UK National Anthem - your favourite?

floppybootstomp said:
I'm going to step out on a limb here, and comment.

Potguy has expressed a view which is common to lots of people in the UK, and I think a lot of them are mistaken.

Alright, I agree that H & E Exec do take things a little too far but because of them there are far fewer deaths in the construction industry, and associated industries, for that matter.

Health & Safety rules were not started for the sake of it, there was good reasoning behind their formation - namely, the protection of the working class man, which, I figure, is most of us here on this forum.

Asbestos, anybody?

I don't understand the phrase 'Start illegal wars pointlessly'

The UK sure as hell have started a lot of wars, lol, whether they were illegal or not depends on whose guidelines you're following.

I've been left wing all my life but the older I get the more I start to sympathise with right wing views, which I find extremely sad.

I do believe, PotGuy. you're young, which, thinking about it, makes you even sadder than me. To be warped and twisted at such a tender age is very sad indeed.

This is our homeland, I also love this country, I also embrace everybody here who is for us, those who are here and would have us convert to their own religion/politics/lifestyle/sympathise with 9/11 - I detest.

Those who embrace being British, from whatever culture, creed, country of origin, ethnic background or whatever, I welcome you and know (hope) you'd fight for the Union Jack should the need arise.

I know many of you will.

I know that many peope with a different skin colour to my own, and those living in a different part of the world to me, fought alongside us in WW2.

Never forget that

Bullsh*t - Daily Mail propaganda. Open your eyes.

You sure do :)

You been all round the world then? I think the tune's a pile of cack myself, all it reminds me of is going to the cinema in the 60's and having to stand up at the end of the show :lol:

Nah, let it die.

And yes, Britain ain't perfect, but for all the slack immigration rules, for all the people here who obviously don't want to embrace our culture, and yes, it p****s me off as well - it is still a much better place than many others in this world.

I really do love this place and I really do love most of it's people.

Maybe I'm grim, but that is honestly how I feel.

People is people - don't judge til you know those people.
Here Here! Well Said :-D
zorrofox said:
This is a laugh-a-minute thread. If people all over the world recognize your anthem it's probably because you attacked them and enslaved them. You're welcome to it.
I think you are being a bit harsh.

Yes we English have our faults but compared to other nations we are not that bad. Please remember, with the help of the Royal Navy, the UK was one of the first nations to abolish slavery nearly 200 years ago. Also, unlike many nations, we are not afraid to admit our faults and at least attempt to do something about it.

I think you will find that we often gave more than we took - many nations (even the USA) gained much from our industrial, economical and governmental systems. After all, where did the industrial revolution start?

I suggest we stop here because we are in danger of breaking the rules of the Forums. Politics & Religion is Taboo!
zorrofox said:
This is a laugh-a-minute thread. If people all over the world recognize your anthem it's probably because you attacked them and enslaved them. You're welcome to it.

There was no excuse for slavery, it was abhorrent, but it was abolished and we as a country led the way to abolition.

Now then, which other countries took part in the Slave trade? Care to do some research? Oh, that's strange, look at that, Africans enslaved, sold and used Africans. My my.

Yes, the UK attacked other countries and made them part of an empire. Just the same as countless other countries and nations have done throughout history.

That's not exclusive to the UK.

It was the way things were then, that's how people lived and died. So, no need for any excuses there.

Did you know Nelson lost his arm trying to plunder a horde of Spanish gold from the island of Tenerife? But the Spaniards kicked his butt.

You see what happens when you get greedy? :D
Yes, this thread is starting to go ashtray (sic ;) ) ... excuse me while I have a draw on me fag ... How the heck does "music" stray on-to slavery ???

... either get back on topic or we close the thread.

muckshifter said:
Yes, this thread is starting to go ashtray (sic ;) ) ... excuse me while I have a draw on me fag ... How the heck does "music" stray on-to slavery ???

... either get back on topic or we close the thread.


Thanks Mucks I totally agree. :)
muckshifter said:
Yes, this thread is starting to go ashtray (sic ;) ) ... excuse me while I have a draw on me fag ... How the heck does "music" stray on-to slavery ???

... either get back on topic or we close the thread.


I will go with whatever decision you make, just thought I'd say that as I've been active in this thread.

I do believe this post was the catalyst for straying away from music:

PotGuy said:
Personally I love our National anthem. It is known all round the world, and it harks back to a time when we were not slaves to the Health and Safety Executive and were able to be strong and decisive, and not start illegal wars pointlessly.

Then again, I am slightly more right wing than I'd like to be.

