You're all wet. Ground is ground is ground. Static electricity is no
different that any other electricity.
If you unplug it you also remove the ground. Leave it plugged into a
power strip and turn off the power strip.
If electrically correct, then a good place to ground a lightning rod
is to a computer chassis. Since ground inside a TV is same as ground
beneath your feet, then go ahead. Touch that TV ground. Pain from an
electrical shock demonstrates why two grounds are completely
different; why one ground is called a floating ground and not called
earth ground,
Motherboard ground is difference from wall receptacle safety ground;
is different from breaker box ground; is different from earth ground;
is different from telephone wiring ground; is different from chassis
ground; is different from any ground created by water pipes.
No grounding of electrical devices may be performed by water pipes.
Doing so can even threaten human life in a bathroom. Any ground
connection to water pipes only removes electricity from those pipes.
This requirement is a major safety code change. Grandfathering is the
only reason some safety grounds to water pipes can exist. And again,
a ground also called water pipes is electrically different from all
those other grounds.
Knowledge of basic electricity means that electricity is always
different at two ends of a wire. Sometimes that difference is so
minor as to be considered same. But two ground connected at two ends
of a wire are electrically different. Why do many electronic devices
contain separate analog and digital grounds? But again, two grounds
that are interconnected are also electrically different. Different
grounds even when interconnected are electrically different.
Returning to this thread's point. Earth ground has no relevance to
the ground for a static electric discharge circuit. An electric
circuit from leg, through arm, through computer chassis, through
table, and to bottom of shoe. Earth ground exists where in that
circuit? No where. Earth ground does nothing for semiconductor
static protection. One here has assumed motherboard ground is same as
earth ground.
Hardly.Ground is ground is ground.
Without or without earth ground connected to a computer, a static
electric discharge from finger to semiconductor will damage (or over
stress) that semiconductor. (Over stress is another relevant
concept.) Where is protection provided by earth ground? Non-
existent. Earth ground or safety ground (also called equipment ground
because it is different from earth ground) do nothing for static
electric protection.