Yes I have seen one, [UFO] unidentified flying object, first off my next-door neighbour told me she and her husband had seen one, I thought she is having me on [Aug1978], thought no more about it until, a few nights later coming home at about 11.30 PM, drove up my drive and there it was [Google earth] go to SA5 4RS you will see to the right of that address there is a large open space that is where it was >on getting out of my car I froze to the spot, and I mean froze I could not move a muscle, just stood staring at the thing in front of me, it just hovered in front and above me, then after about 4/5 mins it started to move away slowly at first with a light shining like a torch beam to the ground, honestly I could see it but not able to move myself but just staring at it, then it felt like I was being lifted of the ground as the object gathered speed and pulled away like nothing I had ever witnessed before or since, no I was not afraid it was quite an experience. Yes I do believe there must be life elsewhere, it is a BIG universe and those who think we are the only beings in it are mistaken.