Ubuntu- not as advertised



kcaj said:
On Sat, 25 Mar 2006 11:19:43 -0500, "Mark Warner"

Mepis is in the process of using Ubuntu instead of pure Debian.
The new version based on Ubuntu was just released.

Actually that "Mepis 6.0 experimental" is only a testversion, not a
release. And it's not publicly available (yet). When it will be
released it'll probably be a much improved "(K)Ubuntu-on-steroids": an
ideal linux-distro for (english-language) newbies and seasoned
linux-users alike. Livecd, nice GUI installer, nicely pre-configured
and a good selection of applications, all right out-of-the-box.



Mark said:
Being a Windows guru can be more hindrance than help. Linuxland is a
different country than Gatesistan, with a different culture and a
different language. What your friend might know about Windows won't
apply to much of anything. In Linuxland, he'll be just another newb.
That's not the fault of him or Linux; it's just the way it is.

There's nothing wrong with Ubuntu, it just didn't meet his expectations.
If he wants something that acts more like Windows than Ubuntu, he's
probably going to be disappointed. There are distributions that attempt
to *be* Windows (Linspire and Xandros come immediately to mind); maybe
one of those would be more to his liking.

If he wants a Windows-like GUI, but in a distro that isn't trying to
*be* Windows, I still recommend Simply MEPIS 3.4-3. When you get to the
partitioning part of the install, be sure to chose the custom/advanced
mode, and make 100% sure you point the install to the correct partition.
Additionally, when prompted, make sure you allow MEPIS to install GrUB
to the MBR on the boot partition -- presumably hda1 (hd0,0).

Unfortunately, doing any of this with any distro on a dialup account is
going to be frustrating, if not impossible. Check out the services on
http://www.linuxcd.org ; at least there you can get the install disks
for peanuts. Even if you get the base install disk, most distros will
prefer a fast connection to get packages and updates. And Linux still
has problems with a lot of internal modems ("winmodems") -- that's the
fault of the modem makers not making Linux compatible drivers, not the
fault of Linux. An external serial or usb modem is the way to go.

Linux is Not Windows: http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm

Thanks, Mark. I will see what's on that site.

Mike Sa

Mark Warner

oblio said:
Actually that "Mepis 6.0 experimental" is only a testversion, not a
release. And it's not publicly available (yet). When it will be
released it'll probably be a much improved "(K)Ubuntu-on-steroids":
an ideal linux-distro for (english-language) newbies and seasoned
linux-users alike. Livecd, nice GUI installer, nicely pre-configured
and a good selection of applications, all right out-of-the-box.

That's how I would describe SimplyMEPIS right now.

I got my hands on the Dapper-based experimental iso last night and
installed it on a spare partition. Fast (15 minutes) and flawless
installation, as usual. Identical in form and function to the current
v3.4-3. Some differences under-the-hood that wouldn't be apparent to
anyone that didn't know where and what to look for. Still some rough
edges, but you must remember it's experimental and based on a beta.

From my admittedly shallow and unsophisticated understanding, Warren
Woodford is essentially a one man band, who has been building this
distro from a Debian Sarge base. This means there has to be a *lot* of
work done to bring it up to "current" standards. Basing it on Ubuntu
Dapper will mean he is building on a much more current base, allowing
him to concentrate his efforts on making the finished product as good
and as polished as is humanly possible.


Yes I know that.. tell it to smarty pants craig that calles me
off topic.

Disclaimer: This info is given "as is".
If you do not like the content or attitude of my posts,
please put me on your ignore list or dont read my posts.



ubuntu live is free..... download it and try

Disclaimer: This info is given "as is".
If you do not like the content or attitude of my posts,
please put me on your ignore list or dont read my posts.



correction.. I mean Linspire Live is free

Disclaimer: This info is given "as is".
If you do not like the content or attitude of my posts,
please put me on your ignore list or dont read my posts.



Mark said:
ms wrote:
If he wants a Windows-like GUI, but in a distro that isn't trying to
*be* Windows, I still recommend Simply MEPIS 3.4-3. When you get to the
partitioning part of the install, be sure to chose the custom/advanced
mode, and make 100% sure you point the install to the correct partition.
Additionally, when prompted, make sure you allow MEPIS to install GrUB
to the MBR on the boot partition -- presumably hda1 (hd0,0).

Unfortunately, doing any of this with any distro on a dialup account is
going to be frustrating, if not impossible. Check out the services on
http://www.linuxcd.org ; at least there you can get the install disks
for peanuts. Even if you get the base install disk, most distros will
prefer a fast connection to get packages and updates. And Linux still
has problems with a lot of internal modems ("winmodems") -- that's the
fault of the modem makers not making Linux compatible drivers, not the
fault of Linux. An external serial or usb modem is the way to go.

Linux is Not Windows: http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm

There are a large number of shades of Linux on that site. I did not see
Simply MEPIS there.

Mike Sa


john said:
Yes I know that.. tell it to smarty pants craig that calles me
off topic.

How *dare* you impugn my pants!

<pistols at dawn, behind the Dairy Queen>


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