Windows XP uninstall windows 2000

i know which driver i have to download now but Dell won't let me, it keeps timing out or starting and getting stuck half way.

its driving my nuts!!!!!!

managed to download the file from DELL (it was a built in Ethernet adapter) but now i can't even start up the laptop.

doesn't even get into BIOS

i push the button, it sounds like it's starting up, don't get anything on the screen and then it gves up, turns itself off.

i managed to get into it once the other day, stuck it on hibernate so it wouldnt turn off but its now doing the same thing again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

any suggestions?
Make a lousy paperweight ... maybe use it as a door stop?

Sorry, if it won't turn on, I cant 'fix' it. ;)
loopy said:
that really sucks!

if it's a lose connection how do i check for that?
Chuck it on the floor from a great hight. :thumb:
oops, bugger ...

loopy said:
it's gone in the bin....completely dead :mad:
oops ... not much you can do with dead things ... unless you wanna eat it. :)

I know it sounds terminal, but if you can get it to work again or you want to have a play with it to and see what is wrong, see if your local library has a copy of Upgrading & Repairing Laptops by Scott Mueller. I used the same book to rebuild a laptop about 9 months ago when all seemed lost, it now works & is used daily to test software with, it may be worthless, but i'm very proud i got it to work again:D
books to help

The books by Scott Mueller are the Laptop one & Uprading and Repairing PC's:thumb: now in it's 16th Edition, both cost about £40 but my local library had both, CD or DVD in the back of book is worth having a look at, lots of useful info on it.:thumb: The Author also does a book on Upgrading & Repairing Microsoft Windows.