two night lights in the up stairs windows
means he's here! Oh god save us all, us children now!".


I'm listening!

Mapanari said:

"Oh god help us, the dreading child molesting warlock bigoted racist nose-
picking Mapanari is coming! Two night lights in the up stairs windows
means he's here! Oh god save us all, us children now!".

Excellent description of himself by the sensetive, introspective Mapi.