I love this country. I loathe the government, the way it is run and even some of the people, but it is still my homeland.

And I think that being proud to be british is becoming dangerously close to being illegal.

But I digress.

I think it is good simply because it is so widely recognised by other countries. I bet it is one of the most recognised in the world.

Maybe the Queen and 50 Cent could...'jazz it up'...

There again, imo it isn't just music, mention 'National Anthem' and you're on the edge of a whole group of related topics - patriotism, jingoism, nationalism and probably a few other isms.

So you can see how easy it would be to stray away from music.

Some people reacted other than in a music comment way, I reacted to their comments.

I don't see things getting wildly out of hand here and as far as I know no feelings have been hurt.

However, Mr Mucks, as I said, I'll abide by and support any action you may take, for the sake of harmony :)
floppybootstomp said:
I will go with whatever decision you make, just thought I'd say that as I've been active in this thread.

I do believe this thread was the catalyst for straying away from music:

There again, imo it isn't just music, mention 'National Anthem' and you're on the edge of a whole group of related topics - patriotism, jingoism, nationalism and probably a few other isms.

So you can see how easy it would be to stray away from music.

Some people reacted other than in a music comment way, I reacted to their comments.

I don't see things getting wildly out of hand here and as far as I know no feelings have been hurt.

However, Mr Mucks, as I said, I'll abide by and support any action you may take, for the sake of harmony :)
& again here too.

A national Anthem is about national pride & so that is bound to come up in such a conversation & that can be a contentious subject.
But so far people have generaly handled the subject with civility & humor.
Wether it's best to let it run or 'stop while we're ahead'
either or... :)
It's certainly been an interesting thread :nod::thumb:
get your voice`s around this Boyos :lol:

Hen Wlad Fy Nhadau

Mae hen wlad fy nhadau yn annwyl i mi,
Gwlad beirdd a chantorion, enwogion o fri;
Ei gwrol ryfelwyr, gwladgarwyr tra mad,
Tros ryddid collasant eu gwaed.

Gwlad, gwlad, pleidiol wyf i'm gwlad,
Tra môr yn fur
I'r bur hoffbau,
O bydded i'r heniaith barhau.

Hen Gymru fynyddig, paradwys y bardd,
Pob dyffryn, pob clogwyn, i'm golwg sydd hardd;
Trwy deimlad gwladgarol, mor swynol yw si
Ei nentydd, afonydd, i mi.

Os treisiodd y gelyn fy ngwlad dan ei droed,
Mae hen iaith y Gymry mor fyw ag erioed,
Ni luddiwyd yr awen gan erchyll law brad,
Na thelyn berseiniol fy ngwlad.


The land of my fathers, the land of my choice,
The land in which poets and minstrels rejoice;
The land whose stern warriors were true to the core,
While bleeding for freedom of yore.

Wales! Wales! fav'rite land of Wales!
While sea her wall, may naught befall
To mar the old language of Wales.

Old mountainous Cambria, the Eden of bards,
Each hill and each valley, excite my regards;
To the ears of her patriots how charming still seems
The music that flows in her streams.

My country tho' crushed by a hostile array,
The language of Cambria lives out to this day;
The muse has eluded the traitors' foul knives,
The harp of my country survives.

I still prefer the Scottish anthem;)
Haha flops thanks for completely destroying me.

I was in a bit of a bad mood reading that back through, but I still stand by some of the points.

I wasn't saying that the HSE doesn't do good things - far from it - but when kids aren't allowed to play on rope swings because of health and safety, you have to raise your eyebrows a little. I know that some of the work they do is very good, but at the same time some of it is quite ridiculous.

In the construction industry it is necessary to have stringent HS rules because everything pretty much is a hazard and you have to respect your environment. In cub scouts, it is not :p

Why is it sad to views that are a little right wing?

As soon as some of you read that post (not necessarily you poeple that have posted), you will immediately have presumed I was some kind of BNP supporting right wing racist moron. Just because I am proud of past achievments does not mean I condone the way they were achieved. Every country in the western world pretty much was involved in the slave trade.

Why do you think I am twisted?
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PotGuy said:
Haha flops thanks for completely destroying me.

Nah, gerroff you Wally, tis but spirited debate, you know I'll still buy you a pint ;)

I was in a bit of a bad mood reading that back through, but I still stand by some of the points.

Always stand by what you believe in, it's absolutely certain not all will agree with you though, that's what makes us an interesting species.

I wasn't saying that the HSE doesn't do good things - far from it - but when kids aren't allowed to play on rope swings because of health and safety, you have to raise your eyebrows a little. I know that some of the work they do is very good, but at the same time some of it is quite ridiculous.

In the construction industry it is necessary to have stringent HS rules because everything pretty much is a hazard and you have to respect your environment. In cub scouts, it is not :p

I absolutely agree with you. I was in the Cubs, went camping, built rope bridges between trees, went on long walks in the dark navigating, reading a map by torchlight. And the park swings and roundabouts were lethal, lol

Why is it sad to views that are a little right wing?

You've misunderstood me here completely.

It is not sad to have right wing views, far from it. That's called politics and again that's what makes us interesting.

No, what I meant was I think it's sad that one so young shouyld be so cynical and only appear to see the rotten side of everything.

I thought folks only got like that when they got past 40 or something. You know, whingeing on about how bad things are these days, everything is bad, bad bad. Poppycock, there's more good that goes on than bad, just it don't get noticed so much.

I call it the bus stop syndrome. If a bunch of folks start talking whilst being forced together for a while, they will inevitably moan. This seems to make them bond and I've never really understood. I think it's actually a UK thing, French and Spanish don't seem to do that.

When somebody starts that with me, I always smile and disagree and tell them to stop moaning, they're breathing, they're standing upright, they're healthy and can see and hear. So shaddap and be grateful :D

As soon as some of you read that post (not necessarily you poeple that have posted), you will immediately have presumed I was some kind of BNP supporting right wing racist moron. Just because I am proud of past achievments does not mean I condone the way they were achieved. Every country in the western world pretty much was involved in the slave trade.

Oh leave it out, I'm as patriotic as the next guy, I just hope I see things a little more balanced than some. The UK is still a force to be reckoned with. Remember, we're a tiny island yet we're still part of the G8 summit.

And you're right about the slave trade - extremely regrettable, sickening, it happened, we've changed (I hope).

Why do you think I am twisted?

Ok, maybe that was a bit harsh, all I meant was covered in the points I've raised above, a young guy seeing the world through cynical eyes, not seeing both sides of the coin.

There is a load of crap going down, I'm not blind to it, but I swear there's more good than bad.

And I've just noticed where you got the thing about 'sad having right wing views'. I was referring to myself, not you.

And I think that's a bit grim because I've been staunch left wing all my life, son of a Liverpool docker I am, but older I get, working for myself, I'm beginning to understand Tories.

But that doesn't mean I'll give David Cameron a kiss, no, he makes me puke and I'd like to give him a right hander :D

Anyways, Potguy, it really ain't nowt personal, you're a valuable, respected and popular Forum member, it's inevitable that at some time on every forum, people will disagree. As long as the disagreement is kept at a debate level and doesn't get personal, that's ok.

If you felt I was unfair to you, I apologise, I didn't mean to be.

I was just saying things how I saw them.

And it's your round, my glass is empty...
Originally Posted by Itsme

get your voice`s around this Boyos

Itsme, the reverberations from that top 'C' you hit, travelled south and shattered some glasses here.:p You and Mucks are the Don Estelle and Windsor Davies of PCR;)

TC quickly makes a bolt for the nearest cat-flap to take cover
floppybootstomp said:
Nah, gerroff you Wally, tis but spirited debate, you know I'll still buy you a pint ;)

Always stand by what you believe in, it's absolutely certain not all will agree with you though, that's what makes us an interesting species.

I absolutely agree with you. I was in the Cubs, went camping, built rope bridges between trees, went on long walks in the dark navigating, reading a map by torchlight. And the park swings and roundabouts were lethal, lol

You've misunderstood me here completely.

It is not sad to have right wing views, far from it. That's called politics and again that's what makes us interesting.

No, what I meant was I think it's sad that one so young shouyld be so cynical and only appear to see the rotten side of everything.

I thought folks only got like that when they got past 40 or something. You know, whingeing on about how bad things are these days, everything is bad, bad bad. Poppycock, there's more good that goes on than bad, just it don't get noticed so much.

I call it the bus stop syndrome. If a bunch of folks start talking whilst being forced together for a while, they will inevitably moan. This seems to make them bond and I've never really understood. I think it's actually a UK thing, French and Spanish don't seem to do that.

When somebody starts that with me, I always smile and disagree and tell them to stop moaning, they're breathing, they're standing upright, they're healthy and can see and hear. So shaddap and be grateful :D

Oh leave it out, I'm as patriotic as the next guy, I just hope I see things a little more balanced than some. The UK is still a force to be reckoned with. Remember, we're a tiny island yet we're still part of the G8 summit.

