Up yours Banks !!

Jesus Christ!!! You guys pay That much in charges!!!! That is a rip off & a half!!!
I thought the $15NZD they charge over here was too steep!
They tried increasing it to $30NZD at one stage, but there was so much clamour about it that in the end they reduced it back down again.

Also, I'm afraid I'm like mucks in this, I don't generally spend more money than i have, plus I pay most of my bills in advance (before the actual bill comes out) & I don't HP, so I don't have any debts except for the house. So that keeps my bills down to living costs.
Plus, I'm stingy, when I saw just how high the monthly fees for electronic transactions were on my bank statements I went back to using cash wherever i can. Helps prevent accidental overspending & impulse buying too, as I always know just exactly how much money I have in my wallet.

I'm sorry, but I think even £12 is apalling!
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This has been going on for a while now.

The banks simply cannot justify charging the fees because its all automatic now

I have friends that have over the past 8 - 10 years been charged stupid amounts of money.

They are now claiming thousands back. One in particular is claiming 5k on his account
Rush said:
But we have to protect the masses

Why? :confused:

Plebs don't understand then they deserve to get fleeced :D

Aye oop lad, you can't cross that line, I'm a Union Official.

(sound of a sharp right hander followed by a crumpling body followed by the sound of footsteps crossing a picket line)

You'd never believe I was once a Socialist would you? If your old man's a scouser I'm afraid it's ingrained in you :)

As for Banks - use them, don't them let them use you- simple.

Rip-off, hyporitical, greedy, heartless buggers the lot of 'em.

I do remember a Natwest Bank Manager saying to me once 'May we refer, Mr ********, to our original agreement where you agreed to deposit money with us and not vice versa?'