Thanks for the info.
: "PuppyKatt" <[email protected]> says in : [email protected]:
: > Thank you. Why is it "unofficial"?
: It is unoffical because I have no affiliation with Lavasoft
: And in fact, I anticipate that if one day they decide to make
: an updater that is schedularble my piece will resign (I made
: it because I need it myself).
: But for now they only make the auto update feature available
: in the paid version
: --
: RL
: *******************************************
: Unofficial Adaware Updater:
: http://home.earthlink.net/
: ~ringomei/Unofficial_adaware_updater.html
: Little (File) Backer Upper:
: http://home.earthlink.net/
: ~ringomei/Backup_tool_Backer_Upper.html
: Uptime Quickie
: http://home.earthlink.net/~ringomei/page2.html
: *******************************************
: "PuppyKatt" <[email protected]> says in : [email protected]:
: > Thank you. Why is it "unofficial"?
: It is unoffical because I have no affiliation with Lavasoft

: And in fact, I anticipate that if one day they decide to make
: an updater that is schedularble my piece will resign (I made
: it because I need it myself).
: But for now they only make the auto update feature available
: in the paid version

: --
: RL
: *******************************************
: Unofficial Adaware Updater:
: http://home.earthlink.net/
: ~ringomei/Unofficial_adaware_updater.html
: Little (File) Backer Upper:
: http://home.earthlink.net/
: ~ringomei/Backup_tool_Backer_Upper.html
: Uptime Quickie
: http://home.earthlink.net/~ringomei/page2.html
: *******************************************