Windows XP uninstall windows 2000

Oct 7, 2005
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hey guys,

i've recently been given an old laptop with windows 2000 on it. i wanted to upgrade it to winXP so i ran the setup cd after logging onto win2000. the setup ran fine but because i didnt have a partition setup on my C: drive, its now taken up most of the space on that drive.

is there any way to remove win2000?

should i or can i start over and reinstall XP?
Start over ... are your sure the laptop will run XP?

Boot from CD and tell XP to delete the partitions and clean install using NTFS

its runnin in Xp at the moment but i stil want to delete win2000 and free up the space...
ah right ... for a dreaded moment I thought you may have been trying to use a smaller HD. ;)

no no! wouldn't be wise would it?

besides, i've use all of your advice in the past and never been streered wrong yet ;)
loopy said:
no no! wouldn't be wise would it?

besides, i've use all of your advice in the past and never been streered wrong yet ;)
ooh, don't catch me on the wrong foot then ... ;)

The reason to do a clean re-install is to eliminate all and any ruminants of 2000 ... you will of coarse need all the XP drivers for your system ... most, if not all, should be available off the Net. Check first. :thumb:

ok excellent.

seems to be installing winXp ok at the moment and i think i have all the drivers on a separate cd

fingers crossed all goes well!

coolcool, everything installed and working! and i have all my free space back!!!

just gotta check drivers and stuff
loopy said:
coolcool, everything installed and working! and i have all my free space back!!!

just gotta check drivers and stuff
Jolly good.

ok, now i'm confused - trying to connect to the internet and i've inserted the ISP cd but when it checks for a connection it says it cant renew my IP address and that there's a physical connection fault.

i've tried using the same connection on another computer and it runs fine.

do u think i need to locate an updated driver for my network adapter?
Did you install any drivers? ... check in device manager for any yellow exclamation/question marks ... no harm in seeing if there are any latest drivers also.

i've got one for my PCI modem but i have the setup disk for it, only i get a popup saying i don't have a PCI modem on that computer???
GRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!! stupid bloody DELL support pages wont load!!!!!!!!

all i want is the driver!!!!!!!

p*ss i say to dell
loopy said:
i've got one for my PCI modem but i have the setup disk for it, only i get a popup saying i don't have a PCI modem on that computer???

I'm confused ... if you have a PCI, modem take it out, that will cure that 'problem' but did you look for the network adaptor ... drivers?

Again, you is gonna have to tell me what you got there ... PCMA card or built-in Ethernet (RJ45) ?

I must tell you I am the worlds worst networker ... if it don't work, I don't use it. ;)
loopy said:
GRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!! stupid bloody DELL support pages wont load!!!!!!!!

all i want is the driver!!!!!!!

p*ss i say to dell
ah, Dell Hell ... what number is it. :rolleyes: