Chad Harris
Read my lips Albright. I'm not in charge of any newsgroup. I've
participated in them for years. But I rarely see threads that have nothing
to do with the newsgroup on any of the hundreds of MSFT groups. This group
became an exception the day that MSFT began selling Vista in stores.
One of the reasons is that the masses, most of whom couldn't work the 5
second wizard to configure OE for groups, because they couldn't figure out
what to type for incoming and outgoing mail and were too lazy to google "OE
newsgroups" now are too lazy to use the easier pathway.
They are also too lazy to figure out how to search for newsgroups by putting
vista in the search interface and reading the list of groups and putting
their issue in the appropriate group.
There is no reason whatsoever to dump issues unrelated to setup in this
group and it distracts from the title and purpose of the group.
If you choose to distort this as an authority issue, it's easy to understand
that many things in your life revolve about the authority you perceive you
don't have.
I've said explicitly, I'm not trying to run anything, but I will piont out
when someone posts a totally unrelated message to put it in the right group.
If a answers start popping up in groups they have nothing to do with, it
impairs the ability of people to search a particular group for an answer
before they post, something the masses are apparently too lazy to do. These
are the same people that could easily get their answer but refuse to read
Help and Support and search it.
How dumb does someone have to be to dump off topic issues into a setup group
when there are a dozen or so more groups for them?
participated in them for years. But I rarely see threads that have nothing
to do with the newsgroup on any of the hundreds of MSFT groups. This group
became an exception the day that MSFT began selling Vista in stores.
One of the reasons is that the masses, most of whom couldn't work the 5
second wizard to configure OE for groups, because they couldn't figure out
what to type for incoming and outgoing mail and were too lazy to google "OE
newsgroups" now are too lazy to use the easier pathway.
They are also too lazy to figure out how to search for newsgroups by putting
vista in the search interface and reading the list of groups and putting
their issue in the appropriate group.
There is no reason whatsoever to dump issues unrelated to setup in this
group and it distracts from the title and purpose of the group.
If you choose to distort this as an authority issue, it's easy to understand
that many things in your life revolve about the authority you perceive you
don't have.
I've said explicitly, I'm not trying to run anything, but I will piont out
when someone posts a totally unrelated message to put it in the right group.
If a answers start popping up in groups they have nothing to do with, it
impairs the ability of people to search a particular group for an answer
before they post, something the masses are apparently too lazy to do. These
are the same people that could easily get their answer but refuse to read
Help and Support and search it.
How dumb does someone have to be to dump off topic issues into a setup group
when there are a dozen or so more groups for them?