ubuntu: more doomed than ever...

  • Thread starter Thread starter Frank
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Bill said:
50 million downloads 200 users...HA!

u butu!

I think where Alias got that 50 million number was when AO-HELL sent out 50
million CD's to people, someone put a copy of Ubuntu on the CD. I used the
CD as a coaster for awhile, now I don't get bothered by AO-HELL anymore.
Bob Campbell said:
The comments after the article are hilarious, typical Linux Loony drivel -
"Use another distro!"

Of if the twit went to Dell's web site, he would find it might be a bios
issue and Dell is working on it. Or is in at least with many models they

My suspend on my Aspire suspends OK, but will not wakeup. Including Vista.
Go figure.
Alias said:
Like I said ... but you weren't expected to understand, just react
exactly the way you did.


Hell, I don't even need a leash to keep you in check...LOL!
Alias said:
Vista is one of the best things that ever happened to Ubuntu.

If you can call getting the sh*t beaten out of you as "best", then I agree!
No, Frank, I don't lie.

Give it up loser...you're a known and admitted liar, thief, spammer,
troll and a bigoted atheist.
IOW's, a real vile POS excuse for a human being.
You did it pal, so just accept what you've done and live with it.
That is your persona.
ray said:

I thought this was an MS vista group, not Ubuntu Linux. But then frankie
hardly has a grasp on reality.

Indeed it is. So exactly WHY are YOU here ray?
Canuck57 said:
Of if the twit went to Dell's web site, he would find it might be a bios
issue and Dell is working on it. Or is in at least with many models they

My suspend on my Aspire suspends OK, but will not wakeup. Including
Vista. Go figure.

Funny. I have not had ANY issues on my Aspire. So exactly what are you doing
hehehe...what's wrong ray...paybacks such a bit*h huh?...LOL! Frank

What 'paybacks' would that be frankie? I simply commented that I thought
this NG wos for vista issues, but I guess that's a difficult concept for
you to grasp.
ray said:
What 'paybacks' would that be frankie? I simply commented that I thought
this NG wos for vista issues, but I guess that's a difficult concept for
you to grasp.

You're either naive or stupid or both...LOL!
ray said:
To help folks out on issues where I can. Also because I find it rather

And exactly WHERE have you helped others than to spout your smacktard
rhetoric? You even get called down for the crap in the other group you and I
frequent. IF you want to help great. But until you actually DO, you remain
just another smacktard like Alias, and the others.