I remember, a few years back (b4 I met John) when it was winter & my daughter's father was picking her up on his way to work & dropping her off at school because the cold was giving her asthma attacks.
The govt of the time was running a "turn in the solo-parent benefit fraudster" 'neighbourhood watch' type thing. Someone obviously reported me, presumably on grounds that there was a bloke in a car leaving my place each (school) morning.
For over 2 weeks I had a couple of WINZ (Work & Income NZ - our version of social welfare) spys sitting outside my house (well a neighbour's house up or down the road)... in varying different cars... 24/7 on some sort of rotating shift. I think they thought they were being subtle & No one would ever spot them but they stood out like they had a neon sign on top the cars.
Tell you what though, it was real creepy. Made me feel guilty even though I was doing nothing wrong. Eventually they figured that as well & went away, but it was an extreemly unpleasant experience. & I couldn't help looking at my neighbours sideways after that either.