UK National Anthem - your favourite?

Apr 13, 2003
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What do people think of the UK National Anthem?

My own personal view is that it is awful and it makes me cringe every time I hear it. I think it is a dreary dirge and - correct me if I am wrong - it must be the only national anthem in the world about the country's ruler, rather than the country itself. It is so awful that few people even know all the words past the first verse.

I can certainly see why many commonwealth country's have (or would like to) dumped it.

What is your favourite national anthem and what would you like to see replace the UK anthem?

I love 'Flower of Scotland' and the South Africain National Anthem.

I cannot think of a suitable replacement for 'God Save the Queen' but I would love to see a modern up to date replacement.
I only know the American and German ones :o

The American one ain't too bad, especially the Jimi Hendrix version, but from what I remember nearly all National Anthems I've heard are a bit rubbish.
I'll let you English all fight it out amongst yourselves ... the 'Flower of Scotland' is the National anthem for Scotland ... that will do me. ;)

mucks goes off singing ...

O Flower of Scotland,
When will we see your like again
That fought and died for
Your wee bit hill and glen.
And stood against him,
Proud Edward's army,
And sent him homeward
Tae think again.


better watch out this don't turn in to a political debate. :lol:

muckshifter said:
I'll let you English all fight it out amongst yourselves ... the 'Flower of Scotland' is the National anthem for Scotland ... that will do me. ;)

mucks goes off singing ...

O Flower of Scotland,
When will we see your like again
That fought and died for
Your wee bit hill and glen.
And stood against him,
Proud Edward's army,
And sent him homeward
Tae think again.



Even better when accompanied by drums and bagpipes. :wave: Makes me want to be a Scot. :D
cguil_uk said:
I love 'Flower of Scotland' and the South Africain National Anthem.

I cannot think of a suitable replacement for 'God Save the Queen' but I would love to see a modern up to date replacement.

Thinking about it, the Lyrics of the SA Anthem represent the 5 main languages of the 11 official languages in that country. Xhosa, Zulu, Sesotho, Afrikaans, and English

Would it be nice to have something along those lines - An anthem about the UK in Gaelic (Welsh, Scottish, Irish (Cornish?)) & English?
I don't know,
I quite like our national anthem (New Zealands that is)
("Ka mate Ka mate Ka Ora Ka ora"
Oh... You mean that "God defend New Zealand one..." :o )
as far as anthems go anyway
But personally I think that it is often the music rather than the words that make or break a national anthem.
& I'd have to say that, the song that stirs my pride in my British heritage the most is 'rule Brittania'
A very powerful song, with very powerful music.

'Brittons never never never will be slaves'

Yeah ;)
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I love ours

and i also like Canada`s

but then again i may be biased to geddy :p
Ciri took the words out of my mouth...

Our national Anthem should be Rule Brittania....Full stop..And I think one day that will be true...
cirianz said:
I don't know,
I quite like our national anthem (New Zealands that is)
("Ka mate Ka mate Ka Ora Ka ora"
Oh... You mean that "God defend New Zealand one..." :o )
as far as anthems go anyway
But personally I think that it is often the music rather than the words that make or break a national anthem.
& I'd have to say that, the song that stirs my pride in my British heritage the most is 'rule Brittania'
A very powerful song, with very powerful music.

'Brittons never never never will be slaves'

Yeah ;)

mmmm! not to sure about Rule Brittania, it tends to hark back to when we had an empire and the Royal Navy was a force to be reckoned with. Not exactly true now.

We need something that is modern, up to date, with music and lyrics to revitalise our pride as a nation.

I totally agree with you when you say "that it is often the music rather than the words that make or break a national anthem". Perhaps it would be better to "Jazz up" the music for God Save the Queen.
cguil_uk said:
Would it be nice to have something along those lines - An anthem about the UK in Gaelic (Welsh, Scottish, Irish (Cornish?)) & English?
A great nation the Cornish, Mrs Exmoor is one and a mighty fine one at that!;)
England should use the theme tune from The Archers. Scotland should use Scots Wha Hey. as for the UK, well that could be a moot point soon ;o)
Flower of Scotland is certainly the best tune......and Mucks was certainly in very good voice when he sang that chorus for us ;) It might be good if the English and Welsh anethems had a bit more "go" in them - maybe the theme from "Rocky" - it starts with its own built-in fanfare, after all :cool:
cguil_uk said:
Perhaps it would be better to "Jazz up" the music for God Save the Queen.


Thank you for that wonderful visual/audio image :nod:
I'm still smiling :lol:
Personally I love our National anthem. It is known all round the world, and it harks back to a time when we were not slaves to the Health and Safety Executive and were able to be strong and decisive, and not start illegal wars pointlessly.

Then again, I am slightly more right wing than I'd like to be.

I love this country. I loathe the government, the way it is run and even some of the people, but it is still my homeland.

And I think that being proud to be british is becoming dangerously close to being illegal.

But I digress.

I think it is good simply because it is so widely recognised by other countries. I bet it is one of the most recognised in the world.

Maybe the Queen and 50 Cent could...'jazz it up'...
I'm going to step out on a limb here, and comment.

Potguy has expressed a view which is common to lots of people in the UK, and I think a lot of them are mistaken.

PotGuy said:
Personally I love our National anthem. It is known all round the world, and it harks back to a time when we were not slaves to the Health and Safety Executive and were able to be strong and decisive, and not start illegal wars pointlessly.

Alright, I agree that H & E Exec do take things a little too far but because of them there are far fewer deaths in the construction industry, and associated industries, for that matter.

Health & Safety rules were not started for the sake of it, there was good reasoning behind their formation - namely, the protection of the working class man, which, I figure, is most of us here on this forum.

Asbestos, anybody?

I don't understand the phrase 'Start illegal wars pointlessly'

The UK sure as hell have started a lot of wars, lol, whether they were illegal or not depends on whose guidelines you're following.

Then again, I am slightly more right wing than I'd like to be.

I've been left wing all my life but the older I get the more I start to sympathise with right wing views, which I find extremely sad.

I do believe, PotGuy. you're young, which, thinking about it, makes you even sadder than me. To be warped and twisted at such a tender age is very sad indeed.

I love this country. I loathe the government, the way it is run and even some of the people, but it is still my homeland.

This is our homeland, I also love this country, I also embrace everybody here who is for us, those who are here and would have us convert to their own religion/politics/lifestyle/sympathise with 9/11 - I detest.

Those who embrace being British, from whatever culture, creed, country of origin, ethnic background or whatever, I welcome you and know (hope) you'd fight for the Union Jack should the need arise.

I know many of you will.

I know that many peope with a different skin colour to my own, and those living in a different part of the world to me, fought alongside us in WW2.

Never forget that

And I think that being proud to be british is becoming dangerously close to being illegal.

Bullsh*t - Daily Mail propaganda. Open your eyes.

But I digress.

You sure do :)

I think it is good simply because it is so widely recognised by other countries. I bet it is one of the most recognised in the world.

You been all round the world then? I think the tune's a pile of cack myself, all it reminds me of is going to the cinema in the 60's and having to stand up at the end of the show :lol:

Maybe the Queen and 50 Cent could...'jazz it up'...

Nah, let it die.

And yes, Britain ain't perfect, but for all the slack immigration rules, for all the people here who obviously don't want to embrace our culture, and yes, it p****s me off as well - it is still a much better place than many others in this world.

I really do love this place and I really do love most of it's people.

Maybe I'm grim, but that is honestly how I feel.

People is people - don't judge til you know those people.
Have to agree Flops,
wasn't going to say anything but yes.
And there are those of us way down the bottom of the planet who've never even been to the country who are proud of our British heritage & proud to be a part of the commonwealth, however loosely Politics might define that nowadays.
There are those out there who waffle on about how NZ really ought to follow in Australia's footsteps & think about becoming a republic.
But Britain has always 'seen us right' as an ally,
& given us credit for what contributions we've made,
for example in WW1 & 2,
despite the fact that, in real terms we are a tiny country, & in manpower alone, even today we number barely 4Million.
&, Bottom line,
Whatever you think about Britain's current govt,
& Military policies.
Brittain is still a powerful ally
& a force to be reckoned with.
There was a saying I heard once that, when Japan Bombed pearl harbour they 'woke the sleeping giant'
Nowadays, I think, that people look at a very large superpower
& see the British govt as America's lapdog.
& They forget that, the spirit that kept one very small island fighting it's way through two world wars without ever giving up, is still alive & kicking today. Immigration may have Britain evolving & changing, I know it scares me when I see it happening over here, But Britain has been taking in & absorbing cultures for millenium now. Surface things might change. But underneath it all we are still a bunch of stubborn b*ggas who will fight to the death, when someone steps over the line, to protect what we believe in. & to protect those we care about.

Britons never never never shall be slaves.
This is a laugh-a-minute thread. If people all over the world recognize your anthem it's probably because you attacked them and enslaved them. You're welcome to it.
Oh... as an aside... on the theme of Jazzing things up... :rolleyes:

we were driving home tonight listening to Booker T & the MG's playing 'green onions' & I couldn't help running the words to 'God save the Queen' through to it...

Works for me :nod: :lol: