understanding harry haller and Microsoft [please read if you care]

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what do you,Harry,have to do with Microsoft?and who started a thread
like this anyway.Let Harry be Harry
Harry is fine,or recovering.He didn't appreciate the unsolicited
attention he got from 0000000000000000,but he got over that.(& Harry
doesn't know why he was discussed on ADP.or any of the microsoft
groups, or a psychotherapy group.They don't care about Harry or
00000000000000.& he has no problem with microsoft or
psychotherapists-or 000000000000000 0 ,for that matter.He just happened
to be in the wrong place at the wrong time).This is the last comment
Harry will make about the matter.
yeah,Hypnosis was very productive for the PTSD a result of the verbal
assaults,but I will get over that
why is this Harry being stalked?There's two I know of,one's a scientist
I think.This Harry what did he do?
It's good I was selected because a weaker person might not have handled
it as well.Other trhan becoming disassociative for a while
OOOOOOOOOO,nlittle harm done
do you have nightmares?Cold sweats?Depression,anxiety.hypersensitivity
to sound and light?Get help.
Steppenwolf-A novel by Hermann Hesse.Read-see the movie if you can find
it-with Max von Sydow as Harry Haller.00000000000000000
How could I have interacted with microsoft--- as the original poster
said-he started this mess.