And you're right about the slave trade - extremely regrettable, sickening, it happened, we've changed (I hope).

Ok, maybe that was a bit harsh, all I meant was covered in the points I've raised above, a young guy seeing the world through cynical eyes, not seeing both sides of the coin.

There is a load of crap going down, I'm not blind to it, but I swear there's more good than bad.

And I've just noticed where you got the thing about 'sad having right wing views'. I was referring to myself, not you.

And I think that's a bit grim because I've been staunch left wing all my life, son of a Liverpool docker I am, but older I get, working for myself, I'm beginning to understand Tories.

But that doesn't mean I'll give David Cameron a kiss, no, he makes me puke and I'd like to give him a right hander :D

Anyways, Potguy, it really ain't nowt personal, you're a valuable, respected and popular Forum member, it's inevitable that at some time on every forum, people will disagree. As long as the disagreement is kept at a debate level and doesn't get personal, that's ok.

If you felt I was unfair to you, I apologise, I didn't mean to be.

I was just saying things how I saw them.

And it's your round, my glass is empty...

Well said :nod:
PotGuy said:
Haha flops thanks for completely destroying me.

Don't worry PG :thumb:
I'm planning on going back to Varsity & training as a lawyer after the last 'spirited debate' I had with flops, although that was on a somewhate less regulated forum than this :rolleyes:
So long as you can keep your sense of humor, not take it personally, & leave it in the thread when you go then it's all just in fun. One of the best things about this forum is that we all have very different, & sometimes even opposing veiws
& yet we accept each other at face value & don't try to change each other.
Just because someone might disagree with you on something
(& no one agrees with another person 100%)
doesn't mean that they don't respect or like you
& you definitely do raise some very valid points.

I have long thought that making our playgrounds 'safe' was one of the worst things we ever did to our children.
Asides from removing much of the fun,
however much we might want to protect our children
childhood is about taking risks
it is one of the ways that we learn how to handle the challenges that adulthood will throw at us.
It amazes me sometimes that I managed to survive my own childhood when I think about some of the things I got up to.
But I also learned about consequences
& how to find the courage to do the things that terrified me
How to say no even when my mates were making fun
How to find my self respect again when I did 'give in'
How to handle it when I missed, lost or failed.
& when i won (a bad winner is even worse than a bad loser)
And how to hide it when I was hurting.
All without ever noticing that I was learning them.

I doubt I would've survived my adulthood without those lessons behind me.
I hate to think what society's level of 'overprotection' is doing to the current generation of children.
& wonder just what we are stealing from them.
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floppybootstomp said:
And it's your round, my glass is empty...

So is my wallet :D

Don't worry flops I know its nothing personal, its just something that I feel quite strongly about. I have had an absolutely appaling hangover today which didn't help, so I apologise too. Went to bed at 6 this morning, got up at 7, walked 2 miles home and have been at work all day, so my glass has been very much half empty today.

Right then, so lets call an end to this particular debate, and I'll make sure you have many glasses that are very full indeed... ;)
cirianz said:
Don't worry PG :thumb:
I'm planning on going back to Varsity & training as a lawyer after the last 'spirited debate' I had with flops, although that was on a somewhate less regulated forum than this :rolleyes:
So long as you can keep your sense of humor, not take it personally, & leave it in the thread when you go then it's all just in fun. One of the best things about this forum is that we all have very different, & sometimes even opposing veiws
& yet we accept each other at face value & don't try to change each other.
Just because someone might disagree with you on something
(& no one agrees with another person 100%)
doesn't mean that they don't respect or like you
& you definitely do raise some very valid points.
I have long thought that making our playgrounds 'safe' was one of the worst things we ever did to our children.
Asides from removing much of the fun,
however much we might want to protect our children
childhood is about taking risks
it is one of the ways that we learn how to handle the challenges that adulthood will throw at us.
It amazes me sometimes that I managed to survive my own childhood when I think about some of the things I got up to.
But I also learned about consequences
& how to find the courage to do the things that terrified me
How to say no even when my mates were making fun
How to handle it when I missed, lost or failed.
& when i won (a bad winner is even worse than a bad loser)
And how to hide it when I was hurting.

I doubt I would've survived my adulthood without those lessons behind me.
I hate to think what society's level of 'overprotection' is doing to the current generation of children.
& wonder just what we are stealing from them.

Cheers cirianz, but I'm way ahead of you. I'm already on the plane and halfway out the country ;)

That is a very insightful paragraph. Well said.